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I don't see what people are moaning about. The meeting is cheaper than it was in Zielona Gora in 2008 - which I saw the day after the Polish GP. A poor track at Zielona Gora came close to ruining the meeting, but with only three GP places up for grabs, it still came to a pretty exciting climax.


I think the meeting at Brandon will be a cracker. I will certainly be there. The only regret I have is that means I can't attend the Mark Lemon testimonial, but Lemo can blame the organisers of his meeting for shifting the date forward two days as I had the original Sept 20 date down in my diary.


All the best



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I hope Gollob pulls out and Greg Stays.

then the 2010 GP roster would look like this:


  1. Jason Crump
  2. Greg Hancock
  3. Emil Sayfutdinov
  4. Andreas Jonsson
  5. Fredrik Lindgren
  6. Kenneth Bjerre
  7. Nicki Pedersen
  8. Hans Andersen
  9. Hampel
  10. Holder
  11. Miedzinski
  12. Antonio
  13. Lee Richardson
  14. Zagar
  15. Grigory Laguta
  16. Local WC


What a totally ridiculous thing to say.

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What a totally ridiculous thing to say.




I'd rather see that Gollob pulls out while he still is a top rider and being remembered for that then

that he does another year with mediocre results.


But you perhaps would rather see him doing what Adams is doing in the GPs this year?

Can you say that you find it thrilling or exciting to see him ride?

Adams won two GPs last season but where is he now?

and i think i've changed my mind about Greg. I think he should do the same.


Gollob and Greg should realize that its better the quit while on top then being remembered

for stubbornly clinging on to the GP series despite that they have lost it like Adams.


and besides i think it would be a small boost for the Gps if Adams (although he haven't been good in the gps this year), Greg and Gollob would pull out.

Because as mentioned earlier in this Thread Vojens was only the second

time in many years that neither Crump, Hancock, Gollob, Nicki Pedersen, Rickardsson and Adams was in the final.

With 3 of those 5 gone i think we will sligthly more unpredictable finalists.

Edited by Ghostwalker
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I'd rather see that Gollob pulls out while he still is a top rider and being remembered for that then

that he does another year with mediocre results.


But you perhaps would rather see him doing what Adams is doing in the GPs this year?

Can you say that you find it thrilling or exciting to see him ride?

Adams won two GPs last season but where is he now?

and i think i've changed my mind about Greg. I think he should do the same.


Gollob and Greg should realize that its better the quit while on top then being remembered

for stubbornly clinging on to the GP series despite that they have lost it like Adams.


and besides i think it would be a small boost for the Gps if Adams (although he haven't been good in the gps this year), Greg and Gollob would pull out.

Because as mentioned earlier in this Thread Vojens was only the second

time in many years that neither Crump, Hancock, Gollob, Nicki Pedersen, Rickardsson and Adams was in the final.

With 3 of those 5 gone i think we will sligthly more unpredictable finalists.


What a tosh post.You said yourself Gollob is still a top rider.So are at least a dozen of the current GP riders.Are you advocating that when a rider reaches the top of his profession he should just drop out by virtue of being a 'top rider' ? The top guys are still there because they are the best.How many of the top riders have had to qualify via the GP challenge ?

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G& G are top riders THIS year but Adams was a top rider LAST YEAR but this year he is not,

he have been quite mediocre in the GPS and i think the same might happen to Gollob and Greg next season.

Or maybe you thinks its exciting to watch Adams trail at the back in one heat after another?

Neither Gollob or Greg will be better next year on the contrary they will probably be less good next season.

would that be especially exciting? i think not.

Better to quit while on top then to stubbornly continue until they lost it completely.


In your opinion how long should they continue 1-2-3 more years?


no thanks they have had their time in the fun and its time to let it go.


the finals of this year:


Vojens. Aj, Emil, Bjerre, Holta

Målilla: Gollob, Crump, Andersen, Berre

Latvia: Greg, Bjerre, Crump, Gollob

Cardiff: Grerg, Hans, Lindgren, Crump

Copenhagen; Greg, Gollob, Iversen, Crump

Gthbrg: Crump, Emil, Lindbäck, Nicki

Leszno: Gollob, Greg, Crump, Jonsson

Prague: Emil, Adams, Crump, Lindgren.


So every final but threehave had either Gollob och Greg and 3 finals have had both. Not particulary exciting and quite predictable.

No matter what you say Greg, Adams, and Gollob are history for me.

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G& G are top riders THIS year but Adams was a top rider LAST YEAR but this year he is not,

he have been quite mediocre in the GPS and i think the same might happen to Gollob and Greg next season.

Or maybe you thinks its exciting to watch Adams trail at the back in one heat after another?

Neither Gollob or Greg will be better next year on the contrary they will probably be less good next season.

would that be especially exciting? i think not.

Better to quit while on top then to stubbornly continue until they lost it completely.


In your opinion how long should they continue 1-2-3 more years?


no thanks they have had their time in the fun and its time to let it go.


the finals of this year:


Vojens. Aj, Emil, Bjerre, Holta

Målilla: Gollob, Crump, Andersen, Berre

Latvia: Greg, Bjerre, Crump, Gollob

Cardiff: Grerg, Hans, Lindgren, Crump

Copenhagen; Greg, Gollob, Iversen, Crump

Gthbrg: Crump, Emil, Lindbäck, Nicki

Leszno: Gollob, Greg, Crump, Jonsson

Prague: Emil, Adams, Crump, Lindgren.


So every final but threehave had either Gollob och Greg and 3 finals have had both. Not particulary exciting and quite predictable.

No matter what you say Greg, Adams, and Gollob are history for me.


I sort of get your sentiments regarding riders getting out before they struggle, but I'm confused also. Are you saying Gollob and Hancock shouldn't be in the GP because they have been in too many finals this year?


