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2010 Premier League Pairs

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Ah another Ryan Fisher lover comes out the works,and from Birmingham of all places-quelle surprise! :rolleyes::D Still rather have the Fish in my team faults included.Unlike some riders he is worth the price of admission most meetings.The pairs is pretty much a diddy competition these days anyway.Saying that though- well done to Wee Josh and Steve Mac Donald on their unexpected victory


Ask your travelling supporters what they thought of it then. :rolleyes:

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Ask your travelling supporters what they thought of it then. :rolleyes:

i'm sure they were fed up Bluejam,but would all of them still have him in oor team?I can't speak for them..but i would say AYE!All riders have nightmare meetings(as do us long suffering fans sometimes!)but the good/great ones far outweigh the bad :D 'Mon the Fish! :lol:

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This was not a bad meeting at all unless of course you were a Monarchs' fan.


Frankly Edinburgh were an embarrassment.


We were last to arrive although Kevin could hardly be blamed for the road accident which prevented him getting to the track until just minutes before the parade which left him unsettled and flustered all evening. Then we were the only team with a rider not wearing a race jacket - it looked terrible although I gather Ryan thought that they would be supplied. Clearly nobody else thought that.


AS far as the racing went we needn't have bothered turning up. All we managed were two second places when Fisher beat McGowan in heat 6 benind Grajczonek and Wolbert beat Ashworth in heat 18 behind Auty. Otherwise we were well and truly skelped.


Ryan apparently had clutch problems and Kevin was riding a specially prepared engine that was useless. He changed to his normal one for his last race when he finished in second place.


To crown it all we were the only team to track just one rider in a race when Kevin was left to go it alone in heat 18.


What a humiliation.


As for the rest well Sheffield were thoroughly deserved winners with Josh Auty absolutely sensational. What a joy it was to watch his and Ricky Ashworth's delight at winning - they could hardly stand up such was their exhiliration at winning and they made straight for their fans on the third bend to celebrate. It was enough to make you fill up.


Birmingham were unlucky when Steve Johnston suffered bike problems in the final but it made no difference to the result as Auty blew Jason Lyons away by scorching round him to join Ricky Ashworth up front.


Somerset did well to come third after losing a 2-7 in their opening ride and Glasgow too did well to make the last four.


The track was too dry and dusty for the racing to be sensational but there were enough good ones to make this one of the better pairs events.


Star of the show was undoubtedly young Josh Auty with a brilliant display the likes of which I haven't seen in a long time. His performance was worth the price of admission alone.


Glad to see a very good crowd in attendance. The track may not have been at its best but Somerset is an attractive place to hold this event. The only thing that spoils it is the road system which always seems to produce accidents on a Friday night causing long delays. There's nothing the Rebels can do about that though.


The car parking and general amenities are very good at the Oak Tree Arena although standing on a sloped grass terracing doesn't half take it out on your legs. It was an enjoyable evening and a chance to catch up on friends and acquaintances again. Ah well on to Cardiff today.

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First visit to Somerset for me and I was very impressed with the set up the Hancock family is running there. The track is excellent, a good shape, very well prepared and kept in good condition throughout. I have absolutely no idea what Young51 is going on about. One thing I picked up on was grading and watering during the meeting which was effective and speedy - helps if you've got the right equipment but this is something that other tracks could learn from (Newcastle certainly).


Facilities for supporters are also first rate and my only gripe was the lack of attendants organising getting cars out of the car park as it was chaos if you were parked anywhere near the back. To be fair there was a big crowd there last night.


As for the meeting, the Sheffield pair were outstanding and deserved winners. Ashworth gated well and was quick but Auty was absolutely sensational passing riders almost at will. Very much like watching Rene Bach on a good night at Newcastle. It's very pleasing to see such a talented young Brit but now is the time for someone to start working with this kid as if he is going to make an impact on the world stage he MUST improve his gating. Surely a Major or even someone like Kelvin Tatum should be teaching this lad how to gate. If he can overcome that the sky is the limit. He is very like Rene Bach, different styles but both poor out of the gate and both fantastic to watch. It will be very interesting to see how they both progress over the next few years as it in many ways will be comparing the Danish and English systems.


Birmingham were good as expected and unlucky in the semi-final although Auty was so good I suspect he would have found a way passed them anyway. Most of the other teams did well, with Josh Grajczonek surprising me and Chris Neath also worth mentioning after a good display. Gary Havelock should be regretting his decision to pull out as Sanchez rode very well but Wilson was poor. Redcar might have qualified had Havelock been riding. Edinburgh were absolutely dreadful with Wolbert arriving late and not at the races and Fisher woeful. Their fans were not happy.


