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Do Infants Under 3 Need A Ticket At Cardiff ?

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  On 7/7/2010 at 10:46 AM, manchesterpaul said:
That can translate into as much as a 20-decibel difference between adult and infant ears; thus, infant ears can be damaged more easily than adults' hearing.

Thats a stupid statement that makes no sense. Anyone who understand how dB are read will know why, those that don't, read up on it. It's not like the volume on your tele that at 10 is twice as loud as 5, you CANNOT add X dB to Y dB and get X+Y dB.

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Frome HSE.gov :


" You might just notice a 3 dB change in noise level, because of the way our ears work. Yet every 3 dB doubles the noise, so what might seem like small differences in the numbers can be quite significant."


As I recall the Db scale is logarithmic so SCB is correct in the X + Y analogy.


Two years ago a couple in front of us had a very small kid with a proper set of ear protectors on - yet when the noise got loud they would whip the protectors of the kid so the kid could hear how loud it was.... kinda defeated the object eh ?


I had my ears ringing from cardiff in 08 on the Saturday followed by going to the My Bloody Valentine gig in Manchester the following night (including a prolonged white noise spell during 'You make me realise') - my head was buzzing for days

Edited by paulr
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  On 7/7/2010 at 10:46 AM, manchesterpaul said:


That can translate into as much as a 20-decibel difference between adult and infant ears; thus, infant ears can be damaged more easily than adults' hearing.



  On 7/7/2010 at 7:23 PM, SCB said:

Thats a stupid statement that makes no sense. Anyone who understand how dB are read will know why, those that don't, read up on it. It's not like the volume on your tele that at 10 is twice as loud as 5, you CANNOT add X dB to Y dB and get X+Y dB.


Geez! don't shoot the messenger!


The quote was taken from a medical site on the topic of damaged hearing and deafness. The clue to how it should be taken is the word 'translate' i would suggest that means they were trying to describe the difference from a scale that a layman could compare as opposed to an audio engineer.


I take it that you are ok with my explanation to the following question that was put?


'My tv surround sound is measured in decibels and is currently on -28db....


Have just turned it up to 0 .... mate that was loud so am not understanding the decibel table.....'


My answer being.....


'Because Hi-Fi, TV's etc. are graduated in decibels below the nominal maximum output, which is 0dB of attenuation'

Edited by manchesterpaul
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I bey you wished you'd never bloody asked now!!...personally i couldnt hink of anything more stressful than taking little ones to Cardiff...bad enough taking my boy and he's 14 lol...my little girl is 4 but ive never taken her...too fidgety and impatient to sit there plus you cant drink either...and when it comes to this particular meeting i need a drink or two and i will be doing exactly that...in the comfort and relative peace of my own front room this year!!

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We took our 15 month old last year and he slept through the whole meeting nearly, the rest of it he was good as gold, never cried or moaned once. We bought tickets for the non airhorn zone and got them on the 3rd tier so if he did kick off then at least we could move seats so as not spoil someone elses enjoyment. We purchased some of these ear protectors http://www.sportsman...+(GMK93412%2B)/ which he never took off once, they were superb. It's just common sense really.


We won't be there this year as my wife is due to give birth any day now but we will be there next year without doubt!

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