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Swc Event 2, Peterborough 13.7.

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I think this forum, myself included has been critical of our sport for a long time now but tonight shows when things are done right, our sport can be fantastic and the perfect nights entertainment with atmosphere, skill and great racing - perfect advert for our sport, well done all involved and thank you.


What do we need to do to capture more of this? I really hope the people in charge of our sport take a long hard look at tonights meeting.


Totally agree :approve:


I thought tonight was a brilliant meeting, the atmosphere was top notch, mainly due to the amount of poles and their passion. In the end after the final race they were just enjoying themselves, they didn't hurt anyone - they were just celebrating. Speedway is meant to be fun and that's what they were having. :)


I thought the Polish supporters were an absolute credit to their team, their country and speedway in general. :approve:


A superb meeting, with the highlight Miedzinski's incredible pass on Adams.


Adams left him just enough room (fair play to the Aussie, he could have fenced him) but it was still an absolutely fearless, amazing move.

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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I thought the Polish supporters were an absolute credit to their team, their country and speedway in general. :approve:


Yeah, full credit to the moron who threw a pint of lager at Matej Zagar cos he didn't like a move he made on Pepe!!! Still there's always a few idiots who let the rest down! :rolleyes:

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Well, £20 was well spent last night :approve:


Compared to our performance at Coventry last year, I thought we done a lot better. The atmosphere was fantastic and the racing was top notch. The Pole supporters probably added to the atmosphere with their crazy antics (funny stuff :lol: ) but they're just really passionate about their speedway and they were just enjoying themselves. We were sat in the stand just coming out of bend 4 and we had quite a few Poles around us, but they were only chanting, dancing and waving flags and banners about, which I don't see a problem with, but I was told some were behaving badly on the back straight. I suppose we were just lucky to have some decent ones near us!


Team GB done themselves proud last night. This year, they rode like they all wanted to give it their all. They all tried. No one can ask anymore of them than that. Compared to last year, I think that's a step in the right direction. Of course Danny King deserves a special mention. What a bloke! For us, he was worth the entrance fee alone. Such a shame to see him ending his night with an EF - I bet he swore after!


Anyway...on to the race off now. I hope GB shows as much fight in Poland as what they did last night B)

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Yeah, full credit to the moron who threw a pint of lager at Matej Zagar cos he didn't like a move he made on Pepe!!! Still there's always a few idiots who let the rest down! :rolleyes:


I didn't see that, SS.


The ones round me were noisy, passionate and as good as gold. :approve:


One thing. Did anyone notice the banner being replaced on the building on the final corner ?


According to a chap near me, it was taken down by the speedway people but as it advertises a new development at the Showground the boss at EOES insisted it be replaced or he would cut the power off :o

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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Fantastic meeting, Thats how a speedway track should be prepared.


I think team GB did really well, and i am slagging there efforts as they all tried so hard last night but it made me realise it really was men against boys. How far behind Poland,Australia, Denmark are we?


A few comments have been made on here about Scott not being there last night. What would have been the point? Chris Harris had been made Captain, there was enough people with experience like Mark Loram etc about. It wouldn`t have been fair to Chris Harris either in a way as if this is the way foward then bomber will want to do things his way. You look at Jason Crump, Leigh Adams, Greg Hancock they are no spring chickens are they. Scott is 31 and has many seasons left in him but what way back now. in the team ? captain?



I have mixed feelings about Scott being left out of the team, on a personal level a bad world cup may not have helped him and he would have been to blame i am sure for us not doing enough but on the other hand its kick somebody while they are down, not to be even in the team and him being in the team or not isn't going to change anything, we are years beind some other nations and this is no quick fix by any means. It makes me laugh when interviewed riders (and footballers)always go on about what a great team spirit they have and things have never been better......say anything they want us to hear.

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Wow! Wow! Wow!


That was a meeting and half. Brilliant racing. I thought King v Gollob would be the race of the season, but then came Crump and Zagar (not forgettting Miedzinski). Add a very tight contest between the Poles and the Aussies and a big crowd with a great atmosphere and it was an unforgettable night. Top marks to King, Zagar and Miedzinski in particular.


Three of the best meetings I've ever seen are World Cup meetings (the race-offs at Wroclaw and Poole are the other two), but it is still only the second best meeting I've seen at Peterborough (Panthers v Long Eaton in 1994)


My only complaint. Yet again they sold out of progs well before the start - If anyone has a programme that they no longer require and would be willing to pass it on (in return for a suitable payment) I'd be very grateful

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Great meeting - congrats to those who prepared a real racing strip, and to the riders for putting on such a great show


Re the Brits, they all seem down on power compared with the rest - Bomber almost always does in GPs yet we all know what a top class rider he is, so why can't our boys get the set up right? Look at the speed that Adams and Miedzinski, for example, showed - probably only Danny King showed any real pace - even in front, Bomber always seems slow in comparison with those chasing


Apart from Scott Nicholls, the only thing I missed was


"Disappointment at the back for Denis Stois/Izak Santej/Mats Gregoric/Alecsander Conda"

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Completely agree, think that some people are deluding themselves that the team are youngsters. Sorry, cannot buy that. Not on the world stage. Look at all the Polish, 'the' Russian, Aussie teenagers coming through. Tai is a concern, he seems to be 'plateau-ing' this season on an international/individual basis.


