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Wildcards 2010

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A couple of meetings apart, Harris has underperformed in the Grand Prix series for too long. He has never qualified in the top 8 and has never qualified for the series through the qualifying rounds, he couldn't even qualify on his home track. Give the place to someone else. If one of them has to be British then I'd go for Richardson, our best World Cup rider.



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totaley agree, and dont have harris, he likes his beers to much the night before the gps ( still drinking passed midnight in our villa at bydgoszcz), and takes 4 races to sober up. wants the fast life, but not realy interested in being a top rider, dont let him back in for god sake



Thought this had been mentioned last year, and it was agreed that he doesn't sleep well, hence the late hours drinking only soft drinks?

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Re Woffinden. I think the old saying applies.


"Be careful what you wish for -you might get it."


Give him a place. He'll then find out if he's really any good or just a good young rider who will make a living out of speedway. Having seen him blame a more experienced rider one week then have a seasoned pro take the blame the next week for his bad judgement I think he should be set free to prove he's as good as he thinks he is.


I don't think he's quite the ticket yet but if he makes the grade - fine. And I don't mean do a Harris and win a GP. I just mean show he can hack it with the big guns. That's all.

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Harris should also not, if he had put up more of an effort on Saturday and learnt to gate then maybe give him another chance!!





Effort ??? he rode three different bikes saturday ! one which wasent working and obivously you werent watching saturday and he flew off the start and won the heat yes maybe to much to late but come on be fair !! he the first one to admit it hasent been a great season !!

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I don't understand why people are so against having some new blood in the series for 2010. Lets face it, next years champion will be either Crump, Pedersen or Sajfudinov, with possibly Hancock and Gollob giving them a run for their money. You see, there lies the current problem. There are only 5 or 6 riders who have what it takes to win, so the other 9 or 10 are bit part players in the series, so just for a change, lets see if we can find the next contender for the title sooner rather than later. I'm bored with pretty much the same old faces year in, year out. Apart from one freak weekend, when has Harris ever justified his inclusion? There are 20 or 30 riders out there who can out perform at least half the field of this year. Too many under achievers this season who don't really warrant a place next year, yet we are so quick to want them back in, only to keep on moaning that the whole gp series is dull. Lets have one radical year where we try something different.


it is an interesting one sbramble and statistics over recent years do tell their story..... but the gp's were always going to get like this werent they? The very nature of the competition is about consistency, organisation, machinery and backing aside from erm.. skill lol thats why we currently have a rider in the gp's whos riding ability is some way lower than his peers IMHO .... he ticks all of the other boxes and hangs on for dear life on track


and isnt there an argument that it was always like this to a slightly lesser degree? any era is usually dominated by a few guys..... bridesmaids litter speedway history .... as do those like Andreas Jonsson who are outstanding riders but even out at 4th/5th................... in actual fact this year 6 of the 11 gp's were won by different riders.....and every rider made a semi final


If there is an issue and i'm not sure that there is... then i'm not sure the answer is to bring in loads of new faces..... imo that would create an even bigger gap between the guys you mention and their competition....... the Emil factor is just a mirage when you consider how many guys have had a turn at breaking into the top 6 over the last 5/6 years and how many have actually managed it.........................


if anything the issue is caused by the system itself.... the fact that we have 11 gp's evenly stretched over the season with no pressure of it being a 'qualification road' means that these guys can plan well ahead and over time scoop up and build on the best sponsors, mechanics, tuners, engine deals........................ when you look at it like this it really is no wonder that those seasoned campaigners float to the top every year....... they have a successful formula and it just gets stronger year on year


if this was seen as a huge issue in governing circles then the ideal way would be to do a 'mosley/ecclestone' and change the sanctioned bike setups..... this could have a levelling effect but it could also end up demonstrating the gap once more as the sponsorship and mechanical expertise kick in


I dont think it is panic stations though.... Leigh has gone this year.... what are the odds that one or both of Greg and Tomasz will go next year? Hans kept telling us he knew what his bad season was about but he continued to put in erratic performances.... if he had another bad season he could be on his way as well...... Holta doesnt sound so sure that he wants the GP's as much these days and he could also be on his way................ it seems to me that a steady stream of guys leaving has started and a steady stream of world class replacements are coming in


