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2010 Grand Prix wildcards

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EDIT: And Chris, there's no such thing as a permanent wildcard. He's either a seeded rider or a nominated rider. :wink:


All the best



But not according to todays press release


Parsloes, for once we are in complete agreement.

All the best



And to think I thought it was bizarre that I once agreed with Orion. Thats's nothing on these two agreeing. Still they are both wrong according to BSI today


Anyway enough of this Parsloes/Lucifer love in.


Jamie Robertson had no impact on the CL title in 2005......discuss !!!! That'll stuff it up :approve:

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I've got no problem with Hans and Freddie being included in the 2010 series, both riders are definitely in the world's Top 15 even if they weren't in this year's Grand Prix Top 8. The selection of both Brits, however, does the credibility of our sport no good whatsoever. Bomber has struggled abysmally on the world stage in the last couple of seasons and must be grateful that Scott's woeful campaign stopped him from finishing rock bottom. He was soundly beaten by riders such as Messrs Ulamek and Walasek this year, both of whom must be cursing the nation of their birth this evening. :rolleyes:


If Bomber's selection is mystifying, the choice of Tai is almost beyond comprehension. Tai is a 7 point rider with 1 season of Elite League experience, a big ego and a PR machine to match. His stats on the continent are even worse and he has never yet ridden the tough heats at Number 1. Disgraceful doesn't do it justice.


If we "must" have a Brit then Richardson is the only candidate anywhere near the World's Top 15, above Harris and Woffinden in the Elite League averages, a street ahead on the continent and top scorer by a distance in last summer's SWC. Evenso it's more the likes of Zagar, Lindback and Protasiewicz that I feel sorry for, and yes, maybe even Ulamek and Walasek as well. What an absolute farce. :mad:

Edited by Seb the Snail
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I've got no problem with Hans and Freddie being included in the 2010 series, both riders are definitely in the world's Top 15 even if they weren't in this year's Grand Prix Top 8. The selection of both Brits, however, does the credibility of our sport no good whatsoever. Bomber has struggled abysmally on the world stage in the last couple of seasons and must be grateful that Scott's woeful campaign stopped him from finishing rock bottom. He was soundly beaten by riders such as Messrs Ulamek and Walasek this year, both of whom must be cursing the nation of their birth this evening. :rolleyes:


If Bomber's selection is mystifying, the choice of Tai is almost beyond comprehension. Tai is a 7 point rider with 1 season of Elite League experience, a big ego and a PR machine to match. His stats on the continent are even worse and he has never yet ridden the tough heats at Number 1. Disgraceful doesn't do it justice.


If we "must" have a Brit then Richardson is the only candidate anywhere near the World's Top 15, above Harris and Woffinden in the Elite League averages, a street ahead on the continent and top scorer by a distance in last summer's SWC. Evenso it's more the likes of Zagar, Lindback and Protasiewicz that I feel sorry for, and yes, maybe even Ulamek and Walasek as well. What an absolute farce. :mad:


I wish you had made that post at the start of the thread Seb then we could have avoided all this discussion because you have managed to encapsulate everything that could realistically be said on the subject within the realms of common sense.I don't think anyone can sensibly add anything to that post apart from the wishful thinkers, and the crystal ball gazers. Very good post.

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Here's to hoping Chris get's back on the radio & has a dig at these characters too.

Hoping for too much, thought so!!!


You realy need to take your yellow and black Glasses of CC, I have nothing but respect for C Harris and have often said I would love him to don the Aces race jacket, but surely Chris has had his fair share of GP chances. Britain at the present doesn't deserve a nominated rider, but maybe in a year or two young Tai will be mature enough to mix it with the big boys, as has been shown recently, that is his only downfall.


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Good to see that the organisers are doing things the "British" way, we reward bank failures by giving the billions fo pounds, and then a few months later do it again, they give a rider who is a failure in the GPs' a wild card for the following season; terrific :unsure::unsure:


No doubt if Harris comes 12th next year they will say the choice is justified.

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Woffy not good enough yet and stll acting like a baby .....


Blimey someone who thinks the same way as I do about Tai........................


The other three I am OK with but still think Tai is too immature and hot headed to deal with the pressure..............(cue srbramble comment)




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Once again I shake my head at the numpties who run Speedway at both a domestic and international level!


Lindgren and Andersen are fair enough picks


Woffy - Very debatable


Harris - An absolute joke!

