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High Beech 2009


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Can the Museum Committee explain why this move has come about as High Beech is a unique venue steeped in history and free to attend on the nearest Sunday to February 19th.


I agree.. Seems utterly crazy to me to have a High Beech anniversary event, er, NOT at High Beech..!! :rolleyes:

Went there last year (for the first time...) and there is something literally magical about a misty February morning and able to walk around some of the still visible lineaments of the track..


I am a big supporter of the Museum, though (from the days when I played my small part helping George & Linda with collections at a couple of tracks including one of the first at Wimbledon...) and can understand why the Committee would want a set piece event there... But 2009 is going to be the 80th. anniversary of the birth of League Racing in the UK isn't it..

So why not have an event to commemorate that milestone at Paradise Park..?? Not sure what date...: perhaps the anniversary of the first Southern League meeting...??

Am sure norbold would know the relevant date.. :approve:


As for Feb. & High Beech...: surely that time-worn tradition of meeting up in the King's Oak shouldn't be scrapped...?! :neutral:

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I agree.. Seems utterly crazy to me to have a High Beech anniversary event, er, NOT at High Beech..!! :rolleyes:

Went there last year (for the first time...) and there is something literally magical about a misty February morning and able to walk around some of the still visible lineaments of the track..


I am a big supporter of the Museum, though (from the days when I played my small part helping George & Linda with collections at a couple of tracks including one of the first at Wimbledon...) and can understand why the Committee would want a set piece event there... But 2009 is going to be the 80th. anniversary of the birth of League Racing in the UK isn't it..

So why not have an event to commemorate that milestone at Paradise Park..?? Not sure what date...: perhaps the anniversary of the first Southern League meeting...??

Am sure norbold would know the relevant date.. :approve:


As for Feb. & High Beech...: surely that time-worn tradition of meeting up in the King's Oak shouldn't be scrapped...?! :neutral:


Well said Derek, but will wait for a satisfactory explination before getting annoyed.

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I totally agree,Parsloes.


Im not the slightest bit interested in going to the High Beach celebration at Paradise Park. :mad: I fear the oragnisers have 'sold their sole' to make a few quid.


As the 19th is my birthday anyway,I will make my way to High Beach on Sunday 15th or 22nd and share a pint with the 'Grand Old lady' of our sport. :approve:


While the Kings Oak Hotel is far from ideal for exhibits etc,it is the surely the only rightful place to be? Sure its cramped,not very glamorous,but its real.A very true 'step back into the past'.Somewhere you can actually touch the past.Its steeped in history.You can sense it.It isnt difficult to see how chaotic it would have been back in 1928!


I have supported the Museum since it was first mooted,and thoroughly enjoyed helping whenever I could.I feel that somehow the Museum has lost its way.Still no website.Unbelievable.


Long live HIGH BEACH.The only place to be in February.




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I have already explained the reason for the decision several months ago on the "Latest News" thread:


'Next year's annual "High Beech" celebrations will be held at the Speedway Museum instead of High Beech and will be on 8 February. Admission will be free. It is to be called "A Celebration of Speedway - incorporating the High Beech Anniversary." The reason for the move is because of complaints received at this year's annual celebrations (and received every year since I can remember) that the King's Oak is too small for the number of people who come to the event. By holding it at the Museum and using other Paradise Park facilities there will be much more room for stall holders and visitors and more and better facilities available. The museum will also be open on site as a bonus. We are hoping to persuade a number of former world champions to come along.'


There was unanimous agreement on the committee for this move and in fact two of the main proponents were Terry Stone and Bert Harkins, who both argued that we needed more room to do the event justice.


However, it was also recognised that there would be complaints about moving away from High Beech because of the tradition and so it was also agreed that the event would be held at Paradise Park and High Beech in alternate years, so as to keep the link.


P.S.. Just seen this comment, "I fear the organisers have 'sold their sole' to make a few quid." The organisers will be making nothing out of the event other than what they would have made had the event been held at High Beech. The only way the Museum will make extra money is if more stallholders take stands. The money will go to the Museum, which surely is a good thing. Paradise Park itself stand to make a loss as entry to the Park itself will be free for the day.

Edited by norbold
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Thankyou for the reply Norman but if you still intend going back to High Beech in 2010 and in alternate years to come, is their not room for both events each year, even if no dealers stalls are at the Kings Oak Hotel.

