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Anyone ever thought.............

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Anyone ever thought... when they are posting something about a particular rider (any rider that is no one special in mind), that maybe that rider comes into the forum and reads what has been written about them and how they feel? I know of 2 Elite League riders that are regular readers. :roll: oops....because they quoted me when I spoke to them :oops:

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Well i'm glad i haven't put anything nasty about riders on here :lol::lol: oh hang on i did about Sam Ermolenko didn't i? oops


I was sending a personal mesg on Tomas Topinka's site to 1 of my good mates and i accidently sent it to Tom instead! :oops: :oops:

I couldn't look him in the eye when i first started talking to him on wednesday!!!!


Who comes on here then???? come on tell

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Yes I know what you mean Shazzybird, I bet there are more riders who read this forum and other websites than we would imagine. I am sure they want to hear what people have to say about them or particular incidents. On Yahoo groups there are lots of riders and management on there under hidden names, I don't think they should be anonymous though, it would be more fun then :D

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Anyone ever thought... when they are posting something about a particular rider (any rider that is no one special in mind), that maybe that rider comes into the forum and reads what has been written about them and how they feel? I know of 2 Elite League riders that are regular readers. :roll: oops....because they quoted me when I spoke to them :oops:


I think I'd die of embarrasment if I found out Walshy read the forum lol.(but if you do my phone no is .....ooops shut up k! :clown )


I know of a handful of PL riders who do also read the forum though and of a couple who post under aliases(which I fully understand-would you put yourself in the firing line?).


You are right though Shazzy, it is well worth remembering when posting


I think you should tell these riders to come clean and make things interesting! lol


And that from someone else who uses an alias...... :twisted: :clown

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I know of a handful of PL riders who do also read the forum though and of a couple who post under aliases(which I fully understand-would you put yourself in the firing line?).



Oh great i hope Tomas Topinka isn't 1 of these riders!:oops: :oops:

It could get VERY embarrassing when i see him :oops:

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Anyone ever thought... when they are posting something about a particular rider (any rider that is no one special in mind), that maybe that rider comes into the forum and reads what has been written about them and how they feel? I know of 2 Elite League riders that are regular readers. :roll: oops....because they quoted me when I spoke to them :oops:


And your point is Shazzy?

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I took it that Shazzy was meaning we should bear that in mind when being nasty about them as they are human too sort of thing and could be reading Dekk



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And your point is Shazzy?


Dekks, come on your not really that slow are you ;) Something was written about a rider a couple of threads ago and the rider read what had been said about him and he really took to heart the false comments that had been written about him. No it wasn't me (this time ;) ) but it was commented that I had replied to the thread in question.


All I'm saying is be careful what you say, riders are for two hours "our heroes" for the rest of the time they are there own person and can do anything they want to do, like the rest of us !!!!

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I think that the riders are big boys and whilst they may occasionally get over-the-top criticism on the forum, they also get plenty of over-the-top praise here too.


Anyway, if anything grossly unfair is ever written, its normally quickly followed by condemnation by plenty of other forum members.

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they are human too sort of thing 7.gif


oops that's a few more upset ...


But to be serious,


Statements backed up by facts are preferable


I think comments should be limited to those that you would not mind being said about yourself -

and omit comments which you know will hurt or embarrass ...

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