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Nicholls And Harris

Guest Ashie Smashy

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In the last GP series Nicholls won 5 races in 11 GP's, what he's not doing is getting close to fight for second place, which is where the majority of his points have come from in previous seasons.



lol. Well sorry for not studying the results of the past 18 months to give the exact figure :rolleyes:


But the point i was making is that he never used to be trailing around half a lap behind the leader as he is now

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the truth is that scott and bomber are our best riders at the moment..give tai,lewis, josh, a couple of years and they will take over, but for now its them two like it or lump it.....i honestly hope scott goes out on wednesday night and shuts you all up...in my opinion

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the truth is that scott and bomber are our best riders at the moment..give tai,lewis, josh, a couple of years and they will take over, but for now its them two like it or lump it.....i honestly hope scott goes out on wednesday night and shuts you all up...in my opinion




But the point has already been made that maybe Scott is the best, but of a not so good bunch.


So even if he does win on wednesday it doesnt prove that much with regards to being a genuine threat on the world stage.


Dont get me wrong, i'd love to see it happen, but i dont believe it can anymore

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But the point has already been made that maybe Scott is the best, but of a not so good bunch.


So even if he does win on wednesday it doesnt prove that much with regards to being a genuine threat on the world stage.


Dont get me wrong, i'd love to see it happen, but i dont believe it can anymore

Nicholls is indeed the best of a not very good bunch but that not very good bunch is getting better I believe,thats why I cant see Nicholls winning come wednesday.Woffinden,Bridger and Richardson are getting better,Nicholls on the other hand seems to be in reverse.

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But the point has already been made that maybe Scott is the best, but of a not so good bunch.


So even if he does win on wednesday it doesnt prove that much with regards to being a genuine threat on the world stage.


Dont get me wrong, i'd love to see it happen, but i dont believe it can anymore

yes i see your point mate.. but this thread just seems to go in circles..everyone moans about scott and bomber not being up to it...thats all weve got...for now..ask them who they think it should be you get no answer..apart from richardson...hes been there and failed...


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I feel for Scott as the guy has made a genuine attempt to better himself. He's had an awful start to the season and inevitably people are going to use missing the Elite as the reason. The guy's confidence is obviously shot to pieces and I would say he is probably feeling quite low at the moment. I think it says a lot about the character of the man that he is willing to keep fighting and not take the easy route out by quitting.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a few people who want to wallow in his misery and want him to fail so they can say I told you so. In other words, kicking him whilst he's down.

This is not an "I love Scotty" post, to be honest I don't really have a favourite rider. I would feel sorry for anybody who has made attempts to better themselves, their career or family life and have it go wrong. My instinct is to help people when they are down, not be cowardly and stick the boot in.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you believe Scott is not good enough for the GP's, fine, say so by all means, but why the unecessary remarks like - he's an embarrassment, I was embarrassed to watch him etc. He's the one going through the turmoil and feeling the pain, not to mention the expense, so to make those kind of remarks says more about the person making them than it does Scott.

On a different thread, I said I felt Bomber wasn't up to GP standard. I didn't however, make any nasty or spiteful remarks about him. I would love to be wrong! I'd quite happily come back on here and admit I was wrong! I certainly won't come on here if he has a bad meeting to gloat.

I keep seeing remarks such as - he shouldn't be in the WC squad, he shouldn't be captian, he shouldn't be allowed to compete in the British Champs etc - but I haven't seen a single reason as to why! I've seen "he's turned his back on Britain" spouted a few times but I cannot understand what that is supposed to mean. Do people think he owes us all something?

Every one of us has the freedom to choose our career path and if any of us want to better ourselves or be with our families more or whatever, we can do so. Please someone explain why he should be any different because I cannot understand why.


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Just got back from Poland,broke my ankle in Prague,now in plaster. Arrive at hotel in Wroclaw feeling pretty pissed off.Then when checking into hotel had my wallet credit card bank card driving licence and £800 stolen..returned to hotel after GP on sat feeling like sh!.Taxi pulls up outside hotel and Scott gets out of it.He came straight over and said how sorry he was to here about what had happened to me.and asked if he could help in anyway.This guy has just had one of his worsed nights in speedway,and he is asking me if there is anything he can do to help me.

