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Plymouth V Rye Frid 25th June


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Hope to see you down at the sba on friday Torpointfanatic, then you can say all this to my face, has i said before you talk a load of crap, i think if you look on the Devils site you will see im no blinkered, far from it, i have made the decision to back the team at Plymouth, thats my decision, its that or not go, and when i go to the meetings on fridays i talk to all the riders home and away, i dont agree with a lot of the things that go on at the club, but thats just my opinion, and one of my favorite riders do not ride for the Devils, but he will be their on friday and i will have a chat to him, Mike Bowden did make promises he did not keep but instead of moaning all the time about it try supporting the team, if not go and support someone else if your only going to say that teams could have won with a bit of luck when they come down, i know you like Kyle, i do to, but dont say he had bad luck when you are the only one to think he did, you are not the one to make decisions in a speedway meeting, you only have your opinion, that do not meen its a fact, just an opinion, i think Marc Owen was the best rider in the meeting, but thats just my opinion, your right i do know Mike Bowden but that has not stopped me from telling him to his face what i think, why dont you try that instead you hide behind this forum, i have a word for people like you gutless.


LOL! I give up!

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Hope to see you down at the sba on friday Torpointfanatic, then you can say all this to my face, has i said before you talk a load of crap,


I was thinking of going along Friday to watch the speedway with my young children.

Maybe i won't if there is going to be things going on like the above. there was me thinking it was speedway NOT football :rolleyes:

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you like Kyle, i do to, but dont say he had bad luck when you are the only one to think he did, you are not the one to make decisions in a speedway meeting, you only have your opinion, that do not meen its a fact, just an opinion.


How amusing, so let me get this straight, Torpoint was the only fan in the whole stadium who thought Kyle was unlucky and to top it off you are saying you are entitled to an opinion but Torpoint isn't... How amusing.

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RocketBen you are the biggest comedian on the site, in a meeting you can pick up a lot of times you think a rider was unlucky, when the Plymouth team lost against the IofW, you could say losing Jamie Pichard early in the meeting was unlucky because at the time he was riding well, and that cost the meeting, and you could say in a lot of meeting at Rye House that in some heats a rider was unlucky, but thats in the nature of the sport, i could say that some Plymouth riders were unlucky in the meeting, but i wont, because it would only be my opinion, and in my opinion and the people around me did not think Kyle was unlucky,he got out of shape going into bend one in heat 13 and that was that, in heat 15 the man in charge said he did not get second place,you can believe who you like in this matter, but being a Rye House supporter you have taken Torpointfanatics word, i can live with that, but if he wants to say the things he has said, let him say it to me on friday if he goes to the meeting, and i dont say that in a bad way because i agree with most things he says about promises made, and having older riders in the team, when we should be giving young riders a chance, but when i say it, i say it to the person who it concerns, Mike Bowden, thats all im saying, anyway it was a good meeting on friday, Rye House have a good side, and i think they have a better chance than Plymouth to make the play-offs, in Marc Owen they have good improveing rider, and only Mark Simmonds could handle him on friday, thats my rant over.

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Oh this just gets better and better! You just don't know when to draw the line Roger. Remind me to bring you a spade when I next visit the SBA, the size of the hole you are currently digging yourself, your one must be getting pretty worn now.


To top it all off you have put a prospective paying customer against the idea of visiting the SBA due to your threatening post towards torpoint... Well done.

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I just tell it like it is joker, your another one who hides behind this site, i said come and say it to my face, i did not threaten him, and maybe the next time you come down we could have a little chat, or do you think that is a threat, i go the sba with my seven year old grandson on fridays and i talk to loads of people, i dont threaten people, if Torpointfanatic wants to have a talk face to face thats ok by me,you can look into what you like, its not a threat you muppet, and bring a spade next time you come to the sba, thats if you can lift one little man.

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I just tell it like it is joker, your another one who hides behind this site, i said come and say it to my face, i did not threaten him, and maybe the next time you come down we could have a little chat, or do you think that is a threat, i go the sba with my seven year old grandson on fridays and i talk to loads of people, i dont threaten people, if Torpointfanatic wants to have a talk face to face thats ok by me,you can look into what you like, its not a threat you muppet, and bring a spade next time you come to the sba, thats if you can lift one little man.


That's it, keep on digging Roger. It'd be wise of you to notice that throughout this discussion I have remained totally neutral. However I take exception to abuse and what could be perceived as threatening behaviour, especially towards someone who has done nothing to merit that kind of treatment. As for hiding behind the site that is a falsity, many members here know who I am, you simply know nothing about me so have resorted to cliched replies such as 'you hide behind your keyboard.' The bit in bold at the end is also classed as personal abuse, remember the rules. 'Attack the post, not the poster.'

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And what have you been doing, you have not been attacking me, who was the one to mention spade, i suppose that was me, you attack me and i will attack you, every past i see of yours i will attack it if i dont agree with it, is that fair, i will just attack the post.


No, name calling is abuse, picking your posts apart if I don't agree with them is perfectly acceptable. You keep digging away ;)

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I just tell it like it is joker, your another one who hides behind this site, i said come and say it to my face, i did not threaten him, and maybe the next time you come down we could have a little chat, or do you think that is a threat, i go the sba with my seven year old grandson on fridays and i talk to loads of people, i dont threaten people, if Torpointfanatic wants to have a talk face to face thats ok by me,you can look into what you like, its not a threat you muppet, and bring a spade next time you come to the sba, thats if you can lift one little man.

Someone's got the hump :lol:

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If you say so, wasn't any threat in it, your the one who said about care, and your the one who keeps talking about threats.


Cares about my posts, not me personally... You do make me laugh, Trying to twist my words and failing miserably. That holes pretty deep now, could line it and fill it with water, have a nice artifical lake to calm down in front of ;)

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just a quick post from a speedway fan who watches the devils regularly,we are not all as as self opinionated as mr martin and respect the opinions of others i know who mr martin is and choose not to speak to him for obvious reasons nothing to do with hiding behind a keyboard i can assure you

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