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I've not felt much like commenting on Mucky Millard and his constant mistakes, but

the last GP took the biscuit as far as I'm concerned.... The guy just talks drivel and

really does have no idea about what is actually going on in front of his eyes.

I was starting to get to the point of being able to just look at the on screen action and

ignore his inane ramblings, but it got that bad.... what has his green car got to do with

speedway by the way... that I was going to actually switch the GP off.

I am in total agreement with the people on the forum, that suggested an alternative,

using just the sound of the bikes, with NO commentary at all. Oh please Sky, at least

give us an alternative option..... the man is going to end up driving viewers away.

There's only so much any person can take of a commentator making stupid mistakes.


Looks like the European GP will be watched in my house with the mute button firmly

engaged..... which is a shame, but I cant take anymore of this idiot.

Regardless of how fortunate we are to have speedway televised, we pay an arm and a

leg for the pleasure, surely a half decent commentator is not too much to ask for.

Edited by tomcat
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"Tomasz Gollob, the seven times Polish national champion."


Seems to repeatedly ram that down us, even though he's said about 100 times before! :rolleyes:

If he has said that 100 times then I shudder to think how many times we have been told Gollob is Polands highest paid sportsmen.


Tomcat,dont watch with the mute button turned on,half the fun is waiting for Millards next balls up.

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If he has said that 100 times then I shudder to think how many times we have been told Gollob is Polands highest paid sportsmen.


Tomcat,dont watch with the mute button turned on,half the fun is waiting for Millards next balls up.


I hear what you say...Oh the irony....lol, but its starting to grate on my nerves now.

Maybe I'll have one more go tonight, but if that muppet starts again, well it may just

cost me a TV...which wouldnt make me happy, as I just splashed out for a nice new

set for this season too..... It just leaves me bemused that Sky dont realise what the

prat is doing to their broadcasts.... or maybe they do....I just dont know anymore.


Anyway, Emil to win again tonight I hope, loved the guy in the Czech GP....what a rider.

Also hope the Brits manage a decent finishing position tonight. Ok, not the best we might

have, but they're still Brits and should be supported.


And the biggest thing of all.... a safe meeting for ALL riders.... oh and a miracle with the

track prep.... some dirt please Mr Olsen, although that is asking too much I suppose... :rolleyes:


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Certainly, I have to tell you, well, disappointment for . . . . . . .



Millards commentry always goes the same,welcome to Lezno,then he tells us population and how many miles the track is from some tourist attraction.Quick bit of news on the weather including temprature to try and fool everyone that he is track side and then its onto inane drivell with his list of twit-bit information that he must include,calling wrong riders in wrong races,not being able to call four riders in the right order and jobs a good one.

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errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........................64 :oops:



it'll be 19years 22 weeks, 107 days, 420 hours,1575 minutes, 6,700 seconds. :wink::lol:

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why does he try and con us to believe he is actually there ????? Everyone knows he is sat above a butchers shop in Huddersfield !!!!Some of the cack he came out with tonight topped the lot.I think he must spend half his life looking down at his programme rather than watching the actual racing.NEVER does he pick up on an engine failure until the race has finished and Brando shouts in his ear-piece and tips him off as to what happened.Come on Sky he is well past his sell by date

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The man surpassed himself this evening.... was it me. or did he say that Nicki P couldnt qualify for

the semi final, even though it WAS the semi final we were watching, with Nicki P in it???????

Like when he announced that Gollob, I think it was, had come second, when it was a totally different

rider..... the man's a muppet, has no idea and this evening was the very last time that I will listen to

a so called professional humiliate our beloved sport live to the World.I feel sorry for Keith Huwen

and the riders either interviewing or in the studio, they must cringe whenever that idiot opens his


And dont even get me started on the track.... what a way to ruin the competition for the World Title.

We all know that Lezno is far far better than what we witnessed tonight, time for Mr Olsen to step

aside too I think. No wonder BSI announced SWC tickets for Peterborough for just £15..... they

didnt have the cheek to charge anymore as Ole Olsen will no doubt wreck the track there too.

Peterborough is normally a very good track, with some cracking racing, which we all know will be

the complete opposite come that SWC round.....


Oh... and you're all correct, Millard is nowhere near the actual stadium we see on TV, he is most

definitely in the Sky studio's... Chris Louis let that one slip a few years back. In fact Millard and his

co commentator for the night are just yards away, in the next room.... who is he trying to kid by

attempting to make out he is actually there???



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LEAVE THE OLD BOY ALONE, who cares wher he is in respect to the meeting, his mistakes comments and errors have been the most entertaining aspect of the gp series so far this year, certainly hasnt been the racing

Great point - thank God someone else thinks the problem is the standard of racing, no wonder he repeats himself - what can you possibly say for the duration of a race when all four riders follow each other round without a hint of a pass?


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You have to laugh ,what else can you do?ive tried hitting the drinks cabinet with no sucess,ive tried having mellow music on in the background but it just make millards voice even worse,been to see a mental health doc to see whats wrong with me why i cant watch GPs in peece(no the last one isnt true----yet!!!!!)

Edited by speedy den boy
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