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As regards the gate mix up, if Jan Staechmann and his Team were working to the spreadsheet why didn't Klindt know he was going off the wrong gate


It seems the start line crew had the same gate positions as Rob Lyon and the other Teams, which is why Rob looked bemused, as did the other Team Managers


All riders work to the gate positions in the official programme that is given to them before the meeting starts, it looks like only Jan Staechmann was working from the spreadsheet, the thing is was the referee working from the spreadsheet or the official programme


Bit of a cock up all round, but you can't blame Rob Lyon for looking like he did.


Anyway, my thoughts on Team GB, brilliant, a resounding success







Sorry, just seen doc61's post, and he has said much the same as I have

Edited by Team Man
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Give Rob Lyon a chance...Rome was NOT built in a day. Why Rosco wat he got that Rob Lyon doesn't have then??


Rob Lyon has had his chance and blown it big time.


He looked like a very small fishh in a big pond last night. Absolutely no presence about him, his body language was hardly going to inspire those in his charge.


To my mind he didn't pick Scott because Scott has something that Lyon is lacking in spades, and that is personality. He seemed happier to pick young kids who he wouldn't feel intimidated by rather than the best man for the job.

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I cant believe all this moaning how can people moan when every rider, rode their hearts out.


I personally, had to watch the re-run till 2.15 am because of transport problems in London meant I missed the live showing. Despite staying up halfway through the night I am very proud of the British riders, I thought they made a great fist of it and Team GB came so close to making the final.


This is a 3/4 year plan not for now , so all you could ask for was for the riders to give 100%, they gave exactly that and they just missed out. The Swedes had riders that were much more experienced in high pressure situations then us, that counted alot in the latter stages. Rob Lyon came in and stated he wanted a youth policy. If he had bought Nicholls in then many people would have questioned why he went against his word.


I cant believe this argument about Scott Nicholls, how can his form merit a call up. Last year people were caning the experienced riders and shouting from the forum rooftops to bring in the Young guard. Lyons has done that and still people moan. The criteria of him taking the job was to work to a 5 year plan, I seem to recall.


European SGP May 2009 - Scott Nicholls - 1 0 0 0 0 - 1


Good to see the likes of Roynon and Kennett in Poland helping out ... and reading the Speedway Star the likes of Bridger, King etc all stated they would go to support the team if not selected.


King and Bridger did well on Monday so they totally deserved their chance. Admittedly they struggled at Lezno but if they can learn from the meeting and the experience all is good for the future. More experienced riders than they struggled in the run-off.


3. Niels Kristian Iversen - 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 = 4

4. Hans Andersen (Captain) - 1, 0, 0 = 1

2. Adam Shields - 1, 1, 2, 0, F = 4

2. David Ruud - 0, 1, 2, 0 = 3

4. Jonas Davidsson - 2, 0, 1, 0 = 3

The lads can be proud of themselves they pushed all the way to heat 25 but in the end missed out to strength in depth to the Swedes. Rico was excellent and Bomber gave it everything, Tai was in the thick of the action and got some important points on the board.


If the BSPA look at the SWC as a whole , I think one matter they should certainly look at is getting some training schools pre-season sorted in Poland to benefit the youngsters. Kennett and King don't even ride in Poland. Tai and Lewis get limited opportunities. Team GB should take a boot camp / training week at 3 tracks in Poland where it would be possible to train, practice set ups etc . If they are serious about the youth policy they need to back the riders properly and help further the speedway education of 5/6 riders.


Well done GB tonight valiant in defeat and I for one am so proud of them.

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As regards the gate mix up, if Jan Staechmann and his Team were working to the spreadsheet why didn't Klindt know he was going off the wrong gate


It seems the start line crew had the same gate positions as Rob Lyon and the other Teams, which is why Rob looked bemused, as did the other Team Managers


All riders work to the gate positions in the official programme that is given to them before the meeting starts, it looks like only Jan Staechmann was working from the spreadsheet, the thing is was the referee working from the spreadsheet or the official programme


Bit of a cock up all round, but you can't blame Rob Lyon for looking like he did.


Anyway, my thoughts on Team GB, brilliant, a resounding success


First off, it wasn't Klindt in the heat, it was Hans.


According to Danish TV there had been a misprint in the official program and that is what caused all the trouble.


The gate pattern is the same for every SWC race and if you look at the first two races you'll see that in heat 22 the team with the red helmets have gate two and the ones with the white helmets have gate four. So the guys where lined up right according to the program, but the program was wrong and they got it right in the re-run.

