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That's another fine race you've gotten me in to.


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Brilliant race Grachan. Thanks.

Terribly ragged start and I definitely wouldn't like to go back to these days. ;-)

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

Millard eat your heart out !!


Great clip Grachan, have to agree with Gemini though, I hated the ragged start, it looked so messy and uneven. Still, in a way there was justice served as the worst tapes offender (Gordeev in white) got the worst start.


Am I going to need a bigger hard disk soon ?


(Errr by the way, shouldn't you be looking after Mrs Grachan ?)

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Although Gordeev touched the tapes, if you look he's actually the only one not moving when they go up, the other 3 all got rollers. Very messy.

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

I see what you mean Grachan, the riders in 2 and 4 got superb rollers. The guy who stayed still in gate 1 actually got the best start though !!


Perhaps the ref was playing a pyschological game and waited until the Russian was moving backwards before hitting the start button ? If that was the case back then for the other riders it would be easy, just start rolling as the other rider starts to move backwards !!

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look how far Lofqvist is hanging off the back of the bike too. Jessup was brilliant. 8)

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what a race....


what a commentator


A legend indeed. Some of my favourites Lanningisms:


"Poetry on Wheels" - Peter Collins

"Heat Seeking Missile" - Kenny Carter

"Applecart Merchant" - Egon Muller


Sometimes, I didn't know what he was on about, but he always brought colour to every broadcast.

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After downloading the clip it then says real player one could not locate the specified clip-if you have moved this clip please locate it below......


Totally thick and Im sure theres a simple answer-can anyone help please? :roll:

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Guest Sir Lunchalot
After downloading the clip it then says real player one could not locate the specified clip-if you have moved this clip please locate it below......


Totally thick and Im sure theres a simple answer-can anyone help please? :roll:


Easy answer Nevsy is that Real Player only recognises certain file types. The file type of Grachan's clip is mpg, and that's a file type that Windows Media Player supports.


The simple answer is to download Windows Media Player ... or you won't get to see it. If you already have Windows but haven't got Media Player it should be a free download from the Microsoft site.

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This time, in honour of Bruce Penhall's decision to ride again, is his race against Tommy Knudsen in the 1981 World Final.

Edited by Grachan
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Guest Sir Lunchalot

Poor quality or not its still a wonderful speedway race. Has there ever been a better turn one and two ?


I wouldn't worry about the poor quality Grachan, those of us who are starved for speedway will take anything we can get :D. Anyone else can go forth and multiply !!

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It's a true classic isn't it! I was at that meeting and had a good seat near the front on the back straight. I can still remember the pair of them flying past me dead level on the last lap. Phenomenal. If only all World Finals could have been like that night, but really that was probably the last of the great one-offs - either that or 1982.

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Two blokes in a bar. One says: 'My dog's got no nose.'

'Really?' says the other. 'How does he smell?'

'Bloomin' 'orrible!' says the first one.


Good joke eh?

Edited by Grachan
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