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:unsure: Was a long old night... But after a few months of no speedway i was just happy to hear and smell speedway bikes again :rolleyes::lol:


Thank god they didnt mess about with the rider introductions and got on with heat 1 otherwise it could have been a midnight finish. Maybe they should go for a Sunday lunchtime start next season. FTM did great to even get the meeting on after all the rain, it was always going to be a meeting where the outside of the track was going to be a bit of a "no go" area and who wants to risk it this early on.

I wasn't so sure over Mr Pedersens performance :angry: , if he wasn't first or second then he didnt want to know and pulled into the centre green, then after the race managed to ride the bike back to the pits.maybe there is more to it but personlly i doubt it and from last night i think Jason is on for another world title. The final was a farce and you would never see Harris fall on his own like that but the delay in getting the riders out and the drizzle made the track really tricky to ride.


Not a meeting that will be remembered by many, but the weather really did the damage. I`m sure the riders just enjoyed getting a few races in.

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You get plenty of football matches that are shocking, i`m sure we have all been to enough speedway meetings to know we were never going to be in for a classic last night after hrs of rain. I thought £20 was an ok price, you pay £16 for a regular meeting for 15 heats. Last night was 22 heats with a high quality field.

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There's something that hasn't been mentioned yet. Riders wearing the wrong helmet colour, and the referee missed it more than once. Hans Andersen even came out in black and white when he should have been in red!!!! Although everyone would seem to disagree I can understand that the ref can form an opinion on the first turn of the final and decide it should be allowed to continue, but wearing the right helmet colour is not about an opinion. Poor refereeing when you combine this with the decision to re-run a heat that was on the last lap, the failure to re-run the final after a terribly messy run to the first turn and the incredibly long time to run the meeting.


I believe the final count on riders not finishing a race or barely getting to the line having ridden the last lap so slow was 10, and only Ed needed a lift back to the pits because of a genuine engine failure while leading Pedersen, Crump and Zagar by a mile. Conditions may not have been absolutely perfect and it may not be the most important meeting of the season to the riders but many were just extracting the urine last night. This was the worst aspect of the night as it would be a little easier to accept the lack of good racing if we could have seen every rider giving it 100% in every ride.


Peter Yorke hasn't changed, sadly. After the tangle between Zengota and Zagar the Pole's bike was virtually carried off (I assume a buckled wheel because it wasn't the worst crash you'll ever see). The comment was something like 'well that's a new way to get a bike off track' which is a bit silly. And apparently Phil Crump once won the Brandonapolis light years ago. A light year is a measure of distance not time. :rolleyes: And I hope 'the song' is ditched and not played over and over week after week.


The whole evening was a major let down after seeing a couple of great meetings this season that proved good racing can happen in March. I sincerely hope there were no first-timers there last night.

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Final was going to be a great race between the ozzies up front until chris fell off, sounds like crump and schlein were having a din dong battle ,only joke around here is that Ur mate didn't win. hehehe
Proof you're over sensitive! The race should have been stopped after Hans was baulked by Rory who then struggled to turn himself and blocked Bomber. A clear case of all 4 back yet you have deemed it to be someone having a go at Rory. Bless. Then the re-run was ruined when Rory and Crumpy clashed when it looked like we were about to see a good race. Rory just happened to be involved in both incidents. Would you prefer it if next time Silver Bee just doesn't mention Rory at all, as it seems whenever he mentions him, you get a little upset. I notice nobody who was there has said what Silver Bee text through was wrong and in fact other have mentioned the final being a let down.


I don't remember you praising Silver Bee for his praise of Rory at Wolverhampton.

Edited by SCB
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As I feared and I take no pleasure in saying so. It's too early in the season for good racing. The riders are still shaking off the cobwebs and the weather's too cold or too wet or both. One off individual meetings mean nothing especially if they are sandwiched amongst he pre-season runabouts called challenges. It probably won't run next season now.

Perhaps promoters need to put themselves in rider's boots. The fans get all excited over these early meetings thinking there will be good racing because of the top riders but it's all about testing innit? "Testing machinery" isn't good enough when the fans have paid money to watch is it?

Edited by Trees
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Perhaps promoters need to put themselves in rider's boots. The fans get all excited over these early meetings thinking there will be good racing because of the top riders but it's all about testing innit? "Testing machinery" isn't good enough when the fans have paid money to watch is it?


£20 to watch a glorified practice session really isn't good long-term business. I suppose these star riders can't see that they're killing these meetings, assuming that fans will just keep turning-up to watch the names.


Sadly they seem to be right...


Rob McCaffery.

Edited by rmc
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I suppose it has to asked though. When a rider is racing, when isn't he testing one thing or another ?


With regard to Hans' b/w helmet, we thought it was quite comical actually & maybe should be taken in that context & not seriously.

Edited by colincooke
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I suppose it has to asked though. When a rider is racing, when isn't he testing one thing or another ?


With regard to Hans' b/w helmet, we thought it was quite comical actually & maybe should be taken in that context & not seriously.

Anyone have difficulty distinguishing white from yellow helmet colours? Just to complicate things one rider was racing with a green helmet colour.

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£20 to watch a glorified practice session really isn't good long-term business. I suppose these star riders can't see that they're killing these meetings, assuming that fans will just keep turning-up to watch the names.


Sadly they seem to be right...


Rob McCaffery.


I have to agree with you -- I (like many others) paid my £20 expecting the riders to ''give it their all'' --I was sadly dissappointed.

I thought the track prep was good considering the weather.

The dragged out meeting was uneccessary -- as someone has previously mentioned why were the riders not lined up on a 2 minute warning once the previous riders were safely off the track? The mix up of helmet colours were embarrassing :oops:

Thank goodness for Edward Kennett -- a winner in my eyes on this occasion. I am still pondering why Nicki P turned up?

