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Is Scotty Really Good Enough For The Sgp

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Scott Nicholls' GP record:


2001: Finished in top 6 of GP challenge and qualified for 2002 GP

2002: Failed, but seeded into following year's competition

2003: Qualified for 2004 series

2004: Failed, but seeded into following year's competition

2005: Failed, but seeded into following year's competition

2006: Failed, but seeded into following year's competition

2007: Qualified for 2008 series after knocking off Chris Harris in run-off

2008: Failed, but seeded into following year's competition


I think we can already add:

2009: Failed


Surely he can't be seeded again? :rolleyes:


All the best



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people might be right saying not good enough but he's never been a good gater. Last night was the most boring meeting I have seen with almost no passing. It was a trappers track and a total waste of time.


when riders like Pedersen can't get past vastly inferior riders it sums up a track. no wonder the stadium was half empty

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I think we can already add:

2009: Failed


Surely he can't be seeded again? :rolleyes:


All the best


You can take it from me Rob that Scott wouldn't consider accepting a seed again.

In his own words, "The reason i've gone the way i have this year is because it wasn't working for me riding day in day out & flitting from airport terminal to airport terminal".

"I don't want to be fighting for my place, i want to be up there with the top boys"

"I had to try a different way to see if that will work, if it doesn't then i'll just walk away from it"

Edited by colincooke
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You can take it from me Rob that Scott wouldn't consider excepting a seed again.

In his own words, "The reason i've gone the way i have this year is because it wasn't working for me riding day in day out & flitting from airport terminal to airport terminal".

"I don't want to be fighting for my place, i want to be up their with the top boys"

"I had to try a different way to see if that will work, if it doesnt then i'll just walk away from it"



And straight back to his rightful place as a Bee... :wink:

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On the basis of yesterday I would question the standards of both Nicholls and his compatriot Harris as serious Grand Prix contenders.


Perhaps they should both be content to restrict their speedway activity to what they do best - riding in league and international team contests.


Team meetings have long been the lifeblood of the sport and I feel that this is in danger of being regarded as of minor importance as the Grand Prix circus becomes ever more predominant.

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But at least he will have less meetings and see his family more

Another thing that was mentioned, he's been missing his daughter growing up.

No one can deny any man or woman that quality time

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I just don't get this. If he wants to see his daughter grow up surely the leagues to knock on the head are Sweden, Poland, or Denmark etc. where he has to fly in and out of the country "flitting from airport terminal to airport terminal", not Britain. Where is the furthest he'd have to travel over here - Belle Vue - if he's based near Ipswich?

And he's said that before about not accepting a seeded place if he didn't get in the top 8. He didn't even bother to do the qualifier as a back up. He accepted the place though. We'll see. :wink:

I'm going to shut up now because I'm beginning to sound like someone. :lol:

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this is amongst a whole host of other wildcards and qualifiers who have come and gone and not managed to crack the top 8..... but they also havent managed to crack the top 9!


I think the fact we're discussing whether he's the 8th or 9th best rider in the world, largely sums up the question. :D


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Think this discussion has been from the wrong angle. What we should be asking is this: what would it take for Scotty to be up there in the top 3 consistently? Other than giving up EL, I don't know what he has done to prepare but he should have been gearing up in a very big way. How about these ideas:


  • Employ a commercial manger to get really big sponsorship deals with top companies to fund a massive investment in his GP bid
  • Big investment in the best equipment, tuning and mechanics to get equipment up there with the very best
  • Employ at least a part-time personal fitness coach to keep him at tip top condition through the season
  • Employ a manager to take full responsibility for logistics and to keep his mind focused on the job in hand
  • Employ time with Mauger, Briggo or another seasoned pro to work on his technique and iron out flaws
  • Employ a sports psychologist to identify and iron out flaws in his personality that prevent him achieving his potential
  • ...and that's just for starters!

With the right backing, there's no doubt he could do a lot better, however low down we feel he is among the top ranking riders.

