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Christmas Cracker Speedway Meeting - 27th December 3pm

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Perhaps someone in regular contact with young jerran can let him kno just exactly what newports official webmaster is saying about him and that he now has the backing of most of the rest of us as a result


i have met him on a few occassions and he is a nice lad. fair play to him for having the right attitude and determination that so many lack these days


good luck jerran, make him eat his words



oh right, a so wanna is Lewis Parsons, cheers for that.

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First & foremost a very big well done to every single one of you who toughed it out in them conditions. Braver than me :approve:


Secondly yeah Wanna bold, maybe daft comments to make but if he'd said 'I know I'm going to be out of my depth' you would have been giving him bucketloads. I get wound up when people post 'give him a break, he's a young BRIT'. Nationality doesn't come into it. He's a young un trying to make his way in his chosen profession and credit him for that.


Lastly the Barker fire/lack of extiguishers. Maybe some of his previous antics, which I've no doubt he will regret in later years, came back to haunt him. Notice there were no volunteers to pi$$ on him even though he was on fire :wink:


Mind you it would probably have been frozen before it hit the target :lol:


Happy New Year everyone.



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Having traveled 300 miles to see a speedway meeting is keen, ok the weather was cold but the track staff did an amazing job to get things going, and power to them for doing it and giving up their time.

The track was ride able and some of the races were good, some had it and some didnt, Hart rode well and was justified his place, Doolan should have been in the final he has the merit to be favourite.

barker showed his pace and was fast on second bike, the final should have been a pure classic, exactly what the fans went to see, put up with the cold have fun and support the riders that made an effort to please the paying cuctomers, thats what we all went for, if its football you want go there true speedway fans go to watch four rider battleing to win, and I dont think we were dissapointed.

What I am angry about is 2 fold,

The rules state there should be fire extinguishers in place, and no one has mentioned that there actually was one by the rostrum and the other by the gate, track met the rules.

the fact that when the fire started no one bothered to help Ben, when Methanol goes up its quick and dangerous, the bike covers were going well and they all watched, it was a member of the public that had to pass over the fence an extinguisher to ben whos gloves were actually on fire to put his own bike out. THIS WAS UNACCEPTABLE.

If his kevlars had been on fire it was season over for BEN ( FACT)


Now to the referee,

His conduct was again totally UNACCEPTABLE.

He had no concept of the situation, he had the chance to correct the situation, firstly to DQ ben, then change his mind was not correct, he had made up his mind he was cold and wanted to go home.

HE STOLE from the fans a potentially classic race, no one would have minded to allow the race to be put off a few minuites, the fans showed this by the reactions. the start marshall trying to pull Barker forward for the re run was what paying people wanted, and should be appreciated.


AS to you the punter its time we all wrote letters to the SCB and voiced our feelings on this matter, dont forget it is the paying public thast pay for the officials, Mr MGregor should not be allowed to look after a meeting until he is re trained.

Just take 5 minuites and write to Graham Reeves, if they are not informed of fans displeasure the SCB ACU cannot act.

I have done mine and it will be on his desk come next week. support your riders in these matters if you want better run Speedway meetings.


New riders are having hard enough times in getting sponsors / support etc how can you explain this travesty to someone new to our loved sport.

Get rid of refs like him and get the sport moving forward in a positive manner.


As for the track they should at least appologise to BB for the damage to his bike



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I had to laugh at Jerran Harts comments on the BSPA site.




has sent invites out to drac, chris brown and the bsf mods to come to his 21st bday party


Maybe Wanna ought to invite Jerran Hart to his 21st birthday party too...by the way, how many years down the line is it 'til Wanna's 21st?

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Having traveled 300 miles to see a speedway meeting is keen, ok the weather was cold but the track staff did an amazing job to get things going, and power to them for doing it and giving up their time.

The track was ride able and some of the races were good, some had it and some didnt, Hart rode well and was justified his place, Doolan should have been in the final he has the merit to be favourite.

barker showed his pace and was fast on second bike, the final should have been a pure classic, exactly what the fans went to see, put up with the cold have fun and support the riders that made an effort to please the paying cuctomers, thats what we all went for, if its football you want go there true speedway fans go to watch four rider battleing to win, and I dont think we were dissapointed.

What I am angry about is 2 fold,

The rules state there should be fire extinguishers in place, and no one has mentioned that there actually was one by the rostrum and the other by the gate, track met the rules.

the fact that when the fire started no one bothered to help Ben, when Methanol goes up its quick and dangerous, the bike covers were going well and they all watched, it was a member of the public that had to pass over the fence an extinguisher to ben whos gloves were actually on fire to put his own bike out. THIS WAS UNACCEPTABLE.

If his kevlars had been on fire it was season over for BEN ( FACT)


Now to the referee,

His conduct was again totally UNACCEPTABLE.

He had no concept of the situation, he had the chance to correct the situation, firstly to DQ ben, then change his mind was not correct, he had made up his mind he was cold and wanted to go home.

HE STOLE from the fans a potentially classic race, no one would have minded to allow the race to be put off a few minuites, the fans showed this by the reactions. the start marshall trying to pull Barker forward for the re run was what paying people wanted, and should be appreciated.


AS to you the punter its time we all wrote letters to the SCB and voiced our feelings on this matter, dont forget it is the paying public thast pay for the officials, Mr MGregor should not be allowed to look after a meeting until he is re trained.

Just take 5 minuites and write to Graham Reeves, if they are not informed of fans displeasure the SCB ACU cannot act.