This event has confirmed that I will stick with league riding where the results mean something for the paying fan and not just to ''indulge'' individual egos.

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£20 to watch a glorified practice session really isn't good long-term business. I suppose these star riders can't see that they're killing these meetings, assuming that fans will just keep turning-up to watch the names.


Sadly they seem to be right...


Rob McCaffery.


There were definitely riders that wanted to be there Rob and they showed it...off the top of my head, NKI, Rory, Crumpy, Ben barker, and Edward Kennett.




I was very disappointed with Nicki Pedersen. I'd been looking forward to seeing him for weeks. It felt like he couldn't give a sh!t and was just testing his bikes..He probably doesn't care a jot.... :rolleyes:


Hey ho. I still had a good night, albeit a late one and it was good to see me old mucker Peasley ( briefly)...and my Bee pals from the stand :approve::D

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With regard to Hans' b/w helmet, we thought it was quite comical actually & maybe should be taken in that context & not seriously.


Perhaps in a testimonial which should be about larking about and having a laugh more-so than the all-out desire to win. It has no place in a meeting like this. Perhaps P'brgh will turn up with orange and purple helmet colours? It would be comical after all. :unsure:


Just to complicate things one rider was racing with a green helmet colour.


Must have been Bomber hey Rob?!! :lol:




Serious question - Are the riders supposed to be using yellow and black quartered helmets this season or not?

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Must have been Bomber hey Rob?!! :lol:


Yes, I admit that Zagar sporting a green helmet colour certainly threw me for a moment. :wink:


I hope all the riders who wore the wrong helmets colours were fined - again it's showing a lack of respect for the paying public who used the helmet colours to identify the riders.



Jacques, I promise to have more of a chat next time I'm up - it might even be next Friday. I left it as late as possible yesterday due to the threat of rain, and didn't fancy hanging about afterwards.


All the best





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There were definitely riders that wanted to be there Rob and they showed it...off the top of my head, NKI, Rory, Crumpy, Ben barker, and Edward Kennett.




I was very disappointed with Nicki Pedersen. I'd been looking forward to seeing him for weeks. It felt like he couldn't give a sh!t and was just testing his bikes..He probably doesn't care a jot.... :rolleyes:


Hey ho. I still had a good night, albeit a late one and it was good to see me old mucker Peasley ( briefly)...and my Bee pals from the stand :approve::D


Thought Pedersen was a disgrace. On more than one occassion, when it was clear that he wasn't going to win a heat he just gave in. They tried to pass it off as mechanical failure but the bottom line is he doesn't like losing to the likes of Edward Kennett and didn't fancy getting filled in at the back of the race.

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Anyone have difficulty distinguishing white from yellow helmet colours? Just to complicate things one rider was racing with a green helmet colour.


I always used to have trouble distinguishing the yellow from the white, especially if the white was a bit grubby, I so I welcomed the change to the green, but when these were a bit faded they were hard to tell from some of the faded blue ones! :lol:

As for Hans in Black and White the other night, he is just a comic, slightly eccentric IMO, I thought it was quite funny :wink:

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I can understand the comments being made; it is always strange to read Coventry fans telling me to back Harris regardless, but the same confidence is, and has never, been afforded to Rory Schlein. I am absolutely sure that Harris would have had far more praise for finishing 2nd than I can see for Rory on here. I hope the fans will give him a break this year.

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I can understand the comments being made; it is always strange to read Coventry fans telling me to back Harris regardless, but the same confidence is, and has never, been afforded to Rory Schlein. I am absolutely sure that Harris would have had far more praise for finishing 2nd than I can see for Rory on here. I hope the fans will give him a break this year.

hang on a second thats just not the way it is.


we have backed rory solidily over the last two years, he has, im he will admit, massivley underperformed over that period.


fans and the team have kept faith, this season is his turn to return that faith, or he could end up a janirro figure, lots of talent but not the application to do it.


the team itself will perform weel this year as long as bomber and rory step up to ther potential, if they dont the team will do nothing.


at the end of the day and as long as the poster on this forum goes through the turnstiles then he/she has every right to complain about all riders performance.


if they are just sitting on this forum and never put money into the sport then thats completely different


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I can understand the comments being made; it is always strange to read Coventry fans telling me to back Harris regardless, but the same confidence is, and has never, been afforded to Rory Schlein. I am absolutely sure that Harris would have had far more praise for finishing 2nd than I can see for Rory on here. I hope the fans will give him a break this year.


There are some of us that have understood that it has been a tough few years for Roo, with the injuries.

I'm still certain that with an injury free season he can become an 8+ rider this year.

FWIW, there we're the ups & downs of Roo's form on Sunday & it all came good at the end.

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SCB think you got the wrong end of the stick pal,as i said before we love getting the text msgs from the track and thank everyone that helps out. I know we are going to get a bit of anti rooboy that's fine its understandable coming from a i love chris harris fan'

Sorry im just so sensitive ,nah just was a bit board at home and like stirring up you pom's, just because its so easy.


I'm a bit confused as to what anti Rooboy stuff I'm supposed to have said? All I've done is said what happened in the final where Rory was in the thick of it. Even included the brilliant pass on Crump on the first running of it.


When Rory wants to he's bloody superb. He isn't a gating tart and the 2 meetings I've seen him in this season he's been bloody good.


Yes I like Chris Harris, it doesn't automatically make me anti Rory. Was Harris' own fault he fell off in the final.


If Harris rides like a complete prat he gets the stick he deserves, pretty much the same as anyone when I text the updates through.

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