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Well done to Bomber for winning and Eddie for getting the wild card. :D


Bomber showed great enthusiasm to win the British title which was great to see as was a great start in the final!


I feel a bit sorry for Rico as he was top scorer after 20 heats but he didn't make the start in the final which is all that matters.

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I only caught the second half of the meeting, but enjoyed what I saw.


Good effort from David Howe - showed he's a class act and could still do a job in the Elite League.


I hope that Eddie Kennet's form continues for the GP and the World Cup, as I thought he tailed off after last years British Final.


Tai - your time will come.


Congratulations to Bomber, good to see a rider taking such pride in being British Champion.


In stark contrast I hope they keep all sharp objects away from Scottie, his interviews made even me feel depressed.

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Really enjoyed that, i'm not sure why some people are criticising the track and racing, i thought it was a great meeting!


Well done Chris & Eddie, nice to see Bomber looking fired up after he's looked a bit fed up recently, hopefully winning the title will give him a boost and we'll see the best of him again.


First time i've seen Danny King ride, he looked really quick and i think he'd have won the race he was excluded from and made the semi final.

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I only caught the second half of the meeting, but enjoyed what I saw.



In stark contrast I hope they keep all sharp objects away from Scottie, his interviews made even me feel depressed.



He looked really down didnt he but to be fair i thouoght his last two rides were superb look more like the old scott

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A good meeting to watch tonight on a pretty well prepared surface.


Congratulations must go to Coventry's very own Chris"Bomber" Harris &Edward Kennett, see ya at Cardiff boys :approve:

Edited by colincooke
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does anyone see the point in having tai and rico as the reserves, why have top riders as reserves, they dont get used, why not have youngsters who would only be there as fans really a chance, as im taking that tai and lee will be reserves now?
might be a saftey issue there mate


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Excellent meeting - another cracker from Sky. I bet they're pleased.


It was a cruel final result for Lee Richardson but full credit to Chris Harris who looked real class the way he coulkd turn the back straight into a much longer one than it appeared by cutting back off bend 2. I don't think I've seen Edward Kennett ride better than that. Unfortunately the PL boys wren't in the hunt.


I thiought that there was a lot of rolling at the gate which the referee didn't appear to be concerned about. I lost count of the number of times I saw riders creeping towards the tapes before they went up. They should have been made to sit still.


An enjoyable evening's viewing all things considered.

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First off - massive well done to the two Coventry boys .... Bomber ! A worthy champion when the chips are down and what a gate in the Final ! Eddie - what can I say, BRILLIANT !! Off to Cardiff we go ... Hi Ho !


Special mentions to Tai Woffindon - racing beyond his years and the unfortunate but somewhat predictable Lee Richardson.


Finally a few words for Scottie .....


Sad to see him so struggling for form and confidence - his interviews only served to substantiate that this is a guy who has lost loads of confidence and is fighting for just scraps at present. No doubt there will be the usual knockers on this forum queueing up to have a go at the GB Rider. However, lest we not forget, Scott Nicholls has been the top GB Rider for most of the last decade and quite rightly too - OK so he is unlikely to be World Chgampion but then again who is .... only Nicki Pedersen, Jason Crump and Greg Hancock can lay claim to that particular feat of the current crop and those three riders are obviously special indeed. We Brits need to get behind Scottie - not knock him - and will him all the best as he strives to return to form -why? cos Scott Nicholls on form and in full flow is still a sight to behold and stands in good stead v all but 3 or 4 riders in the world plus GB needs him !


So come on Scottie - we know you can do it !!





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Enjoyed tonight's meeting and thought the track provided some good racing. I feel a bit sorry for Lee who looked good until the final. Well done to Chris and also Eddie for qualifying. Scott was poor and on this showing should not be the captain of GB. I don't think anyone will take a punt on him in the Elie league even if he did want to come back.

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scott is lacking confidence at this time, and theres no wonder with some of the coments on here

where are the people that was this season saying bomber was nowhere near british number one,

leave the lads alone to make thier own decisions

Edited by poacher the imp
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So come on Scottie - we know you can do it !!





It's very sad to see any rider under a cloud and not enjoying their speedway. However, Scott heaped a load of pressure on himself with his decision to drop the Elite League and put all his eggs in the Grand Prix basket. Two poor GP performances into the season and that pressure is visibly crushing the guy. He has proven he's a quality rider over the last 5 or 6 years but his inability to take the last step up into true world class is something he must come to terms with.

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A few words on Scott meself, being interveiwed by Jonathan he looked totally down in the dumps, seems to me he needed that interview, so nice one Greenie for letting him get it all off his chest.


Those 1st 3 rides though showed that Scott is in need of following Hans back over here, as did the semi.


Rico was in superb form but showed he lacked bottle when the chips are down, no change there.


Edward was an absolute star, how he got his head under Bomber's elbow defies gravity. :approve:

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Indeed, excellent racing. Sadly another fab TV meeting ruined by the atrocious unprofessional commentators.


If you genuinely thought that was atrocious and unprofessional well I think the problem lies with you not them.


Just what do you expect? They're working for Sky who expect a certain style of commentary. You have the right not to like the style but to accuse them of being unprofessional is absolutely out of order.


Rob McCaffery.

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First off - massive well done to the two Coventry boys .... Bomber ! A worthy champion when the chips are down and what a gate in the Final ! Eddie - what can I say, BRILLIANT !! Off to Cardiff we go ... Hi Ho !


Special mentions to Tai Woffindon - racing beyond his years and the unfortunate but somewhat predictable Lee Richardson.


Finally a few words for Scottie .....


Sad to see him so struggling for form and confidence - his interviews only served to substantiate that this is a guy who has lost loads of confidence and is fighting for just scraps at present. No doubt there will be the usual knockers on this forum queueing up to have a go at the GB Rider. However, lest we not forget, Scott Nicholls has been the top GB Rider for most of the last decade and quite rightly too - OK so he is unlikely to be World Chgampion but then again who is .... only Nicki Pedersen, Jason Crump and Greg Hancock can lay claim to that particular feat of the current crop and those three riders are obviously special indeed. We Brits need to get behind Scottie - not knock him - and will him all the best as he strives to return to form -why? cos Scott Nicholls on form and in full flow is still a sight to behold and stands in good stead v all but 3 or 4 riders in the world plus GB needs him !


So come on Scottie - we know you can do it !!






Well said come on scotty the two rides he won he looked class more of that scotty nicholls please .

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I couldn't give a stuff about the commentators or interviewers ..... I'm glad to have the opportunity to see Britain's best live on TV ..... Some people aren't happy unless they have something to moan about. :rolleyes:

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