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The Direction That Speedway Needs To Take In The U.k.


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  • 1 month later...

we must get rid of half the foreign riders in the elite and premier leagues and also get back to more settled teams instead off the mass change round we get every year.people cant relate to riders who only spend one season at a track then move on,in the sixty's and seventy's eighty's riders would spend most of there carers at one track and fans got to know them and relate to them but know with teams changing every year its just not the same.

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we must get rid of half the foreign riders in the elite and premier leagues and also get back to more settled teams instead off the mass change round we get every year.people cant relate to riders who only spend one season at a track then move on,in the sixty's and seventy's eighty's riders would spend most of there carers at one track and fans got to know them and relate to them but know with teams changing every year its just not the same.


Sadly the old club ethic has gone out of speedway. Your comments on rider loyalty to club (and of course club loyalty to rider) vanished many years ago - leading to the problems that now afflict the sport.

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Sadly the old club ethic has gone out of speedway. Your comments on rider loyalty to club (and of course club loyalty to rider) vanished many years ago - leading to the problems that now afflict the sport.


Spot on. :sad: :sad: :cry: :cry:

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I think I may have even posted on this thread before, but how I arrived at it was by googling, when I had a few spare minutes, "whatever happened to speedway in the UK" or something similar. It's a great discussion, and I've checked out some of the more recent posts, but many of the comments are just focused on 'tinkering', and disappointingly, this has been going on for more years than I care to remember - how do you expect speedway to go _anywhere_ in the UK when there are millions of people in the UK who don't even know what it is / never heard of it? Post #81 stated "Doom ? its already doomed in the UK as a professional sport" - that's exactly how I have felt about speedway for several years now. Lots of people seem to have this idea that speedway can somehow become "bigtime" again. Never say never, and all that, but I just feel that speedway in the UK has had it's heyday (and it was _big_), and there are just too many factors involved to think "it will come again". I can't believe that people still come from the viewpoint "that if only we did this that or the other" it would be different. It's at a certain level now, and I just can't see it moving up the ladder again. Also, there's so much focus on the history of the sport in terms of DVDs, magazines,websites, that this surely provides less impetus etc. from the ground-up to make a big noise, and get new people interested. Other sports have survived and even thrived by attracting new audiences (e.g. football and the middle classes) and improving facilities - the time for speedway to attempt any of this and think it'll make a difference is long gone.



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  • 1 month later...

I see speedway as being a sport that is continuosly having an issue over one particular problem, for example silencer issues, riders assesed averages etc. This is why we need an independant governing body that can encourage british youth riders, me myself would love to given the oppertunity to go to a training school and ride a speedway bike week in week out to improve and learn skills but this isn't possible and is the main issue of british speedway.

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We need to get the best riders to come to england! Currently we dont have many here to be frank and the rule of one rider over 8 is killing the sport for me! Watching Holder and Ward fly around the track has been the highlight of my season so far! How this would happen i havnt a clue!



HERES THE BEST IDEA! (proberbly already been said but i havnt read the forum


Draft System just like they do in american sports! The lowest team gets the pick of the best rider availble and highest team the least!


Would keep the teams closer if they one team had a better rider come up from the lower divisons!


Which riders would be able to be drafted would have to be worked out but you have seen how much an impact Josh Auty and Worral have had in the elitle league!

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The answer is so very simple. You have to have , say in the Elite League or Premier League teams that will not be stuffed with guest riders . If you have teams that have a guest rider perhaps one night riding for team A then the next night riding for team B . How can the public take this seriously. The main problem is the promoters want to put on a successful meeting to earn money and the riders want to take part as they earn money for riding in these events.

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get rid of team averages, then yes you will have a couple of rich teams with all the best riders but the others will be competitive amongst each other. it will bring back loyalty both ways (rider/club/fans), more team riding. those couple of rich teams will boost gate sales when they travel away.

Run a proper 3 league system with going up/relegation for top and bottom teams

change back to 13 heat league matches with a proper second half as compulsory with development riders

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  • 2 months later...

Make it simpler!

Try and explain the rules of a meeting? the team make up? reserves? rider replacement? The Black & White Helmet? The points structure? to somebody new to it!! I cant (I dont understand it all anyway)

3 Leagues fine (What size league does depend on how many can make it pay in each league) Elite 12-15 Premier 12-15 National 12-15 teams.

How can things work properly with no promotion or relegation (For whatever reason it looks bad if people dont want to be promoted!)

Maybe the Teams should have an average ? Maybe the average should be in blocks (x2 superstars Max average 19 or 20 x2 stars max average 15 or 16 x2 middle order max average 10-11 x2 Reserves Max average 5-7) You can only replace with a rider from a grade/level below if you need to.

Only Reserves & middle order allowed to double up.

Get rid of the joker in all meetings (Its a joke)


It needs to be easy and transparent!!!!!!!!!

How can anybody expect new spectators when the rules are so so complicated that they would never fully understand whats going on!


Grumble over have fun



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