Edited by AndyM
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yes for sure Andy that is what it takes to be at the pinacle or a modern day world champion and Emil Sajfutdinov is going the right way about things................. it was rumoured that Trick was on 2m sponsorship in his final few seasons and that really should put it all in perspective


However, I think the cards are stacked against Scott with the tracks consistently prepared the way they are.......... I dont think that it would matter how much sponsorship he gained ... he would still be suffering from his gating..... and his varying quality of machinery


Nobody would deny the class of Loramski... or the fact that he was as average at gating... if not more!.... and yet he was able to win a world championship because of the difference in the way the tracks were prepared................ ultimately it is a discussion for another thread but the one thing that makes us as speedway fans wince is when someone says its all over by the first bend.......... so why at the highest level of the sport do we have someone making sure the tracks are slicker than a slick thing?......... I dont deny the class of Pedersen but due to Olsen the record books will tell a lie as to who the best riders from this era actually were


anyway back on track..... the season is a long one and we'll see what happens.... I certainly wouldnt bet against Scott once again coming in 9th but with Emil and Freddie seemingly joining the usual gang the job has been made that bit more difficult

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I just don't get this. If he wants to see his daughter grow up surely the leagues to knock on the head are Sweden, Poland, or Denmark etc. where he has to fly in and out of the country "flitting from airport terminal to airport terminal", not Britain. Where is the furthest he'd have to travel over here - Belle Vue - if he's based near Ipswich?

And he's said that before about not accepting a seeded place if he didn't get in the top 8. He didn't even bother to do the qualifier as a back up. He accepted the place though. We'll see. :wink:

I'm going to shut up now because I'm beginning to sound like someone. :lol:

I see your point Gem, but it's here that riders ride day in day out, whereas on the continent it's only Tuesday & Sunday mainly .ie:

Take a busy week riding here: Monday SKY meeting, get to airport to fly to Sweden for Tuesday, back to airport for meeting at Poole, meeting at Brandon Friday, back to airport for GP Saturday, another airport for Poland, then it's Monday again.

A punishing, tiring schedule compared to getting to the airport for Sweden & Poland weekly & a GP fortnightly don't you agree.

Edited by colincooke
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I think i give scotty the benefit of the dowt and see what happens over the next few rounds ! He is British Champion and despite what you say that means he number 1 .. I think he in a big rut and doesnt really know which way to turn i think it will all come together for scott you cant knock the lad for trying he never gives up .

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Mr Adams seems to cope with all the travelling but lets be fair Scott has served us well in domestic speedway but on the world stage he will never really be up there lets stop making excuses.

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I see your point Gem, but it's here that riders ride day in day out, whereas on the continent it's only Tuesday & Sunday mainly .ie:

Take a busy week riding here: Monday SKY meeting, get to airport to fly to Sweden for Tuesday, back to airport for meeting at Poole, meeting at Brandon Friday, back to airport for GP Saturday, another airport for Poland, then it's Monday again.

A punishing, tiring schedule compared to getting to the airport for Sweden & Poland weekly & a GP fortnightly don't you agree.


No Poland, no Sweden I said. :P

Presumably he's riding for the Bees so just as an example for next week - G.P. yesterday, Monday at Peterborough and Coventry on Friday. That's not so hard and he's not riding day in and day out. What's all this "Sky meeting and Poole Wednesday?" He has the whole week at home with his daughter if that's what he wants but he might find that a lot more tiring than riding speedway bikes. I know from experience of looking after my own children and grandchildren. :D

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Silly star you mention him being "britains number 1" But in all fairness that isnt very great on the world level is it? The poles the Danes the Aussies all better than anything that we can produce in the UK


Scott is not a GP rider i have and always will say this. 4 points some will say this was a bad night but he does this on more than one occasion. Hans on 6 points thats a bad night by a top rider. He has proven he is one of the worlds best. Being the Danish champion is actually an honour as they have a very strong group of riders ti face to win that accolade.

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Unless things return to the normal pattern of things in terms of who makes the semis then there will be more 'bad nights' from the old guard......


If we consider Pedersen, Crump, Gollob, Andersen, Adams, Hancock, AJ as being the closed shop of recent years.... and if Freddie and Emil are the real mcCoy and will be joining them then that straight away is 9 riders to go into 8 semi spots


add others capable of reaching semi's and it increases those 'bad nights'.....Bjerre, Nicholls, Holta and the Wild Card who should know the track well...... in fact Harris, Walasek and Ulamek are probably more capable than im giving credit for


In terms of points scoring this could be the most evenly split season we have seen...... at the very least I dont think we will see a whipping boy like the Dryml, Rico, Chrzanowski, Pepe's of the past

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