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2010 Grand Prix Competition

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By merging them together it means I have no easy identifable 'first' post for each round, and as such I have to manually search the thread.


sheesh use the red 'go to first unread post button' like the rest of us


its like me saying hey I don't like having to press the red button for last unread post so can everyone please make a new topic for every post to do with the monarchs to save be the 'trouble'


talk about a drama out of nothing :rolleyes:

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talk about a drama out of nothing :rolleyes:



So I take it you wont be entering a team Bannakaffalatta ?


EDIT : PMs sent to all 4 mods in the hope that an explanation maybe forthcoming.


My second attempt at having a separate thread for Round 3 captain nominations has just been deleted by someone so this is my last chance in trying to resolve this matter.

Edited by ballinger
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As it appears that whomever is moderating this section of the BSF is maintaining a position of total intransigence, I have no option but to invite nominations for captains for the future SGPs on this thread going forward.


I will now have to manually maintain the information on the SGP competition spreadsheet, and as such will do my level best to keep the game running up to date.


It is extremely disappointing that due to someone's inability to respect my position as the organiser of the game, and indeed as someone who has financially supported the BSF in recent times, that my requests for separate threads have fallen on deaf ears, and indeed that they do not even have the politeness or good grace to offer me an explanation why this is just not possible, rather to just almost immediately delete both threads and posts.

Edited by ballinger
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I'll go for Crump as my captain again please Ballinger.


Thanks for persevering in light of whats happened, I'm sure the vast majority of us who enjoy your game are behind you. Someone needs to have the bollocks to give you an explanation and not ignore you, it's pathetic. I wouldn't blame you if you pulled the plug on it mate.

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Crump as captain please Pete.


As a side note, having started this game a few years back I know how much of a ball-ache it can be updating it manually. I dont have any code writing skills so simply had to update it manually, and you simply dont have time to do it straight away, which is why i gave up after the first year.


When people moan about the scores not being done they have to realise that whoever is running it is taking time out of their personal lives to do it for the whole forums entertainment. It's going to take time to do.


It's only a bit of fun, so does it really matter if the scores aren't updated straight away? If you want instant updates, run the game yourself.


I really can't believe it affects the forum too much if we have a thread for each round. If it does, then surely once the scores have been updated we can just delete the previous rounds thread?


Or is that too simple for the mods who seem to be on somewhat of a power trip

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I'm sure the mods will soon dive on here to bollock you for that.


And I don't give a toss if my warning jumps up even more. The mods can give me a warning for quoting something I heard last week but can't admit who's pissing this game about :rolleyes:

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Hope Ballinger mate this comp keeps going,it gives us all a bit of fun and interest in the GPs.Fair play to you for all your hard work,after many pms to diff mods phil did eventually get back to me about the problems i had but he didnt know which mod was behind moving my topic!!and just said they must have had a reason!!!


ps.................. now back to the game and i will keep on rotating my captains-please can i have freddie Lingren for the czech GP.THANKS

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Well the moderators must have been around on this thread because they deleted my post.....


The point really Ban....whats his name :( is that ballinger has gone out his way to do this competition and ran it exactly the same last year with no deletes from the mods.


At least an explanation is worthy of his time and if it is that is a waste of bandwith etc then they can scrap the 09 Competition sticky etc.


If your going to be a moderator to a site, I think an explanation is neccessary otherwise why run a forum if your not going to let anyone have any enjoyment.


Just reopen the site and run it like last year. Please.


P.S Mod who deleted my previous post. (My post was more in jest basically to get attention to the thread and no hijack was ever going to happen. :)

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