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I personally think that Charlie, Kelvin, Chris & Scotty did an excellent job in the SWC Final.


And also Sky TV for showing the competition (except one event) in HD, many thanks for that.


Brilliant job done :) :) :) :) :)

Edited by Robbie B
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I thought the whole team today were excellent.


I'm no fan of Nicholls (understatement time) but this was his first time of sitting in front of cameras for a long programme with not a lot going for considerable periods and he IMHO did a good job.


Slightly disappointed with Charlie tho for not asking where Nicholls was Monday and Thursday :wink: but maybe that was a condition of him sitting there - who knows.


Sack Pearson and keep this team together, no shouting, no screaming, just knowledge, information and the odd joke. Brilliant stuff under pressure of no action for hours on end :approve:

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I got soooooo bored by thee who must not be named. Get rid - like someone said earlier same with both careers - over rated!

Id much rather have someone whos a bit more animated and non monotone - bring back Floppy

or Id prefer to see Sam Ermo in there - anyone but the great underachiever


Charlie was great and has really come on well as anchor.


Chris Louis is good especially with the inside knowledge he has

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Tatum, Louis and Nicholls doing good job and topped off lovely with Charlie... I think Sky have stumbled upon the dream team.



Careful, you can't make positive comments about the SKY presentation team!


Personally I have immensely enjoyed the entire SWC series, I haven't watched much speedway this year but the racing and all round presentation has IMHO been excellent.

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Careful, you can't make positive comments about the SKY presentation team!


Personally I have immensely enjoyed the entire SWC series, I haven't watched much speedway this year but the racing and all round presentation has IMHO been excellent.



Yup, got to agree, SWC has provided some magic TV, with heat 20 at Peterborough being the stand out. I've watched it a few times now and it's another race that'll go down into the 'did you see' history books. Classic with passing and re-passing on each lap.


Apologies for the gratuitous positiveness... I expect a warning or ban any second now... :wink:

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Careful, you can't make positive comments about the SKY presentation team!


Personally I have immensely enjoyed the entire SWC series, I haven't watched much speedway this year but the racing and all round presentation has IMHO been excellent.


Anyone count how many times Nicholls uttered " Y'a know". I gave up after two short interviews and it was 49 !!!

Anyway it was a terrible shock seeing him on the TV at breakfast time ;) Almost choked on me Bucks Fizz :lol:

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I thought the whole team today were excellent.


I'm no fan of Nicholls (understatement time) but this was his first time of sitting in front of cameras for a long programme with not a lot going for considerable periods and he IMHO did a good job.


Slightly disappointed with Charlie tho for not asking where Nicholls was Monday and Thursday :wink: but maybe that was a condition of him sitting there - who knows.


Sack Pearson and keep this team together, no shouting, no screaming, just knowledge, information and the odd joke. Brilliant stuff under pressure of no action for hours on end :approve:

The commentary by Tatum and Louis was perfect. For me, a good commentary is one that does not destract the viewer and is there if you want to hear it. With Pearson and Millard, it is overbearing and cannot be ignored.

Plenty of letters of praise to SKY. At least we can hopefully prevent the return of Millard when Pearson is back on soccer duty....

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Snails love Charlie.


You'd like a frog if it stopped hopping :wink:



wasnt sure about her at first but shes growing on me


Like a wart?


Just became a follower of Charlies on twitter (why not she is easy on the eye )


Are there any speedway riders on twitter who have something interesting to say?




love him or loathe hime Nigel has 2 qualities....


Loud and louder?


To be fair, everyone's darling Suzi Perry used to 'leer' a lot at certain riders.


So she might of done but she didn't get caught out did she!



Honestly we're quite happy to take music requests before the events to add to individuals listening pleasure


Ok first request in for Cardiff 2010 can I have a tune played for me please Superbartyloveyahunni and I want it announced cos it be me burpday!!!!!!! :approve:



Id prefer to see Sam Ermo in there


Yeah me too.


Charlie was great and has really come on well as anchor.


:blink: had to read that twice!





think im falling in love with our charlie


Good!!!! whisk her away PLEASE!

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Not a tot of mumsies Shredded Sporan then? I'm disappointed Sir!


Tad early for that Old Chap !! Even for me :blink: Sir Watkyn sent me a couple of Bottles of a nice First Cask . I'll give you the verdict later today :lol:


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Yep, great job by the Sky team today. Thought Charlie has done exceptionally well anchoring the meeting - fronting to camera and being a roving reporter, and the Kelvin/Loobie duo commentating were great. I like Nigel P also, but this team definitely worked today. As for Charlie approaching riders, that's what she's told to do...thought she showed professionalism holding back when she could see riders busy/team talking and most seem to give her the time when they can. Anton was obviously struggling with bike issues at the time he said no - it's an important meeting so you can't blame a rider for wanting to sort that stuff first.

