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Internet Coverage Of G.p's

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if you got sopcast try the first stream on this page:




the danish streams doesnt work.


*edit* you might need Video Lans VLC player if you want to use the sopcast stream.

Edited by Ghostwalker
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This could well be a re-post or old topic,but does anyone know for those without sky coverage,what internet sites if any will show the meeting.

thanks in anticipation


Preferably with English language commentary!

Edited by Ron Butler
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Im in Tokyo. Close to tears. Please someone send me a live link. Domo, origato, gozimas! (Thank you very much)



dont worry if you cant get a feed its pretty boring :cry:



worst gp in the history....even reckon last years one in gelsenkirken saw more action than this :rolleyes:


Tex mate i'm sooooo sorry that i didn't look in earlier on this thread. I've just watched the most superb high quaity feed (albeit in polish) with not a single second pause or stutter. The quality was so good that even when fed through on to the TV it was excellent. Too be honest you just need to become a bit more adept at googling and a little bit of detective work goes a long long way to bypass the more publicised links that quickly get closed down on here once publicised in the forum.


Thankfully, what began as a boring GP ended up with some pieces of really good racing and a great result.

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