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British Final And Semi Finals

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Maybe it was set-ups but the way riders were lifting out of turn 2 and four was much more than you woukd normally see. You could hear Danny Kings throttle control in the race-off before the meeting and it looked from where i was standing that it wasn't easy to ride. I am not knocking it as it made for good racing late on and much rather that than after 12 heats there is no dirt and the bikes just spin.

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track is shocking, ruining what should be an entertaining meeting.


All I can say is, I wish all tracks were as shocking instead of the slick crap we see week in week out.


Agreed, - The evening and the meeting was good because of the unpredictability, - riders going from last, if not to first, then to 2nd, and last bend passes. Slick tracks only give predictability and processions. Plenty of position changing last night, (from an attendenee, not a viewer.)

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Think the British Final is fast becoming a Mickey Mouse event!!! Wasn't impressed one bit with last nights meeting although Ben Barker produced some balls out racing!!! Respect to Bomber for beating what was put in front of him. Whilst I agree all tracks should be deep and not as slick as an iced penguin I dont think the meeting was that entertaining.


Take a look at the 1989, 1991 and 92 British Finals on Youtube....the British Final was the jewel of the British Speedway Calendar staged on a weekend at prime time for viewing on an easily accessible track. The difference in crowds levels is alarming to say the least. It was a highly polished, well presented affair then with the emphasis on entertainment. I seriously think World Championship qualification has to be brought back into it and the meeting has to go back to its roots a bit instead of just giving it a ridiculous Super Seven name!! The meeting might actually hold some credibility then and give some of the British lads the emphasis to be in it, raising there game and in turn developing further.

Edited by speedway_dan
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Very disappointed after last nights British final, It appeared to me that along with the referee the Sky team had very little time for the Premier League riders involved ( Who might i add had every right to be there ).


Andrew Tully's start from heat 1 was brought up in conversation until heat 8!! The lad didnt even do nothing wrong maybe got a flyer but didnt touch the tapes at all, then the worse comment ever came, something along the lines of he got in Nicholls way for a lap and a half - unbelievable!!


Lanham - Belle vue?


Schramm - Eastbourne?


I hear people saying that its the weakest line-up in the British final for some time, well deal with it thats all we've got and until certain people start to give the "lesser riders" a chance it will be Scotty, Bomber and Kennett for some time to come!


Congratulations to Chris Harris on his fine win.


A unhappy PL fan. :mad:


Have to say I agree with everything said.


Me and my Dad were getting increasingly annoyed with Kelvin moaning every two minutes about Tully moving at the starts or how brilliant "Our Very Own" Scott Nicholls was, and how he will have a "Second Chance" at Cardiff.... I've lost count in how many "Chances" Scott has had in the GPs, and never done anything. I was also annoyed at how ungrateful he seemed when interviewed by Chris Louis, most of the guys would have given anything to be in the position he was. Bomber was brilliant all night, and was by far the best on the night. Fair enough if you like him, but you don't have to mention him every two minutes!!!!


If Sky would give the PL a chance they would see how exciting the racing can be, and how much more interesting it is.


Was left feeling rather disappointed last night

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Have to say I agree with everything said.


Me and my Dad were getting increasingly annoyed with Kelvin moaning every two minutes about Tully moving at the starts or how brilliant "Our Very Own" Scott Nicholls was, and how he will have a "Second Chance" at Cardiff.... I've lost count in how many "Chances" Scott has had in the GPs, and never done anything. I was also annoyed at how ungrateful he seemed when interviewed by Chris Louis, most of the guys would have given anything to be in the position he was. Bomber was brilliant all night, and was by far the best on the night. Fair enough if you like him, but you don't have to mention him every two minutes!!!!


If Sky would give the PL a chance they would see how exciting the racing can be, and how much more interesting it is.


Was left feeling rather disappointed last night


It might sound like ingratitude but I thought it sounded like someone who really can't be doing with it anymore. He just wanted to win this title - whether Micky Mouse or not - and nothing more. Maybe with his family matters covered in a national newspaper some weeks ago I wonder if he has more important things on his mind. So good luck to him.

