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Scandinavian Gp - Saturdays Sky Coverage

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  Bobbin' Along said:
It's not the first time Sky have done this - I seem to remember missing a GP some years ago because we were taping it while we were on holiday and weren't aware that it had change to the red button. Also, they have swapped to Sports Xtra mid-meeting before now.


Unfortunately, much as we can winge and gripe that they are cutting a live event, it remains that Sky don't value speedway supporters as much as tennis or football supporters. It may have been a different matter if we had a recognisable and successful British rider (the speedway equivalent of Andy Murray, if you will), but who knows?


So IF and it is a VERY BIG IF, Chris (or Scott :lol: ) make it through to the semis and possible final will they stay with it. The tennis will only just be starting and it wont be the crucial sets, so maybe?! :unsure:

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I agree its not an idea situation, but if you are a subscriber to another provider, probably because its cheaper, its hardly fair to bleat about it, is it? As a sky customer, I will enjoy the whole meeting live, but thats what I pay for, isn't it? I'm sure Sky are really bothered about the Virgin customers.

Edited by srbramble
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  srbramble said:
I agree its not an idea situation, but if you are a subscriber to another provider, probably because its cheaper, its hardly fair to bleat about it, is it? As a sky customer, I will enjoy the whole meeting live, but thats what I pay for, isn't it? I'm sure Sky are really bothered about the Virgin customers.


Well bully for you :mad: I am a virgin customer and chose to be one because i think i get a better allround service,plus Virgin does not go down or cut out in bad weather like Sky sometimes does, virgin is much more stable. Plus Sky are getting there money for us to watch it as Virgin pay them for these channels :mad:

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  srbramble said:
I agree its not an idea situation, but if you are a subscriber to another provider, probably because its cheaper, its hardly fair to bleat about it, is it? As a sky customer, I will enjoy the whole meeting live, but thats what I pay for, isn't it? I'm sure Sky are really bothered about the Virgin customers.


Agreed, why should SKY worry about Virgin customers.

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  shirls said:
Well bully for you :mad: I am a virgin customer and chose to be one because i think i get a better allround service,plus Virgin does not go down or cut out in bad weather like Sky sometimes does, virgin is much more stable. Plus Sky are getting there money for us to watch it as Virgin pay them for these channels :mad:


This is one time when it isn't the better service. Your choice, not my fault. Enjoy the Tennis.


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  Sir Jasper said:
Will Sky plus still work and record the whole meeting?


No, I phoned Sky today to enquire this as I'm out for a meal until about 8pm, my choices were to Sky+ the first half and miss the end, or watch the end live when I get in and miss the first 2 hours! Great choice and Sky will be getting a stinky email from me on Monday.....


For what it's worth it's repeated at 10.30pm on SS2 and again at 8am tomorrow


So I'll watch it at 10.30pm for 3 hours (assuming no delays) - great when I'm up at 4.30am tomorrow for work!! :angry:

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  Ipswich Jules said:
No, I phoned Sky today to enquire this as I'm out for a meal until about 8pm, my choices were to Sky+ the first half and miss the end, or watch the end live when I get in and miss the first 2 hours! Great choice and Sky will be getting a stinky email from me on Monday.....


For what it's worth it's repeated at 10.30pm on SS2 and again at 8am tomorrow


So I'll watch it at 10.30pm for 3 hours (assuming no delays) - great when I'm up at 4.30am tomorrow for work!! :angry:

So why not just Skybox the 10.30 showing?, simples. :unsure:

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  Snyper1010 said:
Not a single stream for this meeting. Gutted. I wonder if master of streaming "Stu" will be happy to repay aall speedway donations to his "reliable" site after appearing to have dissapeared into thin air.

Get yourself down to the Hampton son . Great wee place ( if you can stomach all that Monarchs rubbish on the wall ) , you should be right at home there . :wink:

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  Snyper1010 said:
Paul im miles away from that area mate. Meeting would be half finished by the time i got there. Local has the numpty Newcastle Reading game on

The track is rained soaked anyway , you wont miss much .

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