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what would you do ??


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Don't think it would work, tried once found lacking.


You are a PL promoter, you make ends meet. Enough people come through


the gate. Fans are happy seeing 15 or 16 different teams each season.


Suddenly you have to spend money find a GP rider, pay expenses left


right and centre and in all likehood have the same fans turning up. The


product is good, it works, the EL will survive, just, but a joint league, no.

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Got to increase the Teams in the EL...at least to 10 Teams. Need to work with/around the GPs. They are here to stay, and currently, the EL Fans want to see the GP riders, so we have little choice.

I would like to see the whole of the BSPA, getting behind an advertising push for all the Clubs who run meetings on different Race nights due to GPs....or, we are radicle, and introduce a proper Squad system, so the EL Teams can run on GP weekends. My only cncern for this would be if the Fans would turn out to watch ??

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As an "old fart" I would say that the current problems are the outcome of a transition in our sport from team to individual racing.


When I started to watch speedway the 1st & 2nd Division Champions were decided by a league system, whilst the World Champion was decided by a "one off" event.


Sky, Benfield, and the internation powers to be have raised the profile of our sport by promoting the individual element of speedway. They have done a good job by getting speedway on TV, but they have missed the one thing that makes speedway different from other motor sports, and that is of course the team element. I know that we have weekly Elite League meetings on Sky, but I get the feeling that they are there to promote the GP's.


As Martin said in his post we are going to have to live with it, and I would agree that a squad system is a way round the chaos that the GP's enflict on a team that runs at the weekend. With a squad sytem and no guests allowed for missing GP stars it would let teams make their own choice between stability and star men.


We also need more teams in the EL!


Right, anyone else want the soapbox? :D

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As an "old fart" I would say that the current problems are the outcome of a transition in our sport from team to individual racing.


When I started to watch speedway the 1st & 2nd Division Champions were decided by a league system, whilst the World Champion was decided by a "one off" event.



I think this is a very profound statement.....


If football wasn't a team sport I don't think it would have a 1/4 of the following.... LOL.

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We know so little about how the sport is financially run, who holds the aces, who pulls the strings, who is involved with our league and the gps, what deal the BSPA have with SKY and what SKY's demands are that it really is a waste of time putting the effort into suggesting anything!


One thing I would like to see is closer racing (ie not processions) in all meetings.

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One thing I would like to see is closer racing (ie not processions) in all meetings.


and the only way we are going to get anything like it is going back to the old chestnut of standardising equipment

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dirt is cheaper.... 8)

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dirt is cheaper but then you would have riders turn up and not want to ride as it could be a bit rough...

all riders want now is a slick smooth track and a fast bike.... easy life


you've seen it in the GPs or in a few matches in the EL, when there is a bit of dirt, the riders don't want to know

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Having bought the Vintage Speedway Magazine at the ELRC there are numerous mentions in there about how today's bikes are only for flat out riding on slick tracks, and how can the top riders pass one another if they are going flat out on a slick tracks, it's a miracle if anyone can find that tiny bit extra to pass.


At the ELRC the first prize was a complete Jawa bike, I wonder what the racing would have been like if the riders had all been on a standard jawa bike? Would the outcome of the races have been more a matter of skill and judgement rather than who could gate the fastest and ride the fastest line? Maybe the outcome would not have been any different given that there will always be riders who can gate better and change their set up better than the others? It would surely close the racing up tho?

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