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Black/White photos. World Finals Wembley 1981/USA 1982 etc..


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Is that definitely West Ham then? I was wondering if it was Oxford as it looks like the corner of the old (but still standing) hanger style bar on the fourth bend. There used to be a wooden stand just after it too. I'm only guessing though.


I'm referring to picture 63 here by the way. Just noticed everyone else is on about number 60 :oops:


In 60, is one of the Poole riders Odd Fosengen (or something like that). All old Poole phots seem to be of Odd Fossengen (or something like that).

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The problem being that I don't have the name of the rider in the white helmet, just the first three which is a shame.

Still on No. 63 wouldn't there be a dog track at Oxford though so the crowd would not be so close to the Speedway track?

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Still on No. 63 wouldn't there be a dog track at Oxford though so the crowd would not be so close to the Speedway track?


Maybe. I've already thought of that! Perhaps they added it later??!? Then again, maybe it's not Oxford!

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Steve Hone wrote:


Gem...if you got to know riders by their leathers, you would know that Tony Briggs had stripey arms on them...

which makes no 59 Tony Briggs as well at Lada Indoor International at Wembley.


I am impressed Steve.

No. 59 was pretty easy though because it does say Briggo on his leathers.


once again... i was at that meeting too though.

my main way of recognising riders back then was looking at the leathers, which is why i'm kinda screwed now with all these team race suits :roll:

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The style Reminds me of Stan :approve: . I cant remember Ray Wickett's style so it may be him :?

Keep going through the team CHK then you can tell me if I've got the correct rider by his style (hopefully!) ;-)

You have mentioned him in the West Ham team, but I'm not sure if he ever rode for Poole so is the rider in White. I only have 3 names. :?

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It can't be Ray Wickett because he's in third place!


Team in 65 I think


1. K.Mckinley

2 R Trott

3 S Harrfeldt

4 B Leonard

5 N Hunter

6 M Simmons

7 T Ede


T Clarke

R Wickett

Don't forget Dave Wills, killed on 22 June.


Anyway, the point of this posting is to say, I agree, CHK, it does look a lot like Stan's style. Wait till I get home and look up my programmes.


1965, what a year for the Hammers!

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1965, what a year for the Hammers!

Go on then - you can't leave it at that! :lol:

I presume Ray Wickett was the equivalent in his day of Sav Clouting?

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Is 61 Soren Sjosten?

Looks like him doesn't it?

I think this is too far back for you grachan - you probably weren't even born. :lol:

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52 - I think the rider still on his bike is Barry Thomas

56 - complete guess but I'll have a go at Frank Auffret

You're probably right with Barry Thomas. Unfortunately I've only got the name of the rider crashing.

56 - not Frank Auffret. Don't think anyone will guess this. Where's Steve when you need him? :lol: He has quite distictive looking leathers.

One more go - Peter Craven?


Ah... Sorry Norbold - just missed it by two minutes. :-(

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It can't be Ray Wickett because he's in third place!


Anyway, the point of this posting is to say, I agree, CHK, it does look a lot like Stan's style. Wait till I get home and look up my programmes.


1965, what a year for the Hammers!




It must be R Wickett because B leonard is 2nd :? Stan looks like third placed rider :shock: :?




I would have said P Craven but have not seen him ride :-(

if not how about Cyril Maidment ;-)

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