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The new (old) Slovenian champion is Trelawny's star Matej Zagar! He won 4 rounds, and was beaten only by his home mate Ales Dolinar. He also won the A final and was best on the race!

Second place took "always second" Izak Santej from Slovenian club Krsko. Third was Ales Dolinar.

The race was yesterday, 04.10. in Krsko. The day was rainy, the track full of mud, a few falls and injuries - Stanko Glavan and Primoz Klenovsek - both home riders. The sensation was 14 year old Croatian Jurica Pavlic. He finished race on 5th place, winning B-final!

Zagar has showed again that he's one of the most promissing young riders in Europe with bright future!

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Glad to hear it Darija!


Zagar is an entertainer and I was impressed with him the twice I saw him this year :)


We will need to watch out for young Mr Pavlic....quite a remarkable acheivement at 14! :approve:

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Finally I see a slovenian speedway fan on international speedway forums. How are you doing Darija? I've also been to Krsko on Saturday and I must agree with you. Zagar is was ahead of all other slovenian riders and Santej looks quite patetic always trying to beat Zagar. In my opinion Zagar is definitely future GP rider and a regular league rider.

You said you know him personally - do you know if he will stay in premier league next year or will he decide to step up to elite league? I talked to his father after the meeting in Krsko and he said that he will most likely stay at Trelawny for another year.



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Well done Zagar :D


I think hes a fantastic rider, saw him when he came over to England for the 1st time, was very impressed then ;-) think he has a very promising future and it won't be long till he's showing his stuff in the GP's! And what a first season he's had with Trelawny :) !

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I don't know will he stay in premier league, I think he will, I have to ask him...You are from Slovenia, Tomaz? Cause I'm from Croatia...we don't have to talk in English, except if you want everyone to see...It's not problem to me:)

So, you were on race in Krsko? It was rainy...but nice race. I was very happy for Zagar, he deserves the title of Slovenian champion!!

And Santej...he's ok, but not too good to beat Matej. He'll be "always second"!



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fantastic racer.. if i was his manager though, i would change his name to Dirk Resto. gotta a cool ring to it... kinda sounds like a sailboat captain.. 8)

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I'll tell him that we have discussions about him on Internet, but just good thing are said:)

Nice nick name - like a pirat! But I think that Matej Zagar pass him very well!

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Darija, next time you see him, say Dirk Resto Dirk Resto Dirk Resto. I think it fits him.. Just my opinion. Nice to see up and coming talent... 8) Plus most of us westerners cant say his name properly.. I think Doogan Stonebreaker is another good possibility too. :)

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Živjo Darija!

Ja, jaz sem iz Slovenije, živim v Ljubljani, zelo blizu štadiona. Iz katerega dela Hrvaške pa si ti? Ali lahko malo poveš o sebi, koliko si stara, koliko časa že spremljaš speedway? Jaz sem star 23 let in speedway spremljam že kakšnih 15let.


Kar pa se tičke Žagarja, lahko o njem govorim le v superlativih. Spremljam ga že od njegovega prvega treninga leta 1999 in takoj ko sem ga videl, sem vedel, da bo postal velika zvezda. To dokazuje že prva sezona v angleški ligi in seveda tudi vsi njegovi nastopi v mednarodnih prvenstvih. Če bi bil jaz na mestu Johna Postlewaitha v BSIju bi Žagarju za drugo leto podelil stalni wild card za GP serijo.


Toliko zaenkrat


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Err...not sure if I agree or not tomazpozrl :roll: :? ;-)


Hope Matej is fine after his spill last night Darija!

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Zivjo Tomaz! Jaz sem iz mesta blizu Preloga in sam sestra Jurice Pavlica. Ce si bil na dirki Slovenskog prvenstva, ga sigurno poznas.

Speedway spremljam ze od rojstva jer je moj tata bil voznik prije nego je imel poskodbo.

Stara sam pa 15 let. Tud mislim da je Zagar zelo dober voznik, za GP pa ne vem. To bi mu vzelo se vec casa katerega se zdaj nima dovolj.



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Hopefully he changed his name to Doogan Stonebreaker, maybe thats what happened? 8)

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Zivjo Darija!

Ja seveda poznam Jurico, videl sem ga ze na dosti dirkah in moram reci, da bo po mojem mnenju v prihodnosti se velika zvezda, vsaj tako velika kot Zagar, ce ne se vecja. Skoraj zagotovo bo nekoc vozil v GP seriji, da o profesionalnih ligah (Anglija, Svedska, Poljska) sploh ne govorim.

Glede tvojega oceta: tudi njega seveda poznam, videl pa sem ga ze takrat ko je se nastopal na dirkah. Videl sem tudi njegovo nesreco s Kresom Omerzelom v Ljubljani, zaradi katere je moral koncati kariero.


Pa se to: opazil sem, da si napisala, da si se pogovarjal z Matejem. Ali je to res in ce je, mi lahko poves, kaksne poskodbe ima in kaj se je sploh zgodilo v tisti voznji kjer je padel?


Lepo se imej


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Matej mi je rekel da je Masters naglo ustavil u ovinku pred njim in je moral ustaviti tudi on in je padel i takrat je še eden naletel na njega z motorjem, tak da mislim da je bilo dosta hudo. Zdaj ne vem če je še v bolnišnici in kako bo dolgo, če kaj izvem, ti sporočim...


Lep pozdrav!


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