I'm sorry but your posts are pretty lame. Fans want their league team to win to do this they put out the strongest team, which means fielding Aussie's and Europeans as there are no decent Brits. The very same fans have the gall to criticise selectors when there are no decent Brits to track other than the usual "old crusties" as someone said. Fielding the same old team year in year out is not getting us anywhere. I notice you have no avatar, which suggests you are just a mere critic, possibly a failed journalist rather than a "true" fan with heart. :wink:

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Good idea for the parade , When the next track is trying for planning permission ,and is struggling with peoples perception that speedway supporters are hells angels we can show them some video from SWC to prove to them that spedway really is a family sport, :blink::blink::blink:

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Excellent effort from Lyons Cubs tonight. To be honest I think Team GB with Scott Nicholls and Lee Richardson will struggle in Lezno and Pboro was all about gaining experience.


Last night was a learning experience for the Team GB and in truth possibly the worst performers were the most experienced riders on show - Kennett and Harris. For Bridger, King and Woffinden it was all about gaining experience on the World scene.


None of the riders can be questioned for effort ... and Bridger had it nailed when he was caught on camera saying "we are doing better than they did last year"


So what did they learn ?? That you have to make the start at the top level or you are up against it from the start. Possibly that there kit was not quick enough. Not for the want of trying as Bridger had 5 engines with him at Pboro.




3. Great Britain 34


1. Edward Kennett 0-1-1-1 = 3 - Has always struggled on big tracks. Remember seeing him at Ostrow in the World U21Final and he failed to dominate despite one decent heat. Last night was gating on par but just not quick enough. In heat one hit the front and then was taken by two riders. No doubting his effort but needs to get a Polish contract and learn to ride the big big tracks. D


2. Lewis Bridger 1-2-2-0-1 = 6 - In amongst it at all times and will take away with him that he defeated Gollob and Sullivan at Pboro. Needs to improve his gating but the boy has balls and has a good style for the bigger tracks. A season at Swindon or Pboro and more regular rides in Poland will bring him on big style. Needs to learn how to ride when the tracks get slicker and dial the bike in. He struggled at Poole in the British Final when the track went slick - When he had a chance to make the final got 2 x duck eggs. Last night struggled in his last two heats but a good effort from the Eagle. C


3. Chris Harris 2-0-6-1-2 = 11 - Excellent effort in the "joker" ride to take the 6 points but never looked as quick as the poles , Crump or Zagar. Despite being the top scorer was not the out and out dominant number 1 the Young Lions needed. As we know Bomber never lacks effort but seemed to ride far too wide in a couple of heats. C-


4. Tai Woffinden 1-1-1-1-1 = 5 - Seemed to struggle with set ups and did not look quick all evening. Was obviously disappointed and again gave it his all. But lacked top end speed. Has experience in Poland so should still be on plane to Poland. D


5. Daniel King 1-3-2-2-1-EF = 9 - Was like a "Little Loram" fantastic effort blasting around the outside of Gollob. Rode his heart out and 100% effort. During interview seemed tLooked a little slower in his tactical heat then bike went on the line. Deserves the Poland experience for his all out efforts. B


Team for Lezno :





Woffinden / Nicholls



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I really enjoyed the meeting but thought that the breaks after each 5 heats were a bit long.


I think the Manager did the right thing and give the youngsters a chance and to be honest it highlighted the inexperience at this level from Eddie and Tai, but they desreved a chance.


I hionestly dont think that Richardson will do any good in the play-offs and his International career must be more or less at an end and Scotty is getting close to a similar stage in his career.


Lets be honest, there has been any chance of Team GB winning this year or even being second so The Manager is looking to the future and giving the 'new kids on the block' a grounding this year I believe to be the right decision.



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Good idea for the parade , When the next track is trying for planning permission ,and is struggling with peoples perception that speedway supporters are hells angels we can show them some video from SWC to prove to them that spedway really is a family sport, :blink::blink::blink:




Who cares who brings them round if you have a superb meeting like that ?


For once, the action on the track did the talking. :approve:

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Did you see the size of those bikers feet!!!!!!!!! the last one that pulled up at the tapes to drop off one of the Brits mate they were humongous!!!!!!! :o:o sorry to change the subject then just had a flashback to that :lol:

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Did you see the size of those bikers feet!!!!!!!!! the last one that pulled up at the tapes to drop off one of the Brits mate they were humongous!!!!!!! :o:o sorry to change the subject then just had a flashback to that :lol:

You know what they say about a man with big feet..........................................big shoes!! :wink:

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