The guy is gutted,he knows things are not going well for him at the moment ,he knows what he is going to get in the next issue of speedway star and on the speedway forums.And believe me it hurts him a lot more than people think.In almost every english sport we build our sports people up,then after the honeymoon period we sit back and knock them down at every opportunity.Speedway people know that speedway is more about what is going on in a riders head when he goes out onto the track than it is with his bikes.

I have no favourite rider,I just want to watch good speedway,thats what I pay to see.

So when Scott and Chris go out on to the track at Poole on wednesday,they should be greeted as Tomas is greeted in Poland.The sooner they get some of there confidence back the better they will be,and the better we will feel.Don"t knock people when they are down,you know it only makes you feel worse than you do already.

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Just got back from Poland,broke my ankle in Prague,now in plaster. Arrive at hotel in Wroclaw feeling pretty pissed off.Then when checking into hotel had my wallet credit card bank card driving licence and £800 stolen..returned to hotel after GP on sat feeling like sh!.Taxi pulls up outside hotel and Scott gets out of it.He came straight over and said how sorry he was to here about what had happened to me.and asked if he could help in anyway.This guy has just had one of his worsed nights in speedway,and he is asking me if there is anything he can do to help me.

The guy is gutted,he knows things are not going well for him at the moment ,he knows what he is going to get in the next issue of speedway star and on the speedway forums.And believe me it hurts him a lot more than people think.In almost every english sport we build our sports people up,then after the honeymoon period we sit back and knock them down at every opportunity.Speedway people know that speedway is more about what is going on in a riders head when he goes out onto the track than it is with his bikes.

I have no favourite rider,I just want to watch good speedway,thats what I pay to see.

So when Scott and Chris go out on to the track at Poole on wednesday,they should be greeted as Tomas is greeted in Poland.The sooner they get some of there confidence back the better they will be,and the better we will feel.Don"t knock people when they are down,you know it only makes you feel worse than you do already.

well said frank..hope your ok..now lets get behind theese guys,,,they deserve it!

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Just got back from Poland,broke my ankle in Prague,now in plaster. Arrive at hotel in Wroclaw feeling pretty pissed off.Then when checking into hotel had my wallet credit card bank card driving licence and £800 stolen..returned to hotel after GP on sat feeling like sh!.Taxi pulls up outside hotel and Scott gets out of it.He came straight over and said how sorry he was to here about what had happened to me.and asked if he could help in anyway.This guy has just had one of his worsed nights in speedway,and he is asking me if there is anything he can do to help me.

The guy is gutted,he knows things are not going well for him at the moment ,he knows what he is going to get in the next issue of speedway star and on the speedway forums.And believe me it hurts him a lot more than people think.In almost every english sport we build our sports people up,then after the honeymoon period we sit back and knock them down at every opportunity.Speedway people know that speedway is more about what is going on in a riders head when he goes out onto the track than it is with his bikes.

I have no favourite rider,I just want to watch good speedway,thats what I pay to see.

So when Scott and Chris go out on to the track at Poole on wednesday,they should be greeted as Tomas is greeted in Poland.The sooner they get some of there confidence back the better they will be,and the better we will feel.Don"t knock people when they are down,you know it only makes you feel worse than you do already.



100% agree

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Just got back from Poland,broke my ankle in Prague,now in plaster. Arrive at hotel in Wroclaw feeling pretty pissed off.Then when checking into hotel had my wallet credit card bank card driving licence and £800 stolen..returned to hotel after GP on sat feeling like sh!.Taxi pulls up outside hotel and Scott gets out of it.He came straight over and said how sorry he was to here about what had happened to me.and asked if he could help in anyway.This guy has just had one of his worsed nights in speedway,and he is asking me if there is anything he can do to help me.

The guy is gutted,he knows things are not going well for him at the moment ,he knows what he is going to get in the next issue of speedway star and on the speedway forums.And believe me it hurts him a lot more than people think.In almost every english sport we build our sports people up,then after the honeymoon period we sit back and knock them down at every opportunity.Speedway people know that speedway is more about what is going on in a riders head when he goes out onto the track than it is with his bikes.

I have no favourite rider,I just want to watch good speedway,thats what I pay to see.

So when Scott and Chris go out on to the track at Poole on wednesday,they should be greeted as Tomas is greeted in Poland.The sooner they get some of there confidence back the better they will be,and the better we will feel.Don"t knock people when they are down,you know it only makes you feel worse than you do already.