Great start for the Diamonds but the key moment was Kenni's engine failure when comfortably third in heat 7. Lemo was squeezed out in a tough first bend against Somerset and that was that, although had Doolan held off Parker for one final bend we would still have qualified but no doubt that the best team won on the night.

Edited by NJC71
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I've seen a couple of negative comments about the track but as a neutral I thought it was absolutely fine. Merlin is probably right, on a very hot day it was probably a little dry and dusty to produce sensational racing but it was smooth and enough grip to allow plenty of passing, most around the outside of the 3rd/4th bends.


If some fans were't happy with it they are hard to please. Also thought the announcers were fine, they took a lot of grief from what appeard to be Somerset fans for the delay between the first and second running of the third place race off, but that was hardly their fault.


Personally I think Somerset is a gem of a place and a blueprint for anyone looking to build a track from scratch.

Edited by NJC71
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"Heat 13 put them in the mix with the home side Somerset who also beat the Newcastle duo 6-3 with Cory Gathercole knocking into Larsen and sending him to the rear, then passing Lemon on the last lap as Newcastle moved on to 13 points, putting them in third in the group behind Birmingham (17) and Somerset (14), the two sitting in the qualification spots."


LOL if you pick this up you've been given duff info mate. Gathercole and Larsen touched coming off the second bend which in turn blocked Lemo who ended up at the back. Lemo tried hard but couldn't pass Gathercole. Gathercole certainly didn't pass Lemo on the last lap. :unsure:

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Firstly, huge congratulations to Josh & Ricky on a well-deserved win.

But overall a very poor evening by this event's recent standards - Josh probably made as many passes as the rest of the field put together.

The announcers were dreadful with no info during the groups regarding the head-to-head tiebreaker (Somerset actually went through as soon as they got their 6-3 in heat 17 but we were told Newcastle still had a chance if they got the 7-2 they actually achieved in heat 19).

Meanwhile, the chip van on the 2nd bend was hopelessly understaffed & understocked as we queued from 6.55 to be told at 7.20 "chips will be 20 minutes".

Auty aside, our highlight's probably our driver nipping out during the 3rd/4th race to move his car for a much quicker getaway - he still saw the final & we were on the M5 six minutes after the chequered flag.


And what would you know about good announcers? :P:lol:

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This was not a bad meeting at all unless of course you were a Monarchs' fan.


Frankly Edinburgh were an embarrassment.


We were last to arrive although Kevin could hardly be blamed for the road accident which prevented him getting to the track until just minutes before the parade which left him unsettled and flustered all evening. Then we were the only team with a rider not wearing a race jacket - it looked terrible although I gather Ryan thought that they would be supplied. Clearly nobody else thought that.


AS far as the racing went we needn't have bothered turning up. All we managed were two second places when Fisher beat McGowan in heat 6 benind Grajczonek and Wolbert beat Ashworth in heat 18 behind Auty. Otherwise we were well and truly skelped.


Ryan apparently had clutch problems and Kevin was riding a specially prepared engine that was useless. He changed to his normal one for his last race when he finished in second place.


To crown it all we were the only team to track just one rider in a race when Kevin was left to go it alone in heat 18.


What a humiliation.


As for the rest well Sheffield were thoroughly deserved winners with Josh Auty absolutely sensational. What a joy it was to watch his and Ricky Ashworth's delight at winning - they could hardly stand up such was their exhiliration at winning and they made straight for their fans on the third bend to celebrate. It was enough to make you fill up.


Birmingham were unlucky when Steve Johnston suffered bike problems in the final but it made no difference to the result as Auty blew Jason Lyons away by scorching round him to join Ricky Ashworth up front.


Somerset did well to come third after losing a 2-7 in their opening ride and Glasgow too did well to make the last four.


The track was too dry and dusty for the racing to be sensational but there were enough good ones to make this one of the better pairs events.


Star of the show was undoubtedly young Josh Auty with a brilliant display the likes of which I haven't seen in a long time. His performance was worth the price of admission alone.


Glad to see a very good crowd in attendance. The track may not have been at its best but Somerset is an attractive place to hold this event. The only thing that spoils it is the road system which always seems to produce accidents on a Friday night causing long delays. There's nothing the Rebels can do about that though.