Give it a year and Pavlic, Woffinden and Ward could be ready


edit: and re: the bomber freak performance....... was it such a freak performance? Bomber has actually made one of the better debut attempts to break into the top 8 in recent years and this imo was partially down to Brian Andersen........ that year his bikes were great and all it was going to take was a couple of decent gates and the correct on track decisions ..... I suspect the 40k people cheering him might have made a slight difference as well :D

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If there is an issue and i'm not sure that there is... then i'm not sure the answer is to bring in loads of new faces..... imo that would create an even bigger gap between the guys you mention and their competition....... the Emil factor is just a mirage when you consider how many guys have had a turn at breaking into the top 6 over the last 5/6 years and how many have actually managed it.........................


if anything the issue is caused by the system itself.... the fact that we have 11 gp's evenly stretched over the season with no pressure of it being a 'qualification road' means that these guys can plan well ahead and over time scoop up and build on the best sponsors, mechanics, tuners, engine deals........................ when you look at it like this it really is no wonder that those seasoned campaigners float to the top every year....... they have a successful formula and it just gets stronger year on year



I dont think it is panic stations though.... Leigh has gone this year.... what are the odds that one or both of Greg and Tomasz will go next year? Hans kept telling us he knew what his bad season was about but he continued to put in erratic performances.... if he had another bad season he could be on his way as well...... Holta doesnt sound so sure that he wants the GP's as much these days and he could also be on his way................ it seems to me that a steady stream of guys leaving has started and a steady stream of world class replacements are coming in


Give it a year and Pavlic, Woffinden and Ward could be ready

Sums up the situation very well i think.But even those riders in the series,but not in the "elite" find it very hard to keep up and try to break into that "elite".I think this is one of the main reasons Holta is supposedly thinking hard about whether to go through it all again.The amount of money and effort it takes to try and keep in the top 8 has taken it toll.But then again it has been said that the way he was looking after the GP last weekend wasn't like someone who wasn't bothered he managed to retain his place.

It would be extremely difficult for most youngsters to gain the sponsorship and other backing needed to put up much of a showing.Pavlic i guess should have better backing than most,but he seems to be going backwards anyway........there are problems i have heard,as there often are with talented youngsters.

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I'm not that sure that Lindgren will get one, i think Lindbäck might be a contender for "that" WC.

The remaining two well Laguta and Richardson maybe?

Have you been to brain surgery or lobotomy during the past season? You seem to post pure sh!te and nothing else these days... What has Lindback done this year? He's seen his prime even with the wc's he's had this season. According to the results this season Zorro is in his prime.


Woffinden and Richardson doeserve places but HANS ANDERSEN doesnt. You English really are blinded by nationality (not all may i add)

:lol: and you Scottish arent?


The whole 'system' is utterly flawed.

Didn't even bother to read the rest. Which system isn't? Change the record.

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f-s-p well i disagree with you about all your claims.


Antonio have scored 148points from 15 meetings / 81 heats in Elitserien AL 2010 will be 7,31 (148/81*4)

Lindgren have scored 127p from 14 meetings. / 70 heats. FL 2010 will be 7.26 (127/70*4)



In Poland

Lindgren is sligthly better with 107 points from 14 meetings/ 63 heats

Antonio have 108p from 14 meetings and 73 heats.


FL have made it to two finals from 11 attempts

AL reached 1 final and 1 semifinal on hos two WC appearances

and he was in the lead in GBG when the heat was stopped


Freddie had several chances the past Saturday to take the points necessary to finish top 8

but he didnt take those chances and finished outside top 8.


The GP qualifications well as said before JD gave Zorro a free point which meant that AL

got knocked out and Zorro made it to the final.


So the question is what you have been drinking if you say that AL haven't done anything.


IMO its wrong to say that any of them is better then the other at the moment.



I am not saying that AL should be picked over Fl just that BSI/IMG might consider it

and unless you are a part of those who pick the 4 seed riders i dont see how you can say that its wrong?

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f-s-p well i disagree with you about all your claims.


Antonio have scored 148points from 15 meetings / 81 heats in Elitserien AL 2010 will be 7,31 (148/81*4)

Lindgren have scored 127p from 14 meetings. / 70 heats. FL 2010 will be 7.26 (127/70*4)


In Poland

Lindgren is sligthly better with 107 points from 14 meetings/ 63 heats

Antonio have 108p from 14 meetings and 73 heats.


FL have made it to two finals from 11 attempts

AL reached 1 final and 1 semifinal on hos two WC appearances

and he was in the lead in GBG when the heat was stopped


Freddie had several chances the past Saturday to take the points necessary to finish top 8

but he didnt take those chances and finished outside top 8.