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I wish people would get off Lyons back, what do people want a different team manager every year, thats gonna win us the world cup isnt it. :angry:


To be fair its only the Lynn haters and the Rosco lovers who want Rob out, and they are in the vast minority. Toogood has already come out and publicly backed him, so he is here to stay :approve:


A pub and a fan club. :rolleyes:




Rob Lyon has had his chance and blown it big time.


He looked like a very small fish in a big pond last night. Absolutely no presence about him, his body language was hardly going to inspire those in his charge


What a load of old squit. The guy has a cool and calm approach rather than bleating and blahing like Rossiter....the fact that a great team spirit has been generated from not having one at all says everything about what Rob brings to Team GB.


The benefits of this week will be seen in years to come....I can't believe that a few are being so obtuse and can't see it. A young side nearly qualified for the final last night, whereas a 'full strength' one last year came nowhere near.

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First off, it wasn't Klindt in the heat, it was Hans.


According to Danish TV there had been a misprint in the official program and that is what caused all the trouble.


The gate pattern is the same for every SWC race and if you look at the first two races you'll see that in heat 22 the team with the red helmets have gate two and the ones with the white helmets have gate four. So the guys where lined up right according to the program, but the program was wrong and they got it right in the re-run.

It should have been obvious to SOMEONE IN AUTHORITY AT THE TRACK that heat 22 was incorrect-every rider in his 5 rides has each gate once and one gate twice-and Nicolai Klindt hadn`t had gate two.


so Danish Webmaster 1 referee nil !!!!!

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First off, it wasn't Klindt in the heat, it was Hans.


According to Danish TV there had been a misprint in the official program and that is what caused all the trouble.


The gate pattern is the same for every SWC race and if you look at the first two races you'll see that in heat 22 the team with the red helmets have gate two and the ones with the white helmets have gate four. So the guys where lined up right according to the program, but the program was wrong and they got it right in the re-run.



Sorry, yes it was Hans, but I just said if they were working from the correct gate position sheet, why didn't he query it when he got to the gate

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The benefits of this week will be seen in years to come....I can't believe that a few are being so obtuse and can't see it. A young side nearly qualified for the final last night, whereas a 'full strength' one last year came nowhere near.


Of the 'young' aspect of last night's team only one contributed.


The vast majority of the reason we nearly made the final was down to two of the so called 'full strength' failures last year. Let's not let facts get in the way of anything eh?


With regard to one of your other points, do you really believe an endorsement from Mr Toogood id anything to right home about??? - British Speedway is critically ill under his tenure and Swindon was going nowhere when he ran that.

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Well done Rob Lyon for having the guts to field those two line ups. Well done to the boys for riding their hearts out. Bollocks to all you negative so called fans who would not be happy whatever happened, get over it Scott wasnt there and we did good.


You're so right, 5th is a fantastic achievement and the youngsters made a key contribution to us getting so close.

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Of the 'young' aspect of last night's team only one contributed.


The vast majority of the reason we nearly made the final was down to two of the so called 'full strength' failures last year. Let's not let facts get in the way of anything eh?


With regard to one of your other points, do you really believe an endorsement from Mr Toogood id anything to right home about??? - British Speedway is critically ill under his tenure and Swindon was going nowhere when he ran that


Bridger & King only contributed a point but no doubt they learned in one night what a season's worth of league racing would teach them. They are our future, not a GP struggler on the way down.


And the fact that those two 'full strength failures' were so much better than last year must tell you something.


Scott Nicholls was overlooked for what must be a very good reason....I look forward to hearing it in the coming weeks.

Edited by Bagpuss
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I bet there's loads of free pints on offer down Swindon way this weekend! :P


I admit to not being very patriotic in the past where speedway is concerned, but I think Rob was spot on and I was proud to be British on Monday and last night. I've never seen a GB team gel as well as those boys did and every single one of them who were in the pits, whether riding or not, can be hugely proud of themselves. Look forward to seeing more of Team GB with Rob Lyon their boss. :approve:

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Bridger & King only contributed a point but no doubt they learned in one night what a season's worth of league racing would teach them. They are our future, not a GP struggler on the way down.


And the fact that those two 'full strength failures' were so much better than last year must tell you something.


Scott Nicholls was overlooked for what must be a very good reason....I look forward to hearing it in the coming weeks.