The car parking and general amenities are very good at the Oak Tree Arena although standing on a sloped grass terracing doesn't half take it out on your legs. It was an enjoyable evening and a chance to catch up on friends and acquaintances again. Ah well on to Cardiff today.


A Super 7even event and teams had to wear their own race jacket?


God forbid it being 'done properly' and making it look 'professional' with everyone getting the jacket supplied (as in the PLRC etc.)

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YES!The track does look like Porty Beach Najjer I'm afraid.It surprises me as Somerset usually is a good track,but there ya go.To be honest in my opinion the pairs are a bit of a diddy competition now.Bring back the fours competition as it was with four rounds-that'd be much better.Super7 logoed buckets and spades anyone? :D

Edited by Young51
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YES!The track does look like Porty Beach Najjer I'm afraid.It surprises me as Somerset usually is a good track,but there ya go.To be honest in my opinion the pairs are a bit of a diddy competition now.Bring back the fours competition as it was with four rounds-that'd be much better.Super7 logoed buckets and spades anyone? :D


I disagree yes it was dry but not that dusty but then again it was hot all day yesterday. Every fan that I spoke to said that it was a good track. I spoke to about 9/10 other fans and they all said that the track was one of if not the best track in the league. But yes as i said the track was dry but i doubt that any other track would be any different with the weather we had down here yesterday and it was watered throughout the heats.


Then again people have different opinions but as i said lot's of people were happy with the track.

Edited by start line kid
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I disagree yes it was dry but not that dusty but then again it was hot all day yesterday. Every fan that I spoke to said that it was a good track. I spoke to about 9/10 other fans and they all said that the track was one of if not the best track in the league. But yes as i said the track was dry but i doubt that any other track would be any different with the weather we had down here yesterday and it was watered throughout the heats.


Then again people have different opinions but as i said lot's of people were happy with the track.

I'm glad you enjoyed the meeting start line kid i really am.Expressing an opinion is what this forums for.I just think that as speedway fans we sometimes settle for second best when it comes to not only this but other so called 'super7' events.I'm sure the Somerset track staff did their best but meetings like this should not be a 'dust fest' and should be a showcase for our great sport.Somerset is a lovely track usually,but sometimes outside help is needed for these events.Maybe a panel of the best acknowledged trackmen could help these events really catch the imagination?

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chuffed to bits about last night! people underestimated us alot i think, Somerset is perfect for Josh and Ricky's race style's. i would like to say a big thankyou and well done to them both, along with the Somerset track staff + promotion for such a quality racing track.


sounded like Auty had some very entertaining rides (as usual) and the pass on Lyons at the end was superb. commiserations to Birmingham though, lightening struck twice with the pairings of Lyons and Johnston v Auty and Ashworth ending with a Brummie having an engine failure. although i believe Josh would of still ended up joining Ricky for the 7-2.


now for Cardiff!

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What a great night..


Delighted Sheffield won, what great scenes at the end with them celebrating with they're own fans - was great to watch.

Always liked Ricky, Josh was simply stunning - and to boot they had two stunning girls supporting them on turns 3/4 ;)


Very glad they beat Birmingham in the final, harsh luck on johno but Auty would have flown past him any how. Johno in a bit of a sulk at the end too with the Somerset fans I see - bit childish.


The Other stand out rider for me was Emilio who I thought was superb, shame about Wilson who was useless.


Doolan, Wolbert and Fisher big disapointments.


Congrats again to Sheffield..

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Johno in a bit of a sulk at the end too with the Somerset fans I see - bit childish.



wasn't only somerset fans it was nearly half the stadium who seemed to boo birmingham evryone i spoke too didn't seem to want birmingham to win.


He just wanted to do a parks and tell the fans off haha

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wasn't only somerset fans it was nearly half the stadium who seemed to boo birmingham


No, just a few Somerset fans giving Jonno the bird. Don't exaggerate.


evryone i spoke too didn't seem to want birmingham to win.


Well if none of them were Birmingham fans then it's hardly surprising is it?


Unless of course you canvassed the other half of the stadium that weren't booing us...

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No, just a few Somerset fans giving Jonno the bird. Don't exaggerate.




Well if none of them were Birmingham fans then it's hardly surprising is it?


Unless of course you canvassed the other half of the stadium that weren't booing us...


ok maybe i did exaggerate but it wasn't only rebels fans who booed johno. I'm not trying to cause an argument here just trying to get the blame off the rebels fans for booing johno when it wasn't only them

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