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Swedish Gp 2009

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the answer is simple. release the throttle a bit let Nicki pass and then try to go on Nickis inside.

NO ONE forced Emil to stay on Nickis outside. Emil should have backed off earlier and realized that Nicki had passed him.


I think referee decisions like this might take away riders intrest in trying to make a pass since if there is contact they will get excluded. Sure Nicki was only 95% ahead of Emi but the last 20-30 centimeters should not matter. A rider should realize that he is passed and should act accordingly to that. It would be different if they both were side by side but that was not he case here.

Nicki was first into the corner and should be allowed to choose which line he want.



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IMHO the referee was correct, since I cannot for the life of me, and with over 40 years watching our fabulous sport, see how Nicki Peeeeeedersen was the cause of the race being stopped


Yes, it was sad to see Scott Nicholls struggle so much, it is beyond belief that he is so far off the pace


As far as Chris Harris is concerned, a terrific win in heat 1, and track conditions probably caused him to drop two or even three points later on - certainly he was not out of his depth, although like others on that "track", when at the back there was very little hope except for errors from those in front

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At last someone else can see what I have been saying for years, the reason he rears and centre punches so many riders in the corners is because he rides with a straight right leg. This makes it difficult to shift body weight to steer the bike correctly. Have a look at some older photos of previous top class and world class riders, all have bent right knee, that enables you to push down on the footpeg and give you leverage to shift weight back and forth on the bike and turn it quickly. Nicki is very fast, but sorry thats all I can say about him, as far as a good speedway rider, nah, think back to some of the greats, PC, Ivan, Ole, Phil Crump, Ove Fundin, Michael Lee, Dave Jessup, Bruce Penhall, Erik Gundersen, Hans and many many others, how often did you see them come off their bikes, it was a rareity. This bloke is off nearly every GP at some stage or another, either himself or causing a fall from being out of control.


For those on here old enough to have seen some of those names as mentioned above you will know what I mean. For just pure control and smoothness, I have to say Ivan and Ole were poetry in motion. He may have won 3 titles, but to mention Nicki in the same context as probably all the names above as far as being a speedway rider in the total sense, is insulting to say the least.


I know exactly what you are saying and to some extent I agree .......... but the issue here is also that with the exception of Hans Nielsen none of them rode a laydown engine.............. imo the laydown can make the most green novice look like an expert ... whereas the upright seemed to create a large gap between the expert/proficient and the rest who quite frankly just wobbled............. I remember PL 2nd strings who still hadnt mastered the bike............. so those guys listed above I guess had a far harder task in mastering the bike anyway


Ive always been fascinated by Nicki's style and have found it interesting that we are now seeing the odd youngster come through with a similar style......... notably Ed Kennett...... although I dont feel that he skates across in the same way that Nicki does...........I vaguely remember his uncle having a not too disimilar style as well


I said recently in the context of Olsen's track prep that the history books will lie ....... I wouldnt go as far as to say that NickiP shouldnt have been world champion because his win in 2003 was thoroughly deserved........ and he is a modern 'great' ....... but sadly recent years have been a world gating championship and speedway without dirt is an entirely different sport


I would have excluded Crump. :P


LOL :lol:

he certainly got a nice slice of 'world champion luck' the other night...... but it also has to be said that he rode a very clever and mature meeting


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Must agree with you there,it was heartbreaking to see him,it brought a lump to my throat.he rode so well at coventry on bank holiday monday.and was hoping that his confidence for the gps was back,he is such a fantastic rider,and i hope he sorts out whatever problems hes got.bless him.

I agree also. I felt so sorry for Scott and it was hard to see him so down. I really hope he can find his form again soon.

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Nicki flicking his wheel out again...


Lol !!!!


Speedway rider in "wheel flicking sensation"


How else do they go round the bends?

Edited by Blazeaway
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just got back. bloody great week, nice weather and a good gp. track far better than i expected and some good racing. roll on next year i say.

Guess if the sponsor is happy then things will stay the same!

God knows what sort of track you were expecting, because although it was better than last year it was still poor.



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Being the main sponsor maybe you could shed some light on the rumour all GP tracks are super slick so the sponsors adverts can be clearly be seen etc, have you heard anything? :unsure::wink: congrats again for your continued support of speedway.

complete rubbish made up by people who know very little about the g.p. and the bsi. iam the first to moan about the track or anything else if its wrong and to there face.

i thought the gp was good and all the others with me did. yes not perfect but what is.


thank you, we try to do our bit for speedway. :wink:

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Guess if the sponsor is happy then things will stay the same!