I'm sorry but the High Beech anniversary means a lot to me and have attended for many years as to me it is the traditional start of the new season on Hallowed ground that cannot alter over time.

Yes I support the Museum wholeheartedly, was very supportive of George and Linda Barclay and have donated all of my local tracks Supporters Club trophies [ Canterbury] held by myself to be seen by all.

But I still do not see how you can amalgamate the two events into one.

Edited by IAN2
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Thankyou for the reply Norman but if you still intend going back to High Beech in 2010 and in alternate years to come, is their not room for both events each year, even if no dealers stalls are at the Kings Oak Hotel.

I'm sorry but the High Beech anniversary means a lot to me and have attended for many years as to me it is the traditional start of the new season on Hallowed ground that cannot alter over time.

Yes I support the Museum wholeheartedly, was very supportive of George and Linda Barclay and have donated all of my local tracks Supporters Club trophies [ Canterbury] held by myself to be seen by all.

But I still do not see how you can amalgamate the two events into one.

There may be room for both. There is nothing to stop anyone organising an event at High Beech as well. The Speedway Museum does not have a monopoly on speedway events.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd like to add my thought to this topic.


We've attended the last three meetings at High Beech and each time my daughter has had to wait outside because she is a wheelchair user.....Even if we could get up the stairs into the merchandise room, getting around it would be next to impossible for a wheelchair users.....I welcome any moves to make the meeting more accessible with better parking facilities.

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Yes, agreed Shadders.


I have posted the following update on the 2009 Celebration of Speedway on the Museum Website thread, but this seems a more appropriate place for it!


Planning for the "Celebration of Speedway" event on 8 February is going well. So far 19 tables have been booked for the Collectors' Fayre and there may be a few more. There are also currently seven outside stall booked including Terry Stone's vintage bike display, Alf Hagon, the Douglas Club and the current manufacturers of the J.A.P. engine, Cameron Racing. There will also be a demonstration of cycle speedway with a chance to "have a go" yourself. There will be refreshments available from Paradise Park's on site restaurant and there will also be a bar and barbecue set up for the occasion. Also, a local pub, The Woodman, will provide a special two course pub lunch for £9.95. The Museum will, of course, be open and there will be, as well as the continuous DVD display in the Museum itself, a film show put on by Tony Steele. Entry to the Park for the event will be free for the day and there will be guided tours of the Wildlife Park itself, making it ideal for a family day out.



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I'd like to add my thought to this topic.


We've attended the last three meetings at High Beech and each time my daughter has had to wait outside because she is a wheelchair user.....Even if we could get up the stairs into the merchandise room, getting around it would be next to impossible for a wheelchair users.....I welcome any moves to make the meeting more accessible with better parking facilities.


While I am a little put out by the move of venue, I think this post sums up the real common sense of the change. Wheelchair users and also those who have other dificulties in getting around need to be given more thought and that is what the organisers have done...well done. I for one will be there, and anyone who wants to share a lift, out of our little crowd of Hammers supporters, will be more than welcome to join me.

Edited by NOBBY
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If, for the various reasons given, the High Beech venue is not capable of holding the event in 2009 then how does is it become viable in 2010. Utter nonsense.


As previously described the annual commemerative meeting of fans at High Beech cannot be beaten. Its there because thats where it all started thats the whole point. The stallholders seem to operate under worse conditions at Cardiff so this is a red herring.


Personally I have never been a supporter of the Museum as after the way the funds were raised by the fans then those same fans were then expected to pay for entrance to a park that most had no interest in. I felt for Linda and George as to me their efforts were tarnished by what has become a venture for financial gain which surely was never the original intention

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If, for the various reasons given, the High Beech venue is not capable of holding the event in 2009 then how does is it become viable in 2010. Utter nonsense.


As previously described the annual commemerative meeting of fans at High Beech cannot be beaten. Its there because thats where it all started thats the whole point. The stallholders seem to operate under worse conditions at Cardiff so this is a red herring.


Personally I have never been a supporter of the Museum as after the way the funds were raised by the fans then those same fans were then expected to pay for entrance to a park that most had no interest in. I felt for Linda and George as to me their efforts were tarnished by what has become a venture for financial gain which surely was never the original intention

Had the Museum not been built in Paradise Wildlife Park it is doubtful it would ever have been built at all. The Park gave the land free and paid for most of the construction work. They now pay for the continued services (electricity etc.) and maintenance and staff time to look after the Museum and carry out repairs and improvements. I should also add that any money raised by the Museum in terms of sales of sweatshirts and other merchandise is kept by the Museum for buying objects and not paid to the Park. Were it not for the Park's support probably the running costs alone would be prohibitively expensive let alone its original construction. In spite of the good work the Barclays did they simply did not raise enough money for a proper museum to be built and maintained if it were not for the generous support of Pete Sampson and Paradise Wildlife Park.