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Still haven't seen anything to justify why the suggested names deserve it more than Tai or particularly Bomber (based on the slating he's got). What is Zagar's and Lindback's current world ranking? How far did they get in the qualifying rounds compared to Bomber? Some are saying it's a joke that Bomber should get given a nomination but then he got further than these two (which are singled out as the two most named riders) in the qualifying rounds. And he's the national champion. So why should he be overlooked?

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Still haven't seen anything to justify why the suggested names deserve it more than Tai or particularly Bomber (based on the slating he's got). What is Zagar's and Lindback's current world ranking? How far did they get in the qualifying rounds compared to Bomber? Some are saying it's a joke that Bomber should get given a nomination but then he got further than these two (which are singled out as the two most named riders) in the qualifying rounds. And he's the national champion. So why should he be overlooked?


I don't think it matters who got the picks there would have been criticism that someone deserved it more than someone else................


Harris got in I would imagine based on the fact he won the British Championship this year more than his GP performances and I think you know my feelings on Tai..................


RP (whose daughter is the same age as Tai but for more mature in her attitude.................)

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Hans and Freddie pick themselves I think...quality riders with much to offer still on the GP stage. Tai is on the up, and will keep the interest (if not the adoration) of the British fans. Harris, I'm not sure about. I don't buy this Lee Richardson hype...he is not strong enough metally or physically for a GP season - never known an 'in his prime' male have so many illnesses as this bloke and it seems that apart from his core set of fans (strangely from one part of the country) most people aren't convinced about him either. The only credible alternative to a place was Zagar imo, but with Krsko apparently having bitten the dust, so it seems has his chance of a pick. So a 75% thumbs up for me...with a slight doubt over Bomber.

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Still haven't seen anything to justify why the suggested names deserve it more than Tai or particularly Bomber (based on the slating he's got). What is Zagar's and Lindback's current world ranking? How far did they get in the qualifying rounds compared to Bomber? Some are saying it's a joke that Bomber should get given a nomination but then he got further than these two (which are singled out as the two most named riders) in the qualifying rounds. And he's the national champion. So why should he be overlooked?

I wouldn't argue that Tai is a dodgy pick, but he has youth on his side, and they are clearly wanting to get some youth into the series.


As for Bomber...I think my earlier post made it clear what I think of his nomination.


Without subscribing to "young is best", I would suggest the following riders were more deserving than Bomber...and I offer them in the order that I rate them:


Piotr Protasiewicz, Leigh Adams (but he ruled himself out), Seb Ulamek, Ryan Sullivan, Lee Richardson and Adrian Miedzinski.



EDIT - Actually, something just clicked in my head, and maybe the selection of Chris Harris actually makes sense....


Could Rune Holta have been the rider that ensured that Harris got another pick?

Has he made a decision on whether he races or not yet?

If he hasn't, and they gave Edward or Lee a place instead of Chris and then Rune decided NOT to race next year, Chris would also get in as the next highest in the GP Challenge.

By giving Harris the place, they ensure that if Rune decides not to race, PePe replaces him.....Hmmmmmm.

Edited by HenryW
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Parsloes, for once we are in complete agreement. Woffinden is 100% British. In fact, some would say he's more British than Mark Loram. :wink:


All the best




amen to that :approve:


4 poor choices


Woffy not good enough yet and stll acting like a baby .....


Hans gone backwards in the last two years and looks on the slide


Freddie ...is clueless on the bigger tracks and looks like the new scott nicholls will never finish in the top eight and has to rely on the begging bowl every year .



Harris ....a complete joke



Richardson not a cat in heels chance of a 2nd chance thankfully.

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I think the selection of Chris Harris for a wildcard is a joke, how can his selection be justified after the year he just had. Finishing in the top 8 should mean something but every year certain GP riders get chance after chance. I dont care what nationallity the wildcards are, I want to watch riders that deserve to be there on merit.


I think its a year too early for Tai but I hope he does well. Dont get wrong Tai will be a top rider but I just think he would be better prepared if 2011 was his first season in the GPs.


My picks would have been: Lindgren,Andersen,Zagar and Lindback

Edited by Brummie Kev
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Still haven't seen anything to justify why the suggested names deserve it more than Tai or particularly Bomber (based on the slating he's got). What is Zagar's and Lindback's current world ranking? How far did they get in the qualifying rounds compared to Bomber? Some are saying it's a joke that Bomber should get given a nomination but then he got further than these two (which are singled out as the two most named riders) in the qualifying rounds. And he's the national champion. So why should he be overlooked?