But when exactly can Bridger and King put this instant improvement and experience into practice, next year's World Cup? - without continued exposure to this level of racing it will count for nothing. Riders like these should be cutting their teeth in Test Matches, not World Cups. Lyon needs to get off his jacksie and start arranging some, then they can progress to this level and continue to learn on a regular basis.


Harris performed as he has for much of the season and Rico is enjoying his racing again and performing accordingly, he didn't suddenly produce this level of performance from a bit of Rob Lyon wisdom last night!

Edited by frigbo
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A pub and a fan club. :rolleyes:

My sentiments entirely, bunny! :D


By the way, what time are you getting to the World Cup Final barbeque tomorrow? :unsure:

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But when exactly can Bridger and King put this instant improvement and experience into practice, next year's World Cup? - without continued exposure to this level of racing it will count for nothing. Riders like these should be cutting their teeth in Test Matches, not World Cups. Lyon needs to get off his jacksie and start arranging some, then they can progress to this level and continue to learn on a regular basis.


Harris performed as he has for much of the season and Rico is enjoying his racing again and performing accordingly, he didn't suddenly produce thus level of performance from a bit of Rob Lyon wisdom last night!


Whatever the rights and wrongs of who should be in charge you have hit the nail on the head and I have already said this in a previous post.


This may have been a great experience and something to build on but HOW AND WHEN?

The press reports and quotes from BSPA and Team GB Management will focus on the youth and how we are building for the future but unless any one has the balls to be pro-active then this 'team' will only meet again in 11 month time! - they wont be youthful then!!!!


In these pess reports DONT tell us what we nearly did but DO tell us what the plans are to make sure this new look GB team will have the opportunity to move forward and do something amazing for 2010! Because that is now what we will be expecting.

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Oh dear, really no need for name calling, that should be left in the playground.


He's got the GB team acting as a team and not as individual riders. Win as a team, lose as a team.


If you thought we would have gone further than we did tonight with the riders Rob has at hand then I pity you :wink:


Well done team GB, very proud of you all.


I have to be honest here and say that if Nicholls had ridden we would have qualified, because there's no doubt that even at half form he's better than King, Woffinden or Bridger.


Having said that, I think Rob Lyon made the right decision to exclude him and run with the riders we had.


For a start, the improvement in team spirit was commented by almost everyone and was there for all to see. That's at least in part down to Rob, but would have been severely damaged if a rider had been included who has a feud with another (as Nicholls and Harris apparently do). As any team player will tell you, team spirit moves mountains and the important point is that that team spirit will remain and, hopefully, grow.


Its all very well to say that experience would be better gained in test matches, but against whom ? There simply isn't the scope for that, so if we are to blood our younger riders it has to be in the World Team Cup. That alone makes using picking Woffinden, Bridger, Kennett & King at the very least a sensible move.


Last night was a bonus and that alone because none of us expected to get that close. The intention is not to challenge this year but in 2010 or, more likely 2011. Giving our younger riders a chance and creating a club atmosphere was started on Monday and continued last night and will almost certainly stand us in good stead for the future. To criticise Rob Lyon's selection as this stage is not only wrong, it completely misses the point.


I share CTF's opinion; I too was very proud of our boys last night.

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Rob Lyon tried and risked something NEW..which was great to see instead of sticking with the same old faces!.. who basically were not showing ANY form coming into timing of WC team selection eg Scott!!!.


I am a fan by the way of Scott but not to the detriment of GB by putting him as usual when a rider who would score more points would be left out.


Rob Lyon showed good communication with his team lastnight, effective but not overpowering....unlike someone else who's been mentioned.

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Bridger & King only contributed a point but no doubt they learned in one night what a season's worth of league racing would teach them. They are our future, not a GP struggler on the way down.





In the end a couple of instances of over-exuberance and inexperience cost us a place in the final but it's a lesson they will learn from hopefully. Danny King for instance, and don't think I'm blaming him, had a comfortable second place in Heat 23 and should have sat on what he had which would have meant we still had a 1 point lead even with AJ's double points. Instead he went for glory and AJ manouvred him out to the fence in a very crafty move and he lost his momentum which meant he went from 2nd to 4th. A 1 point lead turned into a 1 point deficit. These are the things that the youngsters need to go through to make them better riders, to know when to chase and to know when to protect what you have. Yes we are all disappointed with the final outcome but that is only because we exceeded expectations in the first place - I doubt anyone on here would have predicted GB being in 2nd place in the meeting with only 3 heats to go.

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