God knows what sort of track you were expecting, because although it was better than last year it was still poor.

to many of the so called super stars are puffs. yes track had some ruts but learn to ride them.

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You do post some crap and this is a first class example of it-we are talking the pinnacle of our sport here THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP and the riders have to perform on a track which is dusty from heat 1


you have your veiw and i have mine. only a few riders moaned about the track and they were the ones who did crap. i will post what i like so and if you think its crap i dont relly care.

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you have your veiw and i have mine. only a few riders moaned about the track and they were the ones who did crap. i will post what i like so and if you think its crap i dont relly care.


The track was awful and very dangerous in the latter stages. The fact that you think it was okay just about sums up your knowledge of speedway.


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Couple of things worth 'putting pen to paper' about.


We attended the Swedish GP and really enjoyed it. Going away for the weekend to watch a sporting event is generally a pretty good experience overall. Gothenburg itself is a really great place to visit with superb public transport, friendly people, good grub, fine restaurants and even a proper theme park within the city boundaries (a massive benefit if you take children and an excellent wooden roller-coaster to boot).


Whatever the rights and wrongs about the track, this GP was the best so far this year (okay, some may question the use of that yardstick!), with drama, passing and plenty of incident on and off track to keep those present in the stadium well away from the land of Nod. It was absolutely scorching, even well into the meeting and maybe the heat got to some of the Danish supporters in our section who entertainingly, in some cases, ranted, raved and unceremoniously stormed out of the stadium once Nicki Pederesen was excluded. Love him or hate him, as been suggested elsewhere, NP is a skilled rider whose character brings plenty of colour and drama into proceedings.


Also wanted to mention IMG. A lot has been aired on here about the fiasco in Germany last October. We also travelled and were very disappointed, to say the least, at the cancellation. However, like many, we made the best of the weekend and awaited our promised ticket refund. It came very quickly. In addition, the communications concerning the 'free GP tickets' offer were dealt with efficiently and properly at the time and we chose to use the offer at the Ullevi meeting. Nobody was more surprised than me when we picked up our gratis tickets at the stadium at the arranged time and at the arranged place (that in itself was a pleasant surprise having had to go through similar procedures for football tickets whilst abroad watching England) and we received top tickets for top seats. I had fully expected to receive 'cheap seats' and was actually ready to upgrade them. However, full credit to the company. We had a superb view of the action overlooking the start/finish line and really enjoyed ourselves. It is possible to argue the toss about the Germany lark until the cows come home. As far as we are concerned, IMG did what it promised to do in the light of events (or non-events) in Germany and also went the extra mile with the seats it gave us. Well done to them and now roll on Cardiff.

Edited by Northern Exile
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Couple of things worth 'putting pen to paper' about.


We attended the Swedish GP and really enjoyed it. Going away for the weekend to watch a sporting event is generally a pretty good experience overall. Gothenburg itself is a really great place to visit with superb public transport, friendly people, good grub, fine restaurants and even a proper theme park within the city boundaries


Also wanted to mention IMG. A lot has been aired on here about the fiasco in Germany last October. We also travelled and were very disappointed, to say the least, at the cancellation. However, like many, we made the best of the weekend and awaited our promised ticket refund. It came very quickly. In addition, the communications concerning the 'free GP tickets' offer were dealt with efficiently and properly at the time and we chose to use the offer at the Ullevi meeting. Nobody was more surprised than me when we picked up our gratis tickets at the stadium at the arranged time and at the arranged place (that in itself was a pleasant surprise having had to go through similar procedures for football tickets whilst abroad watching England) and we received top tickets for top seats. I had fully expected to receive 'cheap seats' and was actually ready to upgrade them. However, full credit to the company. We had a superb view of the action overlooking the start/finish line and really enjoyed ourselves. It is possible to argue the toss about the Germany lark until the cows come home. As far as we are concerned, IMG did what it promised to do in the light of events (or non-events) in Germany and also went the extra mile with the seats it gave us. Well done to then and now roll on Cardiff.



Here, here! I could not agree more with this post. This also sums ups everything for me too!

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I also had a superb weekend-going to foreign gp`s is all about seeing different countries.yes the meeting was exciting and for me thats full credit to the riders on giving 110% on a difficult track.I firmly believe track conditions are getting progressively worse over the recent years.this season we have had

Prague-bald track boring meeting

Leszno-very little shale marginally better than Prague

Gothenberg-after being promised a much better track than last year it didnt seem much differerent certainly less dirt this time and what there was was under watered from the start.

I believe the FIM/BSI-IMG should be worried about what tracks the riders are asked to perform on but they are probably NOT.

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