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the british final these days is nothing like the finals i went to as a kid at west ham and coventry. those were raced in front of 20,000 crowds and were really hard meetings to win. we as a nation just don't have enough riders of that standard anymore. i thought last night's final made good viewing with plenty of incident on a grippy track. it kept my intrest going right to the end which takes some doing for these type of meetings!. :)

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Have they had bad weather in Wolverhampton?


Yes. It rained heavily at times throughout last week and we had torrential rain on Sunday afternoon/evening. In fact the latter part of the RAF Cosford Air Show had to be cancelled due to the rain. I assume it was too dangerous to fly low and there was no point in them going above the cloud base. It often seems to rain at the Air Show but I don't remember it being called off due to downpour before.


It looked as though there were a couple of soft patches giving more grip than expected at times and then perhaps the riders hitting a less grippy patch was catching them out slightly. Track prep was fine though. There was no more dirt than usual at Monmore.



Not attempting to race, kennett should have gone.


He had a machine failure on the first lap and had to nurse it home. That said he got off the bike before the line and technically should not have been given the point. Also, technically you could make a case for Scott not racing and could have been discluded. Both would have been a bit harsh and taking the rules literally though rather than applying a little common sense.


track is shocking, ruining what should be an entertaining meeting.


not surprising to see a few of the pl boys get out of shape but when you see Harris going flying like that 14 heats in to a meeting! something is definitely not right.



Nonsense. The track was fine. Not a single rider, that I know off, had a bad word to say and not a single comment on the terrace around me about the track. If you aren't entertained by passing in virtually every heat I suggesting following another sport.


Harris cause his own problems. He went in too fast and too tight given that there was plenty of grip down low. He held his hands up to just getting a bit more grip than he wanted.


Track is a disgrace IMO to be honest even though Eddie K thinks it ok. A tricky track at the best of times but when its prepared like this it produces horrible crashes like Harris and Bridger..



Read above and Bridger was riding like a nutter on a rocket last night. :lol: Very fast but far too impatient and desperate to succeed. I said to the person I was with that Bridger was going to either pass or crash as they headed for the 3rd turn in that heat because he was very lucky not to crash going in there on the previous lap. Terrible looking crash and I'm glad he walked away but it had nothing to do with the track.


You're right - Harris was lucky not to be badly hurt and that was a nasty crash for Bridger too!


As above.


Well Done Scotty, the fact that he was showing so

much dissapointment, having lost out, shows he

still has the passion and drive to succeed.

Roll on Cardiff and hopefully an appearance in the

Final at least.


Ben Barker, where did that come from, on a track

he says he doesn't particularly like... shades of

Zagar there methinks... but well done and hard luck.


There was a good interview with Scott in the local paper last night. The gist of it is that he's not interested in the GPs this season, he's happy just riding league speedway and is enjoying his racing for the first time for a couple of years, the nights off are family time and they don't even watch speedway at home, and he was desperate to regain his British Champion tag last night. That was more important to him the wild card.


Ben was interviewed at the track before the semi last night and basically he surprised himself because "This is a track I normally hate and I don't think I've ever scored more than 5 here before...". It's amazing how many riders hate Monmore for a couple of years and then something finally clicks and they're away. Most recently Freddie Lindgren is the most obvious rider to have hated Monmore at first and I think everyone has seen how he can ride it now. Zagar is class but can't be bothered sometimes. He admitted giving up on Sky last season (Swindon v Eastie when he said there's no point carrying on when you're a long way behind?) and just a couple of weeks ago he gave up and pulled off the track at Monmore twice. Barker will never give up. I reckon if you told him there was 3 points in it for him he'd race you to the van after the meeting!! :lol:


Good to hear that Scott was so disappointed about being British Champion runner up, Louis had to persuade him to be happy to be riding at Cardiff, obviously the pride in being crowned THE best British rider means more to him than taking a ride at the British GP.


As above, Scotty was desperate to be crowned British Champion again and wasn't bothered about the wild card.


Take a look at the 1989, 1991 and 92 British Finals on Youtube....the British Final was the jewel of the British Speedway Calendar staged on a weekend at prime time for viewing on an easily accessible track. The difference in crowds levels is alarming to say the least. It was a highly polished, well presented affair then with the emphasis on entertainment.