It is, of course, a problem that people have to pay to get in to the Park but this is because there is no separate entrance at the moment. To try and ameliorate this the Park gives free entrance to all members of the WSRA and also prints, from time to time, free, or reduced price entry vouchers to the Museum in the Speedway Star. The 8th February event will also be free and they are hoping to hold a couple more free entry days later in the year. As well as that the Park is looking in to ways of creating a separate entrance to the Museum, again at their own cost.


All in all, however, given its continuing support I would say the Park probably loses money on the Museum rather than making any financial gain.

Edited by norbold
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Whilst I live too far away to go to the High Beech celebrations or The Paradise Wildife Park it seems to me given the choice of standing in a field somewhere and entrance to a pub that is too small to accommodate everyone, or free entry to a speedway museum and wildlife park, plus all the usual High Beech celebrations, I wouldn't have to think twice where to go. :wink:

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I only went along to High Beech once, afraid it didn't hold my interest for more than half hour and I also found it difficult to find a safe place to leave my car.


We've already got Paradise Park marked in on the calendar and are looking forward to it. See you there Norbold, Shadders and Nobby. :)

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My Bro is bringing bikes up to the show by all accounts, not sure which ones he is bringing as has gathered quite a collection now and is in the process of re-building a 1950's JAP (I think that's what he said it was, am sure he will correct me if it's wrong) if it's finished in time he will take that as well no doubt.


He's really looking forward to it, I hope it's a great success if I'm off on that day I will hopefully come along if only to catch up with old friends.





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I only went along to High Beech once, afraid it didn't hold my interest for more than half hour and I also found it difficult to find a safe place to leave my car.


You couldn't find a "safe place to leave your car"..??!! At High Beech..??!!! :shock:

What were you afraid of...: a bunch of car-jacking badgers...??!!! :wink:

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If, for the various reasons given, the High Beech venue is not capable of holding the event in 2009 then how does is it become viable in 2010. Utter nonsense.


As previously described the annual commemerative meeting of fans at High Beech cannot be beaten. Its there because thats where it all started thats the whole point. The stallholders seem to operate under worse conditions at Cardiff so this is a red herring.


Personally I have never been a supporter of the Museum as after the way the funds were raised by the fans then those same fans were then expected to pay for entrance to a park that most had no interest in. I felt for Linda and George as to me their efforts were tarnished by what has become a venture for financial gain which surely was never the original intention

With you 100%.


By all means have a 'museum day' if you all so wish,but please drop the High Beach celebration.Its a total sham.



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With you 100%.


By all means have a 'museum day' if you all so wish,but please drop the High Beach celebration.Its a total sham.


Having read the various posts about "The Celebration of Speedway" at Paradise Wildlife Park, I thought I had better get my tuppence-worth in.


I can understand people feeling sad about leaving High Beech, but for all the various reasons given earlier in the forum, we are trying to make this event as memorable and comfortable as possible for everyone.


I am sorry that a few fans have such a negative attitude to PWP and, as stated earlier, the Park makes no money from our Museum and were it not for the generousity of ex-rider and PWP owner, Peter Sampson, there is no way we could have funded or run a Speedway Museum.

Apart from buying the land to build the Museum, just think of the running costs, building costs, electricity, security (at the Park we are protected by lions & tigers so no-one will break in!) business rates, staff, even down to paint for the floors and walls, etc. all of which have been funded by the Park, so for anyone to say that moving from High Beech is a money-making exercise, then they are very much mistaken.


George & Linda did a fantastic job in fund-raising dedicating a part of their lives to the cause, but, George had said that once money was raised, he would like to take it a bit easier and take a step back.

The Museum Committee and the WSRA (World Speedway Riders' Association) appreciate everything that George & Linda have done and although others played their part, G&L were the "public face" of the museum fund raising.


Now that the Museum is well and truly up and running, 8th February will be a great chance for everyone to check it out and form their own opinions. Exhibits are forever changing, so if you have already visited the museum, then you are sure to see something new each time you drop by.