All very nice but nothing to do with whether Scott should be in the GP's or not.

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All very nice but nothing to do with whether Scott should be in the GP's or not.


Not alot but it goes to show even after a really crappy nights work and all the negative posts on here that maybe Scott Nicholls is just a genuine nice bloke trying to earn a living and be a decent father to his child. I am sure he wants to go infront of the sky cameras and score 1 point.


The interview in the Speedway Star was intresting, If he doesnt himself then people close to him read this forum as he said about all the crap that gets written about him on here. He did what he thought was right when he gave the EL a miss, everybody else was jumping ship left right and centre and he knew he wasnt near the top guys so to give them an added advantage would have put him further back in theory. I doubt he had much time to make his mind up what to do, also as i said before its not all about Scott Nicholls now, he is a dad and maybe thats took something away from him.He has a few years speedway left in him and i hope after this year he stops the GP`s. Let somebody else be the next British flop for you to all moan about.


And on the point he should ride in England...........If i was in Scotts shoes i would tell British speedway where to shove it, he was left out to dry by not only the BSPA`s silly poiints limit last season but more so by Coventry.Promised a job then its took back..to do that not only to your captain but after a season he gave in 2007. Funny how there isnt the same influence on the Bees team since.



The last piece in the interview says about loyalty and how it works both ways. How very very true.



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Just got back from Poland,broke my ankle in Prague,now in plaster. Arrive at hotel in Wroclaw feeling pretty pissed off.Then when checking into hotel had my wallet credit card bank card driving licence and £800 stolen..returned to hotel after GP on sat feeling like sh!.Taxi pulls up outside hotel and Scott gets out of it.He came straight over and said how sorry he was to here about what had happened to me.and asked if he could help in anyway.This guy has just had one of his worsed nights in speedway,and he is asking me if there is anything he can do to help me.

The guy is gutted,he knows things are not going well for him at the moment ,he knows what he is going to get in the next issue of speedway star and on the speedway forums.And believe me it hurts him a lot more than people think.In almost every english sport we build our sports people up,then after the honeymoon period we sit back and knock them down at every opportunity.Speedway people know that speedway is more about what is going on in a riders head when he goes out onto the track than it is with his bikes.

I have no favourite rider,I just want to watch good speedway,thats what I pay to see.

So when Scott and Chris go out on to the track at Poole on wednesday,they should be greeted as Tomas is greeted in Poland.The sooner they get some of there confidence back the better they will be,and the better we will feel.Don"t knock people when they are down,you know it only makes you feel worse than you do already.

Sorry to hear about you're miserable time Frank, hope you get sorted without too much hassle.

Great post. It gives a good insight into the kind of person he is. It must hurt when people you hope are behind you are slaughtering you at every opportunity.

I really hope he can turn his season around, not to prove the knockers wrong but to give the guy some reward for his efforts.

Unfortunately there will always be those who stick the boot in, usually the glory hunters. Must be that 'British disease'. :rolleyes:


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Why dont you miserable sods get behind those from your country. It really grates on me that many want to knock our riders. Let's get behind them, stop moaning, and it might just do some good.


It is easy to criticise.

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Why dont you miserable sods get behind those from your country. It really grates on me that many want to knock our riders. Let's get behind them, stop moaning, and it might just do some good.


It is easy to criticise.

Its easy to criticize Nicholls,he isnt very good. :approve:

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if you think 8th / 9th in the world isn't very good then you need to think again.


get behind the guys

Nicholls has dropped Britain to improve his GP performances,he was awful in the first one and truely awful in the second.His performances in Poland are so bad he is facing the very real prospect of losing his team place there,Sweden isnt a huge amount better.You may have a point about his position in last years GP series but its the here and now Im looking at and I dont see much improving over the coming GPs.



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Scott seems to have lost his determination or drive to get better and looks to be going through the motions in the GP's so far.


He is a quality rider, but the difference between the top and him is getting wider and wider and sadly he just cant master the GP series and doesn't appear that interested anymore.



As for Bomber, well any rider that relies more on passing than gating is always going to find it hard to do well and like Scott, there is a big gap to bridge if he was to really challenge even if for only one GP.



If there are two Brits in the Series next season, I hope its any two from Kennett, Woffinden and Bridger and tonights British Final may just well answer that.

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