The GP qualifications well as said before JD gave Zorro a free point which meant that AL

got knocked out and Zorro made it to the final.


So the question is what you have been drinking if you say that AL haven't done anything.


IMO its wrong to say that any of them is better then the other at the moment.


I am not saying that AL should be picked over Fl just that BSI/IMG might consider it

and unless you are a part of those who pick the 4 seed riders i dont see how you can say that its wrong?

Last question first... Some pretty strong danish beer since I/we today bought a house and for the first time in my life I'm seriously in debt. But thats after I wrote what I did.


You say JD gave a free point to Zorro... Well maybe AL should have beaten Kauko Nieminen in their heat at Motala semi (Nieminen finished last in the qualifinal, AL was too busy to show up). How did Kauko finish in at Motala? 4th!!!! AL qualified as a reserve. HAH! :shock: AL COULD NOT KEEP HIS HEAD TOGETHER, did he!

Well done for Zorro for winning the quali final as I sincerely hope this means that Freddie gets a wc and Lindback can keep on riding in the leagues to fill his spare time... In all honesty, there's only only one reason AL can get picked now.

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Lindback must be a wildcard.


Two GPs and impressed in the pair of them. Lindgren failed to make top 8.


Lindback is far more exciting the Lindgren and IMO has more talent on the bike.


Imagine watching Lindback, Holder, Emil etc each week.


As for a Brit, the only one worthy of a wild card is Richardson as he has been in fine form in the 3 leagues this year. Harris had 3 years and not made top 8 once. Nicholls a pathetic attempt in 2009. Tai would be out of his depth. The rest arent worth considering. Kennett in the GPS? LOL.



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Lindback must be a wildcard.


Two GPs and impressed in the pair of them. Lindgren failed to make top 8.


Lindback is far more exciting the Lindgren and IMO has more talent on the bike.


Imagine watching Lindback, Holder, Emil etc each week.


As for a Brit, the only one worthy of a wild card is Richardson as he has been in fine form in the 3 leagues this year. Harris had 3 years and not made top 8 once. Nicholls a pathetic attempt in 2009. Tai would be out of his depth. The rest arent worth considering. Kennett in the GPS? LOL.


To be fair there's not much to choose between the two Swedes, but Lindgren did try to quailify through the GP challenge and made the final.

Three of the most popular choices on this thread, Woffinden, Zagar and Lindback all had an attempt at the same Motala Semi Final and all three failed. Gafurov the Russian outscored two of them in his five rides one of which was an ef.

Edited by MARK246
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Fuel to the fire a bit. Here are Swedish averages from Elitserien. Names listed are riders that rode or have ridden in the GP or SWC in the past. Or names I thought have been mentioned as potential WC's for next season.


