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Speedway Museum - A Must See


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In echoing other posts I can fully reccomend a visit. The building is absolutely packed to the rafters from floor to ceiling with so much amazing speedway memorbilia: 'amazing' is such an over-used word these days but it definately applies here. For various reasons I was only able to spend 30-40 mins looking round when at the very least an hour needs to be put aside. Bikes (2 Mauger machines), race bibs - many framed (at least 1 Hull), leathers, kevlars, posters, the Wembley display, the late 'Simon Wigg Collection' etc, etc, so much to see, and fill in visual clues in the speedway memory bank of riders and teams of not only yesteryear but also current riders, there being some Jason Crump items also.


I was shown round by a very pleasant chap, a Teeside Tigers fan - I forget his name, and he told me they have so many more items to display that they could change nearly the displays regularly if they so wished. Most of the current speedway books were on sale together with old Speedway Stars, programmes, model riders, greetings cards, model bikes and a few mugs I recall.


The Paradise WIldlife Park is also to be reccomended with talks and animal ability displays and look out for the scale-corrected 'Animal Olympics' 100m video race between various creatures from insects to the cheetah; not telling who wins. It's almost worth it just for the animal race, LOL!


Really a full day needs putting aside to visit the speedway museum, look at the animals then return to the museum for another look to pick up things you missed on your first lap, then visit Rye House Speedway which is literally just down the road. The museum is of course situated in the PWP which is clearly signposted off the A10 on the way to Rye House, entry is £16 with the museum effectively free. Ask about the speedway musuem on entering the park as it isn't open all of the time but they will happily open it up for you. A defo must see for any speedway fan....

Edited by Martin Mauger
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Glad that you enjoyed your visit to the Speedway Museum and the Wildlife Park, Martin. It is a great day out for all the family.


We have some special events coming up and on Sunday 18th July, Barry Briggs will be there from 11am signing his new book and collecting for the fund for our wheelchair-bound riders.

Barry will be happy to talk about his charity ride, sign books or pose for photographs, so why not come along and meet this true Speedway Legend.


On Saturday 14th August, we have the Ivan Mauger Book Signing and BBQ. It runs from 12noon till 2pm then Ivan moves on to Rye House Speedway in the evening.


In between these book signings by World Champions, we have 'An Evening At The Mueseum BBQ', on Thursday 5th August from 5pm -9pm. Cost is £15 which includes BBQ and you can arrive early and tour the Wildlife Park to work up an appetite.

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  • 8 months later...

How long would you allow to see everything?

A good couple of hours, then have a walk around the park, good idea anyway, then return to see what you missed first time around; there is so much to take in....

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  • 7 months later...
  • 10 years later...
On 7/12/2010 at 3:52 PM, martinmauger said:

In echoing other posts I can fully reccomend a visit. The building is absolutely packed to the rafters from floor to ceiling with so much amazing speedway memorbilia: 'amazing' is such an over-used word these days but it definately applies here. For various reasons I was only able to spend 30-40 mins looking round when at the very least an hour needs to be put aside. Bikes (2 Mauger machines), race bibs - many framed (at least 1 Hull), leathers, kevlars, posters, the Wembley display, the late 'Simon Wigg Collection' etc, etc, so much to see, and fill in visual clues in the speedway memory bank of riders and teams of not only yesteryear but also current riders, there being some Jason Crump items also.


I was shown round by a very pleasant chap, a Teeside Tigers fan - I forget his name, and he told me they have so many more items to display that they could change nearly the displays regularly if they so wished. Most of the current speedway books were on sale together with old Speedway Stars, programmes, model riders, greetings cards, model bikes and a few mugs I recall.


The Paradise WIldlife Park is also to be reccomended with talks and animal ability displays and look out for the scale-corrected 'Animal Olympics' 100m video race between various creatures from insects to the cheetah; not telling who wins. It's almost worth it just for the animal race, LOL!


Really a full day needs putting aside to visit the speedway museum, look at the animals then return to the museum for another look to pick up things you missed on your first lap, then visit Rye House Speedway which is literally just down the road. The museum is of course situated in the PWP which is clearly signposted off the A10 on the way to Rye House, entry is £16 with the museum effectively free. Ask about the speedway musuem on entering the park as it isn't open all of the time but they will happily open it up for you. A defo must see for any speedway fan....

I know the quote is some 12 years old! For all that can anyone give an update in regard to present museum actvities? Thank you.

Edited by Guest
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1 hour ago, JohnHyam said:

I know the quote is some 12 years old! For all that can anyone give an update in regard to present museum actvities? Thank you.


This might help. Someone posted it recently in the Years Gone By topic.

Edited by norbold
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15 hours ago, norbold said:


This might help. Someone posted it recently in the Years Gone By topic.

Well, I checked it out, and under "Requests for Help", it said they wanted info on Charles "Ballisent". Underneath that, it said they wanted info on Charles "Bellisent". Which one is correct, or could it be Charles "Bullisent"?

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