I have done mine and it will be on his desk come next week. support your riders in these matters if you want better run Speedway meetings.


New riders are having hard enough times in getting sponsors / support etc how can you explain this travesty to someone new to our loved sport.

Get rid of refs like him and get the sport moving forward in a positive manner.


As for the track they should at least appologise to BB for the damage to his bike

If you think Ben Barker made an effort for anyone but himself you need to seek proffesional help. as for the damage to his bike, Scunthorpe speedway should charge him for the fire extinguisher as the fire was casued by his own Piss Poor preparation. "What goes around comes around "

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Very laughable comments.


I am just wondering how a minus 4 point PL reserve could possibly he was disappointed he didn't win? Surely second in that class of a field is a good enough acheivement for him?


More pathetic comments from the usual people on this forum who jump down peoples throats for stating their opinion. People jumped down Darcy Wards throat when he wasn' best pleased because he didn't win the PLRC. Whats the difference?


Hart clearly does have some talent you could see that when he rode for Newport's 2008 PL team but some of the people on here need to chill out.

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The onus is on the Clerk of the Course to ensure that anti-fire equipment is sited properly NOT the Referee SR14.2.1. The Referee should inspect equipment to be used during the meeting SR14.9.1 - nothing is said about it having to be insitu when it is inspected.

I take those points, however, the buck stops at the top, in my opinion, as per 13.7 - "At a Meeting all Officials are subject to the authority of the Referee..." and 14.9 - "The MEETING REFEREE exercises supreme control of a Meeting..."


Yes I can see McGregor giving the Clerk of the Course a flea in his ear, but when it comes to the report of what went on, it's the referee that controls the meeting....

Edited by uk_martin
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Some have made excuses for all sorts of things, as to why this wasn't such a good meeting. And the same people have moaned about the travelling they had to do in order to attend. Even some of the riders have commented that the track was affected by the weather. Just what do you all expect from a meeting in the middle of winter? That is why the speedway season is from March to October, because of the probability that the weather is not condusive to the sport outside those dates. It's not rocket science. Go, enjoy.

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If you think Ben Barker made an effort for anyone but himself you need to seek proffesional help. as for the damage to his bike, Scunthorpe speedway should charge him for the fire extinguisher as the fire was casued by his own Piss Poor preparation. "What goes around comes around "

You keep posting about his poor preperation, do you have any evidence? I saw his bikes close up before the meeting and they were faultless. Fires happen, split fuel pipe in the cold, slight miss-fire etc can set them off. So please enlighten all of us as to where Barker went wrong.

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I take those points, however, the buck stops at the top, in my opinion, as per 13.7 - "At a Meeting all Officials are subject to the authority of the Referee..."


Yes I can see McGregor giving the Clerk of the Course a flea in his ear, but when it comes to the report of what went on, it's the referee that controls the meeting....


Yes that's true. However if the track staff fail to do their job and if it's true that none of them helped Barker when his bike went on fire then they have no business being there and should be shown the door never to do the job again.

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jerran can let him kno just exactly what newports official webmaster is saying about him


Didn't Jerran Hart ride for Newport before joining Newcastle? I wonder if there is some "previous" that lies behind all this animosity?

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Didn't Jerran Hart ride for Newport in the tail end of 2007? I wonder if there is some "previous" that lies behind all this animosity?

None from me whatsoever. I thought he was talented when he rode at Newport in 2008 before we shut.


I just seen the BSPA site this morning and thought he would of been chuffed to of finished second instead of unhappy he didn't win.


Lets be honest, how many riders with a below 4 point average go into meetings like this expecting to win?


Just a few controversial comments by myself blown completely out of proportion but that happens all the time on this forum nowadays. If your not in with the forum clique licking peoples behinds then you get shot down in flames.

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Lets be honest, how many riders with a below 4 point average go into meetings like this expecting to win?


Maybe not that many but how you can criticise someone for going into an individual meeting (any Speedway meeting for that matter) with an all-out determination to win baffles me.. :shock:


Your comment that Jerran was never going to win looks more than a bit daft considering he came second...!!! :rolleyes:

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You keep posting about his poor preperation, do you have any evidence? I saw his bikes close up before the meeting and they were faultless. Fires happen, split fuel pipe in the cold, slight miss-fire etc can set them off. So please enlighten all of us as to where Barker went wrong.

Ok Buster Keaton , We all know how ben and the Keystone cops are the ultimate proffesionals , and by the way , what a lovely chap Ben himself is , Whoever it was who has impersonated Ben at Cardiff the last 2 years , trying to start fights with people too old to fight back and generally behaving in a disgraceful manner should be ashamed of themselves , as for the state of his equipment , you should not mistake the shiny new chrome etc. of a profesional riders equipment for good preparation , thats done days/weeks before in the workshop,not five minutes after arriving at the track for a meeting

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i was the one who passed ben barker the fire extinguisher ...i help out at the track on the odd occasions but due to working shift , been a single parent & riding amateurs / practise .. im not always available ... but fight the good fight for scunny speedway as & when i can ..... so i am sort of staff :wink:


regarding the fire .... well its one of those things that happen rarely ... carbs flood .. spill on hot engines & whoosh

i was in two minds whether to pass him the extinguisher or go sit by his bike :lol: ..... i was frozen like everyone else


can't see why folk have a problem with a rider disappointed being second ... he must have felt confident he could have won it ... but he's young enough to win many more meetings .... and good luck to him

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