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Morning Star


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And was Clem Beckett a communist or communist sympathiser? If he was - and it's most likely as the International Brigade was communist inspired - he would appear to be no different to Fay Taylour - just at the opposite end of the political spectrum.

Many supporters of the International Brigade were not card carrying communists or even communist sympathisers as such, they were ordinary decent people who saw how evil Hitler and the Nazis were and knew that it was time to take a stand against them. (Something apparently neither you nor Fay Taylour do (did).) The Spanish Civil War gave them that opportunity. This was especially true of the Jewish community who could see what was happening in Germany and what would happen elsewhere if the Nazis succeeded. You didn't need to be a Communist Jew to know what would happen to you. Are you suggesting that all the people who opposed Mosley at Cable Street for example were Communists?

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'the smell of diesel and hot metal filling his nostrils' is sheer nonsense. Written by somebody who obviously knows nothing about speedway. Who can explain 'hot metal filling his nostrils' and there has never been a diesel engined speedway bike.


Probably on the track near the grading tractor, with his big end failing ??? :rolleyes:

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