I was also disappointed that one correspondent said that he, and many others had no interest in the Wildlife Park, well, I think he should reserve judgement until he visits as it is a great day out for all the family and now there is a Speedway Museum to visit too, so look on the bright side. Your kind donations have been gratefully received and the VOLOUNTEERS who run the Museum and the Committee are doing their very best to promote the sport we all love and keep it's history alive..


Hackney, West Ham and Edinburgh fans will be pleased to hear that one of our favourite Swedes, Bengt Jansson, is flying over for the event and invitations have gone out to many other riders, including World Champion, Nicki Pedersen and former double World Champion, Freddie Williams.


So come along to the "Celebration of Speedway incorporating High beech at Paradise Wildlife Park on 8th February 10am till 3pm and enjoy a great day out FREE OF CHARGE!


Bert Harkins

WSRA President ,

Speedway Museum Committee

WSRA Committee

Ex-Rider and All Round Good Guy!! (I hope!)

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Having read the various posts about "The Celebration of Speedway" at Paradise Wildlife Park, I thought I had better get my tuppence-worth in.


I can understand people feeling sad about leaving High Beech, but for all the various reasons given earlier in the forum, we are trying to make this event as memorable and comfortable as possible for everyone.


I am sorry that a few fans have such a negative attitude to PWP and, as stated earlier, the Park makes no money from our Museum and were it not for the generousity of ex-rider and PWP owner, Peter Sampson, there is no way we could have funded or run a Speedway Museum.

Apart from buying the land to build the Museum, just think of the running costs, building costs, electricity, security (at the Park we are protected by lions & tigers so no-one will break in!) business rates, staff, even down to paint for the floors and walls, etc. all of which have been funded by the Park, so for anyone to say that moving from High Beech is a money-making exercise, then they are very much mistaken.


George & Linda did a fantastic job in fund-raising dedicating a part of their lives to the cause, but, George had said that once money was raised, he would like to take it a bit easier and take a step back.

The Museum Committee and the WSRA (World Speedway Riders' Association) appreciate everything that George & Linda have done and although others played their part, G&L were the "public face" of the museum fund raising.


Now that the Museum is well and truly up and running, 8th February will be a great chance for everyone to check it out and form their own opinions. Exhibits are forever changing, so if you have already visited the museum, then you are sure to see something new each time you drop by.


I was also disappointed that one correspondent said that he, and many others had no interest in the Wildlife Park, well, I think he should reserve judgement until he visits as it is a great day out for all the family and now there is a Speedway Museum to visit too, so look on the bright side. Your kind donations have been gratefully received and the VOLOUNTEERS who run the Museum and the Committee are doing their very best to promote the sport we all love and keep it's history alive..


Hackney, West Ham and Edinburgh fans will be pleased to hear that one of our favourite Swedes, Bengt Jansson, is flying over for the event and invitations have gone out to many other riders, including World Champion, Nicki Pedersen and former double World Champion, Freddie Williams.


So come along to the "Celebration of Speedway incorporating High beech at Paradise Wildlife Park on 8th February 10am till 3pm and enjoy a great day out FREE OF CHARGE!


Bert Harkins

WSRA President ,

Speedway Museum Committee

WSRA Committee

Ex-Rider and All Round Good Guy!! (I hope!)


Bert I fully appreciate what you say but my income, the same as most people is limited. I do on average 60 meetings per year, often more, which is around £900.00 in entrance fees alone more than the cost of a seat for the season at my beloved West Ham Football Club. As such I have to be more prudent with regard to spending money at other times. As a Scot I am sure you appreciate this.


I haven't been to the Museum because I can't justify the cost to see something (The Wildlife Park) in which I have no interest. The point I have tried to make is that if the cost to enter the museum is prohibitive because it is viewed by the proprieter as part of the Wildlife Park then I'll not go. This doesn't show bad feeling against Mr Sampson but simply if i want to view the Museum it should be possible to do so as a stand alone. It should also be remembered that without the donations from people like me the Wildlife park wouldn't have an added attraction. This is me just trying to illustrate that there are two view points as in every argument.


The Committee has made their decision and I fully understand that however I still feel very sad that with the date coming up soon High Beech will remain silent as far as speedway bikes are concerned. I wish the Museum nothing but success and all power to the Committee for the time and hard work that is surely involved. But I still feel that High Beech deserves more otherwise it will dispaear from the Calender once and for all which will be very sad.


All The best

Harry Ward

Edited by westhamboy66
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