The crowds everywhere are much lower than back then, not just for this meeting. Although it was a poor crowd for such a meeting. It doesn't get much more accessible than Monmore. Just a few miles off the M6 in the Midlands. There were fans there from such far flung places as Glasgow, Edinburgh, Ipswich and Eastbourne (as well as many in between of course). As I've said earlier in the post anyone not entertained by that meeting needs to look at following another sport.


If Sky would give the PL a chance they would see how exciting the racing can be, and how much more interesting it is.



Sky have shown PL and I'm sure they will again.




In case anyone was still left wondering - I though it was a great meeting to watch live and look forward to reliving it when I can sit down and watch it. :approve:


Well done to Bomber for a clean start in the final while the other three fell over each other. Gutted for Scotty as I'd like to have seen him win it. He was closing on Bomber in the final but was far to far behind on the first lap. Barker did better than expected and congrats to him too. D King can be good value at Monmore when he's on it, but I didn't think he'd go quite than well. Kennett inconsistent as expected, Robbo I said should be good value as long as he stayed on and so it proved (cracking race v Bomber), Stead a touch short of what I expected, Allen about where I expected although could have been a semi for him if he hadn't been squeezed out in his first, Wright didn't really do much of note for his points but did okay and Lanham was prety much the same, Bridger I said needed to keep a cool head in my pre-meeting comment and sadly he failed to do that but had good pace, J King was much better than expected and a big congrats to him on what I think is a great result for him, Clews and Schramm battled away but I was slightly disappointed with Tully in the end and especially after a strong opening ride, and Frampton was pretty anonymous despite winning a heat.



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The track was how it should have been vs Peterborough.Instead we went with a v slick track to make sure the fixture went ahead for SKY.


It caused Harris to fall although Harris has taken much bigger bumps than that and stayed on, much cudos for him for getting up and taking a few interviews, brave guy!. Bridger going into the 3rd bend on the outside, with Robbo so close was nothing to do with the track, just too much speed!

Edited by superguest
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Without bothering to read through about 10 pages, the ref made some major cock ups last night. Harris should of excluded for running into Bridger and falling - how on the earth was Schramm excluded when he didn't touch either Harris or Bridger, and laid the bike down to avoid Harris? Amazing.


How on the earth Frampton was excluded for Lanham turning in on him is unbelievable as well, it makes you wonder why Frampton was excluded for that and then Kennett wasn't chucked out for doing the exact same thing to Danny King later on.


Decent meeting in the end, shame Nicholls didn't win though.


Bridger going into the 3rd bend on the outside, with Robbo so close was nothing to do with the track, just too much speed!


Correct - Bridger ran it in very deep and tried to cut back on Robson, but had too much speed and the back end just came round on him. When he tried to correct it, it just "spat him off" as Kelv said. Was that the time on Sky when he said "that was a real sledgehammer!" :D

Edited by Najjer
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Without bothering to read through about 10 pages, the ref made some major cock ups last night. Harris should of excluded for running into Bridger and falling - how on the earth was Schramm excluded when he didn't touch either Harris or Bridger, and laid the bike down to avoid Harris? Amazing.


How on the earth Frampton was excluded for Lanham turning in on him is unbelievable as well, it makes you wonder why Frampton was excluded for that and then Kennett wasn't chucked out for doing the exact same thing to Danny King later on.


Decent meeting in the end, shame Nicholls didn't win though.




Correct - Bridger ran it in very deep and tried to cut back on Robson, but had too much speed and the back end just came round on him. When he tried to correct it, it just "spat him off" as Kelv said. Was that the time on Sky when he said "that was a real sledgehammer!" :D


A good point Najjer i noticed that also.

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He had a machine failure on the first lap and had to nurse it home. That said he got off the bike before the line and technically should not have been given the point. Also, technically you could make a case for Scott not racing and could have been discluded. Both would have been a bit harsh and taking the rules literally though rather than applying a little common sense.