1. Jason Crump (AU)________Vetlanda___198___79___15___10,03

2. Leigh Adams (AU)_________Lejonen___61___26___5___9,38

3. Nicki Pedersen (DK)_______Lejonen___143___63___12___9,08

4. Andreas Jonsson (SE)______Dackarna___146___65___13___8,98

5. Greg Hancock (US)________Rospiggarna___173___78___14___8,87

6. Piotr Protasiewicz (PL)______Indianerna___140___65___14___8,62

7. Jaroslaw Hampel (PL)_______Vetlanda___151___74___14___8,16

8. Bjarne Pedersen (DK)______Västervik___135___68___13___7,94

9. Adrian Miedzinski (PL)______Vargarna___147___76___15___7,74

10. Tomasz Gollob (PL)_______Västervik___137___71___14___7,72

11. Lee Richardson (GB)______Elit Vetlanda___131___68___13___7,71

12. Wieslaw Jagus___________Sme/Pir___79___42___9___7,52

13. Rune Holta (PL)__________Indianerna___152___81___15___7,51

14. Antonio Lindbäck (SE)_____Piraterna___148___81___15___7,31

15. Fredrik Lindgren (SE)_____Dackarna___127___70___14___7,26

16. Emil Sajfutdinov (RU)_____Piraterna___29___16___3___7,25

17. Jonas Davidsson (SE)_____Piraterna___141___79___15___7,14

18. Grzegorz Walasek (PL)____Indianerna___142___80___15___7,10

19. Daniel Nermark (SE)______Piraterna___85___48___10___7,08

20. Chris Harris (GB)_________Västervik___133___77___15___6,91

22. Hans Andersen (DK)______Dackarna___117___68___14___6,88

23. Kenneth Bjerre (DK)______Dackarna___55___32___6___6,88

25. Chris Holder (AU)________Lejonen___83___49___10___6,78

26. Sebastian Ulamek (PL)____Ros/Lej___69___41___9___6,73

28. Grigory Laguta (RU)______Västervik___87___54___11___6,44

29. Ryan Sullivan (AU)_______Rospiggarna___122___76___14___6,42

30. Niels-Kristian Iversen (DK)_Västervik___117___74___15___6,32

32. Scott Nicholls (GB)________Vargarna___129___82___16___6,29

36. Krzysztof Kasprzak_______Sme/Var___109___72___15___6,06

42. Tai Woffinden (AU)_______Vargarna___84___61___13___5,51

43. Peter Karlsson (SE)______Dackarna___75___55___11___5,45

46. Magnus Zetterström______Sme/Ind___77___58___12___5,31

51. Janusz Kolodziej (PL)______Rospiggarna___94___75___15___5,01

56. Rory Schlein (AU)_________Dackarna___27___24___6___4,50

61. Renat Gafurov (RU)______Indianerna___27___25___5___4,32

63. Thomas H Jonasson (SE)___Elit Vetlanda___62___58___14___4,28

76. Jurica Pavlic (HR)_________Elit Vetlanda___19___20___6___3,80

77. Ricky Kling (SE)_________Lejonen___44___47___10___3,74

78. Robert Kosiecha (PL)______Piraterna___28___30___7___3,73

81. Joonas Kylmäkorpi (FI)____Indianerna___16___19___5___3,37

82. Edward Kennett (GB)______Vargarna____16___20___5___3,20

83. Lewis Bridger (GB)_______Lejonen_______4___5___1___3,20

84. Matej Ferjan (PL)_________Indianerna___17___22___6___3,09

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Lindback must be a wildcard.


Two GPs and impressed in the pair of them. Lindgren failed to make top 8.


Lindback is far more exciting the Lindgren and IMO has more talent on the bike.


Imagine watching Lindback, Holder, Emil etc each week.


As for a Brit, the only one worthy of a wild card is Richardson as he has been in fine form in the 3 leagues this year. Harris had 3 years and not made top 8 once. Nicholls a pathetic attempt in 2009. Tai would be out of his depth. The rest arent worth considering. Kennett in the GPS? LOL.

This post is so spot on its untrue,Lindback would be good and with tony rik in his corner will have fast bikes and good advice.

Richardson would be good as the tracks in the gps are quite slick and at least can gate unlike other brits and has been

performing well this season.

Edited by geeze
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Apologies if the answer is buried somewhere within the thread but when do the Wildcards get announced?

I think the FIM congress is currently in progress in China, so I guess next week would be a good bet.

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Lindback must be a wildcard.


Two GPs and impressed in the pair of them. Lindgren failed to make top 8.


Lindback is far more exciting the Lindgren and IMO has more talent on the bike.


Imagine watching Lindback, Holder, Emil etc each week.


As for a Brit, the only one worthy of a wild card is Richardson as he has been in fine form in the 3 leagues this year. Harris had 3 years and not made top 8 once. Nicholls a pathetic attempt in 2009. Tai would be out of his depth. The rest arent worth considering. Kennett in the GPS? LOL.


the problem with that imo though wanna is that Lindgren hasnt really done much wrong...... he has been in the series for a couple of years and has pretty much done as well as any other debutant before him aside from Emil........... these older campaigners at the top are a virtually impossible nut to crack............... considering Freddie finished above Hans in the GP's who is likely to get a WC.........outperformed Antonio in Poland.... and showed some real top dog status in UK ....it makes it near on impossible to remove him


Antonio's issue isnt Freddie... its Magnus........... the moment he qualified it made Antonio's permanent wildcard unlikely based on quota systems of previous years.............. I dont think the door is completely shut on Antonio but TRick is going to need to use all of that influence to convince IMG that 1) the swedes should have a bigger quota than anyone else .... 2) that he should be in above Zagar ... 3) this is the year they drop the whole GB must have 2 WC's thing





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i predict.....freddie lindgren,hans andersen, antonia lindback, then a british rider not that any british deserves a place on past performances but if anyone tia woffinden, 5th spot brave move by authorites darcy ward, purely from a youthful racer,. outsider matej zager


surely 2010 wont be as boring series than 2009

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