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  scarletrider said:

You read too much into my post. I was raising the question regarding the two programmes (Redcar/Berwick) is there a "set in stone" layout? because there is a difference between the two. As for being in the "Arlo camp", I'm in nobody's camp (except my own) I'm a speedway supporter first and foremost. My point was, is there a fairer format? where everyone can ride against each other. I've no doubt that you do a lot for Redcar speedway, have I ever questioned that? You state (no doubt you will find something else to complain about) I find that a very offensive remark Steve, I'm not a complaining sort of guy. So if it pleases you, I can always stop attending speedway at the STMP, I can watch it somewhere else. But after attending Redcar since day one, week in and week out, standing in all kinds of weather, and at the age of 71, I can do without that kind of criticism, I will not be labled a complainer! I have made many friends at Redcar Speedway over the years (including yourself) pity that it is soured by remaks that you have made regarding myself. It would seem that Redcar Speedway are untouchable with regard to any form of comment that does not fall in line with their own point of view, no matter how well meaning or innocent that remark may be!

Best to Redcar Speedway


"The Mackem"




I do think your remarks are a bit over the top. Bob was merely querying the Berwick/Redcar Programme Format and whether or not a fairer system could be found. There is no cause for some of your personal comments. I know that you do a lot of hard work at Redcar - but - other people have opinions too - AND - what is is more - THEY ARE ENTITLED TO THEM.


I believe this whole issue arose after the Promotion said at the start of the Season that Arlo had been given twelve Matches to prove himself. Nobody else - not Benji - JUST Arlo. That immediately polarized people - it SEEMED that only one Rider was being picked on. I have no problem at all with Benji, I enjoy watching him - BUT - as I have said MANY times - with ALL the experience he has had - he is actually no better than Arlo. I believe Arlo will develope as a Rider - Benji - I don't know. He can be great one week and ordinary the next. Arlo is improving at a steady rate. It's just that I believe (I could be wrong) that Arlo has MORE potential.


As for Bob and myself being labelled as in the Arlo camp - then I have to say - yes I am. I do not like injustice and it seemed a bit unfair to single him out before the Season even started.




The 'OTHER' Mackem

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  ianmartin said:
I DON'T agree with that statement Mark. Arlo was WELL ahead when Stu came off. :)


Hope Stuart is recovered now and is OK . It WAS a VERY nasty smash. :angry:


they had only just got out of the tapes and onto the second bend so stu would have had plenty of time to get passed him.

i meant "very different" in the fact of the outcome of the meeting if stu hadnt been speared by grant tregoning.

i know your a big arlo fan ian im a fan of his myself and have always defended both arlo and benji when they were getting flack at the beggining of the season but im also a fan of stu swales for when he rode for the boro bears so i suppose thats something we will always conflict upon :lol:


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  Backless said:
How dare these people DARE to pass comment rather than just being eternally grateful.
"How dare these people pass comment"!!!!!!!! Are we in a police state? Get a grip!

And yes I am eternally grateful for Redcar speedway, I've had many hours of enjoyment at Redcar, and met many new friends there. Might as well be brain dead if we can't form our own opinions or pass comment on anything.

Like I said before, Get a grip


"The Mackem"

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  Backless said:
How dare these people DARE to pass comment rather than just being eternally grateful.


Hang on a minute - I pay my money AND have a right to an opinion. If I think something is WRONG - I will say so, if I think something is RIGHT - I will also say so.

The 'Stars of Tomorrow' was a GREAT Meeting - as Steve said it was all put together very quickly - the ONLY thing that we are querying is the Format used. IT WAS NOT FAIR TO ALL!! Are you saying we are wrong for pointing this out - if so - then I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

I WOULD just like to say in view of your Post, Backless - Thank you to the Consortium for staging an EXCELLENT Meeting. I thoroughly enjoyed it and Arlo winning was the icing on the cake for me. :):):D


Just looked at your Profile - why don't you stick with the 'Diamonds' and stop causing trouble on here.

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  Porterpoolie said:
I think you to old warhorses need to be a bit more street, the way ive just read it he was being sarcastic and having a dig at Harlo not your goodselves which is where the internet lets you down you can't always be sure of the contex of a scentence.


Possibly Porterpoolie (like Warhorses by the way) - but - there is enough trouble already on these Forums without other people stirring it up for us. Steve does not deserve anyone getting at HIM either - we just have different views on certain things that's all.


WARHORSES - I REALLY DO like that!!!! :):D


Yes Porterpoolie this will do nicely. :wink: I am no longer the 'OTHER' Mackem!!!. :lol::lol:






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