Watching the replay of the tangle between kennett and scott on that first bend, Eddie bounces around quite a bit and i think gets his foot stuck between the track and the footrest in the process which it seems pushes the footrest backwards on its pivot so its the footrest is much further back than it should be, meaning he couldnt put enough weight on it to slide the bike round. on the replay it shows kennett scrabbling to get his foot back on the rest round the first bend but not quite being able to find it. i think that was the main reason why he was just nursing it round. that said, kennet said in an interview that his engine was seizing up too! so my theory could be poppycock, but his footrest did look to be out of place after the prang.





Nonsense. The track was fine. Not a single rider, that I know off, had a bad word to say and not a single comment on the terrace around me about the track. If you aren't entertained by passing in virtually every heat I suggesting following another sport.


Come on, you cant deny that it was at the very least tricky to ride early on. if the track was more like the usual monmore we often see, both grippy and smooth im sure it would have made for a much better spectacle. im all for passing in every heat, but id much rather watch it from riders going at it hammer and tong together a la robson and steady, rather than riders bucking about and straightening up heading for the fence and being passed. that, to be honest, doesnt really excite me at all, its just unpredictable. each to their own though.


the last meeting at monmore on sky, i thought, was a much better watch, even though the track was slick, but it was consistent, meaning all riders could have a go.

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The PL riders were shown exactly what SKY think of them last night. Tatum was a disgrace, if anymore PL meetings are shown on SKY keep that frog-eyed buffoon away from it.


Someone asked if there was a more competative meeting other than the GPS/WTC...erm yes, I watched one 2 weeks ago - Sheffield vs Birmingham, but I guess that was in the inferior league so doesn't count.


Last night bored me to death, and I can't wait to get back to watching inferior speedway where you ain't excluded based on which league you ride in

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Seems to be the British way though, lets knock the guy, the guy who has tonight shown he is the 3rd best Brit when it matters. It's ok saying Tai, Simon and Rico have higher averages in the league but in individual meeting Ben has shown he can step it up. We have a young British rider I the rise and some can only slag him off. I could sit here and come up with a long list of Bens flaws but tonight he beat all but the top British GP rider and one who's been there for years, he's caught and passed the likes of King and Kennett who have for years been the next big thing and he has gone quite some way ahead of Woffy by even being there. How about rather than claiming Ben is, "That Barker has fast bikes and low skill levels. A massive crash waiting to happen and nearly always out of control. Large cahooners but little else." congratulating him on a fine 3rd place in the British final with some great gating and passing when he had to do it.


I was merely pointing out he wasn't Emil. It is right, he is potentially better than King and Kennett (who I have never claimed to be the next big thing) for sure, who got ahead of Team GB selection of Nicholls a year ago. The comparison to Kennett and King is more realistic, and one he is likely to fulfill. I am not knocking Barker.

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He had a machine failure on the first lap and had to nurse it home. That said he got off the bike before the line and technically should not have been given the point.

That's not correct surely? :unsure: Riders sometimes have to push home for a point if there is no 4th rider in the race. As long as they are in contact with their bike as they cross the line they get the point....... but I could be wrong of course. ;)

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Well done to Bomber for picking himself off the deck on a couple of occasions and winning the British title, well deserved. Also well done to Daniel King who I thought was very impressive last night. Last and by now means least, won done to Jason King, I thought he did himself proud and the Diamonds proud, ps. how old was that photo of Jason.


I understand that Nicholls was gutted at not winning the title but in his interview at the end he came across as though he does not care about Cardiff, if that is the case, then don't go mate (its not as though you don't need the practice at beating the big guys, never seen you do it yet!!!), give it to Barker who seemed excited about his entry into the British final and the prospect of getting to Cardiff.


I was disapointed with Simon Stead last night, I thought, based on recent performances (over the weekend) on the continent that he would do something last night and claim the wild card slot, based on last nights performance, I would give the wild card to Barker but as it is, it has gone to Nicholls. :mad::mad:

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That's not correct surely? :unsure: Riders sometimes have to push home for a point if there is no 4th rider in the race. As long as they are in contact with their bike as they cross the line they get the point....... but I could be wrong of course. ;)


Agree with you Gemini. I thought so long as they hadn't been lapped pushing home for a point was fine.

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