These two riders may be getting a bit long in the tooth, but they are also currently lying second and third in the series. I just don't see where you're coming from on that score. You may as well say get rid of Crump as he is winning too easily and making it boring.


Adams was in the GP this year on merit and fully deserved to be in there. This year he's unlikely to make the cut and - if so - could well find himself out next year. But that doesn't make his inclusion this year any less warranted.

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well i still dont want to see Gollob or Greg or Adams next year. I just dont find theme xciting to watch anymore.


About Adams. first he have hardly ridden in Sweden this season (only 5 meetings) and i understand

that he want to focus on his British team but if he want to focus on his British team then he shouldnt be

in the GP series at all if he's not interested/capable in giving a 100%.

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About Adams. first he have hardly ridden in Sweden this season (only 5 meetings) and i understand

that he want to focus on his British team but if he want to focus on his British team then he shouldnt be

in the GP series at all if he's not interested/capable in giving a 100%.


Fine by me.


Crump, Pedersen, Sayfudinov, Jonsson and Holta have, between them, hardly ridden in Britain this year. Let's get rid of them too shall we?


Let's get rid of the whole lot of them actually. Let's bring 16 new people in. Keep it exciting.

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Miedzinski have done a great season so far in Sweden riding really well. point wise he is on the same level as riders like Lindgren, Hans, Walasek, Jonas D, Antonio L, Gollob and that is better the rider like Holder Tai, Nicholls, Harris, Iversen, Kasprzak, PK, Shields.. Miedzinski is also among the top 20 i the Polish league


so dont judge the riders if you dont know who they are. Miedzinski is a good rider and i wouldnt be surprised if we saw him the GPs within a few years.

Must agree Miedzinski is excellent value; I was most impressed with him in SWC, but Holder & Kasprzak both have better Polish averages, in fact most of the old GP riders you want to get rid of are doing better than him; can't follow your logic.

Edited by BigFatDave
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In this weeks Star there is an article entitled, Brandons Big Night. It says, "A massive crowd is expected" the article is not signed as I guess the writer did not want to be seen as an idiot. Nobody in their right mind would pay £25 to watch this meeting. Come to Somerset the same night and see Crump, Peter Karlsson, Woffindon etc etc. Meet Sam Ermolenko and Phil Crump in the pits, also pre-meeting entertainment and all for £13-50. YES £13-50 what a bargain.



Why go to Somerset and a meaningless ( excpet to Lemon) individual meeting when you can watch the GP Challenge for a few quid more?


I will be coming up to the GP Challenge and am looking forward to it. Should be a cracker with riders desperate to qualify. In fact I will be driving right along the M5 past Somerset and I wish Lemon a successful meeting, but there's no way I would chose that over the GP Challenge.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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The british fans must not lose sight of the fact that their favourite club rider may decide to give the BEL a miss if they qualify for the GP series from this meeting ............ a sobering thought eh?

Is that really such a concern?

Hans and Scott showed what it meant to drop the Elite League this year....


Yes, the very top riders can afford to ease back, but the aforementioned two gave a valuable lesson to others considering this approach!

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edited to add; Hey Bruno "at follow the leader Coventry", you obviously don't watch much racing at Brandon! :rolleyes:


In his defence - Brandon was always slick and generally 'iffy' back in the Cradley days, and it still can be now. Though it is much improved generally speaking. See what getting rid of Olsen can do for a track? :lol:


Gollob and Greg should realize that its better the quit while on top then being remembered

for stubbornly clinging on to the GP series despite that they have lost it like Adams.


Brilliant!! Let's get rid of Crump too as he can only stand still or get worse next season. I can see what you're saying about Adams having slipped down the order and that one day it will happen to Greg and Tomasz. But until the time comes nobody knows when that will happen. Did anyone predict Leigh would struggle so badly this season? Was he any more likely to have slipped down the order than Greg or Tomasz? Will Greg and/or Tomasz slip down the order next season or will they still be top 5 riders in the GP series? Is Nicki passed his best and should go or has he just been unlucky with ref calls, injury and a slight dip in form compared to the previous two seasons?




Quick question for anyone thinking of going to Somerset because, if even in part, this meeting is too expensive. How much will your round trip cost you in fuel compared to going to Brandon?

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I'd rather see that Gollob pulls out while he still is a top rider and being remembered for that then

that he does another year with mediocre results.


Gollob and Greg should realize that its better the quit while on top then being remembered

for stubbornly clinging on to the GP series despite that they have lost it like Adams.


and besides i think it would be a small boost for the Gps if Adams (although he haven't been good in the gps this year), Greg and Gollob would pull out.


What total garbage. A boost to the GPs if Gollob and Hancock pull out? What rubbish.


Until such time as a better rider arrives in the GP, I hope to see these two great riders (and I am no fan of Greg's) entertaining us for many years to come.

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But this £13.50p meeting means nothing except to Mark Lemon, I'm not disputing that the old fella deserves his day, but it can't possibly be compared to a meeting of guys scrapping to get into next years GP series. The GP challenge is the modern day equivalent to the old intercontinental final with riders battling to reach the top table. Just how many riders have battled away to try to reach this stage during the season is testament to this, how anyone can gripe about £25 entrance fee is beyond me, it is a genuine world championship event for Gods sake! :rolleyes:


edited to add; Hey Bruno "at follow the leader Coventry", you obviously don't watch much racing at Brandon! :rolleyes:

got to admit i only get there a couple of times a year.think im coming for the challange so hope its a good one


on the price i went to zielona gora last year which was over priced.they normally get good crowds but there was hardly anyone there.as for the meeting there was more dirt on my patio so im hoping coventry do the meeting justice.also im sure the poles also stayed away cuz they see the top riders unlike us brits

Edited by bruno
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