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Yep, great job by the Sky team today. Thought Charlie has done exceptionally well anchoring the meeting - fronting to camera and being a roving reporter, and the Kelvin/Loobie duo commentating were great. I like Nigel P also, but this team definitely worked today. As for Charlie approaching riders, that's what she's told to do...thought she showed professionalism holding back when she could see riders busy/team talking and most seem to give her the time when they can. Anton was obviously struggling with bike issues at the time he said no - it's an important meeting so you can't blame a rider for wanting to sort that stuff first.

Good post - agree with all points.

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Am I going completely mad or have you lot (well the majority on this thread) completely lost the plot?? If you think Charlie is in any way a decent presenter you need to have a word with yourself. If her standard of presentation, her clarity of delivery and her level of knowledge is, in your view, 'good', then how damned low have you set the bar?? How bad would you have to be to be 'bad' ?? The mind boggles!

This is one of the biggest problems in speedway, the willingness to accept such pathetically low standards in all areas of the sport, and why it will remain a laughable minority sport.


I have absolutely nothing against her as an individual, she clearly is an enthusiastic individual trying her best to operate well outside her comfort zone, for that I applaud her. But for christ's sake, when will this obsession with Sky and the Murdoch mafia to have 'pretty young things' as the wallpaper for their sports coverage and anchor roles ever end? It's all getting a little silly. Is it too much to ask to just have people presenting that actually know what they are talking about? I don't give a monkeys what people look like, fat, thin, black, white, beautiful, plain, anything, just please be comfortable, knowledgable and concise. It ain't rocket science.


She has a terrible habit of tripping over her own words, irritatingly not finishing sentences when she's getting things in a muddle, and then giggles like a little schoolgirl ( which is basically nerves ) when she interviews riders. Am I the only one that finds this embarrassing, embarrassing for her actually?

I guess the calculation is that speedway is predominantly watched by working class, poorly schooled Sun reading males who will overlook the pretty little thing's mistakes as long as they can gawp at her squeeking away at the microphone. There is a very very disparaging view of the people that watch speedway in the media, that's obvious. Thick, in other words.


Well how does that make you feel, patronised or what? It's an interesting view to suggest it's sexism, it is of course, in some respects, because she's only there for her attractive qualities if we are honest, but it's more a class issue isn't it? Imagine if they tried it with cricket, for example? Not in a million years, because afterall, that's watched by port sipping well heeled middle class types (!), who simply wouldn't put up with such a thing.


Still, if that's the standard you are happy with, and you feel it promotes progression and professionalism in the sport, then fair do's. But to me, it just adds to the embarrassing amatuerism this sport seems to want to revert to lately, and it's a real shame. :sad:

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Am I going completely mad or have you lot (well the majority on this thread) completely lost the plot?? If you think Charlie is in any way a decent presenter you need to have a word with yourself. If her standard of presentation, her clarity of delivery and her level of knowledge is, in your view, 'good', then how damned low have you set the bar?? How bad would you have to be to be 'bad' ?? The mind boggles!

This is one of the biggest problems in speedway, the willingness to accept such pathetically low standards in all areas of the sport, and why it will remain a laughable minority sport.


I have absolutely nothing against her as an individual, she clearly is an enthusiastic individual trying her best to operate well outside her comfort zone, for that I applaud her. But for christ's sake, when will this obsession with Sky and the Murdoch mafia to have 'pretty young things' as the wallpaper for their sports coverage and anchor roles ever end? It's all getting a little silly. Is it too much to ask to just have people presenting that actually know what they are talking about? I don't give a monkeys what people look like, fat, thin, black, white, beautiful, plain, anything, just please be comfortable, knowledgable and concise. It ain't rocket science.


She has a terrible habit of tripping over her own words, irritatingly not finishing sentences when she's getting things in a muddle, and then giggles like a little schoolgirl ( which is basically nerves ) when she interviews riders. Am I the only one that finds this embarrassing, embarrassing for her actually?

I guess the calculation is that speedway is predominantly watched by working class, poorly schooled Sun reading males who will overlook the pretty little thing's mistakes as long as they can gawp at her squeeking away at the microphone. There is a very very disparaging view of the people that watch speedway in the media, that's obvious. Thick, in other words.


Well how does that make you feel, patronised or what? It's an interesting view to suggest it's sexism, it is of course, in some respects, because she's only there for her attractive qualities if we are honest, but it's more a class issue isn't it? Imagine if they tried it with cricket, for example? Not in a million years, because afterall, that's watched by port sipping well heeled middle class types (!), who simply wouldn't put up with such a thing.


Still, if that's the standard you are happy with, and you feel it promotes progression and professionalism in the sport, then fair do's. But to me, it just adds to the embarrassing amatuerism this sport seems to want to revert to lately, and it's a real shame. :sad:


The fact she worked for ESPN in Asia being the only female presenter covering premier league football in Asia and she was also the anchor of gp2 on ITV last year. Both Bigger sports than speedway, therefore clearly she must be a decent presenter, or she wouldnt have got these jobs!

Edited by Bart Simpson
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