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just a dizzy blond who asks the same question 3 times in one very long sentence.Priceless when she collared the breathless Hampel on Thursday night before he even got his helmet off.If she slowed down a bit and thought first she MIGHT make it into the Suzi Perry class

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Guest Ashie Smashy

Think I live on a different planet to most of the people on here, I seem to be in the minority that think Pearson is a useless excuse for a commentator, and that Charlie is actually getting better and better, and a really good partnership with Chris Louis in the pits.

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Guest Ashie Smashy
love him or loathe hime Nigel has 2 very good qualities....clarity and a good knowledge of the sport



Wrong.. He called the wrong winner of a GP last season because he did not understand the GPs. Last week he shouted Zagar at the back just as we overtaking Crump for the lead. He slags off referees for not putting lights on straight away when a lot of people know that better to put them on the straight, not the bend.


People think he knows what he is talking about, and whilst he knows lots about 70s and 80s riders, and who rides for which team I do not buy into him being the all knowing fountain of speedway wisdom that people on here make out.

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Well, Pearson is there and does a good job i think. Do all the whingers need a commentator when actually go to a match ? I think the answer is no. If you dont like him , press the mute button and commentate to yourself. Or , if live speedway on Sky dissolutions you so much , then just dont watch . Simples really

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Do all the whingers need a commentator when actually go to a match ? I think the answer is no.

Oh,don't you just hate those people who commentate on the heat or even worse at football......far worse than any tv commentator are those people who tell you what is going on when you can see for yourself :blink: I agree.....next time the whingers go to a meeting just tape the noise and then everytime they watch the tv turn the mute button on and play their tape......

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Wrong.. He called the wrong winner of a GP last season because he did not understand the GPs. Last week he shouted Zagar at the back just as we overtaking Crump for the lead. He slags off referees for not putting lights on straight away when a lot of people know that better to put them on the straight, not the bend.


People think he knows what he is talking about, and whilst he knows lots about 70s and 80s riders, and who rides for which team I do not buy into him being the all knowing fountain of speedway wisdom that people on here make out.

note i said good knowledge not complete


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This Sky speedway pits woman is terrible..... can't talk properly, has zero knowledge od Speedway, forgets which track she's at and/or who's racing.

She asks THE most stupid, pointless and silly questions, a real joke!

An absolute amateur.

Anyone have the opposite point of view?

Sky have decided to blood young charlie as one for the future , by putting her in the mix with people who know what they are talking about in a few years time so will she :lol::lol:

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as soon as she knows what she is doing she will be off doing something else. Speedway is onlt a stepping stone to bigger and better things. Imuch prefer her than Green, he is always trying to crack a joke that just aint funny, thank god we hardly have to put up with him anymore. Oh and Charlie is pretty fit, so i dont mind her at all.

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Think I live on a different planet to most of the people on here, I seem to be in the minority that think Pearson is a useless excuse for a commentator, and that Charlie is actually getting better and better, and a really good partnership with Chris Louis in the pits.

I agree about this! they work really well together. thy were obv doing a bit of team building after the race off too going by a couple of photos tweeted by Charlie.


FWIW Charlie is getting really good. Shes passionate about the sport and shes learning. She needs to start playing hard to get with Mr Zagar tho - It feels a bit pervy watching her interview him - almost like we are all intruding on their private time....lol


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I agree about this! they work really well together. thy were obv doing a bit of team building after the race off too going by a couple of photos tweeted by Charlie.


FWIW Charlie is getting really good. Shes passionate about the sport and shes learning. She needs to start playing hard to get with Mr Zagar tho - It feels a bit pervy watching her interview him - almost like we are all intruding on their private time....lol



To be fair, everyone's darling Suzi Perry used to 'leer' a lot at certain riders. :lol:



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And Suzi was very interested in Shaun Taceys plumbs, when he once fell off.


Female interviewers must have a thing about them, Charlie's quote on thurs to Crumpy was a classic ' Don,t forget to check your nuts when you get on the bike' nearly spit beer all over the setee.


Have to agree with the majority I think she is doing a good job and has certainly grown on me. When asking AJ when Sweden would be playing the joker and he said 'can't say, her reply 'Oh go on Aj you can tell me' Aj erm Heat 23, Brill

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I think all of the Sky speedway presnters do a good job, some a little better than others, I would prefere Chris Louis to Kelvin Tatum, but that's just my preferance. I think it's been said before but all those who knock the presenters should turn off the sound and try recording themselves comentating and talking for about 3 hours, not an easy task. Charlie is getting better all the time, especially being the main presenter in last nights rain off, can't have been easy.

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Guest Ashie Smashy
she's a good presenter and getting better



She is, and whilst I think Sam Ermolenko was an amazing rider if you compare Charlie with Sam on commentary, Sam was poor and would actually ask questions that answer themselves so all the rider could say was 'eeer yeah'.


Charlie is learning, and is doing fantastic.

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