But in previous years Harris has been too arrogant to bother with the qualifiers and that has been ignored in giving him previous wildcards. Sorry but the qualifier debate is irrelevant in this case. Personally I would maek it a rule that anyone who doesn't do the qualifiers should not even be considered for a wildcard but I would never win that one.


Facts on Harris are that he was awarded a wildcard to the 2007 series and didn't do the qualifiers during that season, this was the same in 2008. Let be honest he only done them in 2009 because even he would never have believed in a million years he would get a 4th freebie pass


Its a ciompletely undefendable situation which even Harris must be embarrassed by

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EDIT - Actually, something just clicked in my head, and maybe the selection of Chris Harris actually makes sense....


Could Rune Holta have been the rider that ensured that Harris got another pick?

Has he made a decision on whether he races or not yet?

If he hasn't, and they gave Edward or Lee a place instead of Chris and then Rune decided NOT to race next year, Chris would also get in as the next highest in the GP Challenge.

By giving Harris the place, they ensure that if Rune decides not to race, PePe replaces him.....Hmmmmmm.

Sounds like a likely scenario.Last i heard Rune was going to think things over during the winter.So i guess he is still going through that process.


Like others said Harris couldn't even make it on his own track,so shouldn't be there.And if your scenario pans out Smolinski will be second reserve for the GPs :lol:

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EDIT - Actually, something just clicked in my head, and maybe the selection of Chris Harris actually makes sense....


Could Rune Holta have been the rider that ensured that Harris got another pick?

Has he made a decision on whether he races or not yet?

If he hasn't, and they gave Edward or Lee a place instead of Chris and then Rune decided NOT to race next year, Chris would also get in as the next highest in the GP Challenge.

By giving Harris the place, they ensure that if Rune decides not to race, PePe replaces him.....Hmmmmmm.

That theory could well have a lot going for it. As I pointed out when the Kennett rumour surfaced, if Rune pulled out GB could have ended up with 3 riders in 2010 - which would have been a farce.


However, I suspect the powers that be would have pressurised Holta for a fairly quick decision. As you rightly point out now if he does decide to give it up then he would be replaced by Pepe.

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I'm obviously not taking this selection decision as seriously as many others on here :blink: , but I have to say that 21st Century Heathen has got it right when he says that nobody can come up with justifiable alternatives.

There clearly has to be two Brits in the Series, that much is obvious. And Harris and Woffinden are the only two it could be !

Nobody can be too surprised by the choices of Hans and Fred. Sentiment put Lindback in the frame and not results...can't work out the Zagar support at all...Pepe, Ulamek, Walasek have all had time in the fringe without stepping up a class...Sullivan is the Aussie version of Richardson...anyone else ??





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I'm obviously not taking this selection decision as seriously as many others on here :blink: , but I have to say that 21st Century Heathen has got it right when he says that nobody can come up with justifiable alternatives.

There clearly has to be two Brits in the Series, that much is obvious. And Harris and Woffinden are the only two it could be !

Nobody can be too surprised by the choices of Hans and Fred. Sentiment put Lindback in the frame and not results...can't work out the Zagar support at all...Pepe, Ulamek, Walasek have all had time in the fringe without stepping up a class...Sullivan is the Aussie version of Richardson...anyone else ??


Why ? Do Brits have some kind of divine right to be in, even if they are not good enough ?

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There clearly has to be two Brits in the Series, that much is obvious. And Harris and Woffinden are the only two it could be !

Nobody can be too surprised by the choices of Hans and Fred. Sentiment put Lindback in the frame and not results...can't work out the Zagar support at all...Pepe, Ulamek, Walasek have all had time in the fringe without stepping up a class...Sullivan is the Aussie version of Richardson...anyone else ??

Why is it obvious Steve?Two struggling Brits will get more attention than one :blink: Like people have said at Cardiff you will still get the one struggler and the meeting WC to gain more support.Just don't understand it myself and it won't make me want to see the GPs more because there are two Brits.It is quite clear that Tai has been promoted into the series over about 10 riders at the very least who are better.And why keep giving Harris another chance when there are at least 10 riders as good?

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