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Andy Galvin


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Sad news indeed. Must have been class A gear and lots of it as he is banged up in Brixton which is one of the top prisons in the country. Would have thought if it was minor stuff he would have been in one of the Kent nicks as thats where he lives.


I know a geezer who works there as a screw so will ask him whats going on. Having worked in prisons on the admin side what usually happens is that people get into financial trouble and get into the wrong crowd e.g. drug dealers and get offered good money by the dealers on picking up the smack and delivering it to other dealers or the users themselves. Sounds like Andy was a courier and was caught en route delivering the drugs must have been cocaine and heroin to another dealer. Stupid mistake as he is now paying the price and will defo get a few years inside. Under the prison rules though he will be entitled to home leave so will prob be at Lakeside watching a meeting sometime!!!


Has he been tried in a court of law yet? Has he appeared before judge and jury? Perhaps this is yet another case of guilty before being proven innocent.


Anyone remember Lewis Bridger? I seem to recollect him appearing before certain members of this forum under similar circumstances.


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Sad news indeed. Must have been class A gear and lots of it as he is banged up in Brixton which is one of the top prisons in the country. Would have thought if it was minor stuff he would have been in one of the Kent nicks as thats where he lives.


I know a geezer who works there as a screw so will ask him whats going on. Having worked in prisons on the admin side what usually happens is that people get into financial trouble and get into the wrong crowd e.g. drug dealers and get offered good money by the dealers on picking up the smack and delivering it to other dealers or the users themselves. Sounds like Andy was a courier and was caught en route delivering the drugs must have been cocaine and heroin to another dealer. Stupid mistake as he is now paying the price and will defo get a few years inside. Under the prison rules though he will be entitled to home leave so will prob be at Lakeside watching a meeting sometime!!!



Have you not got anything better to do with your time than to write about my dad. your just sad!!!


Galvin was never the brightest bulb in the box! :rolleyes:




You obviously are not that bright spending your time with nothing better to do than write about my dad!!

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Have you not got anything better to do with your time than to write about my dad. your just sad!!!



You obviously are not that bright spending your time with nothing better to do than write about my dad!!


Well said Cortney!


There are some sad people on here who take pleasure in kicking a man while he's down. Please don't let what they say upset you. Fortunately they are in a small minority, most of us are ordinary decent people.


Like I said in my post your dad has not been tried on any charge. So unless he is found guilty by a jury in a court of law he is as innocent as you are.


This is a matter for the Galvin family and no-one else I feel. Sadly because your dad was once a well known rider he's easy meat for those small minded people.


You are obviously a loyal and loving daughter and I admire you for coming on here and so vigorously defending your dad.


I hope he is cleared of all charges and is soon back home with you and the rest of the family.


Kind regards Cortney,




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Cortney I was one of your dads biggest fans brilliant speedway rider for Hackney and done a good job at Arena aswell. I was just commenting on what I had read previously on this thread. Most of us on here would love it if when the trial comes he gets found innocent. Just saying that having worked in Brixton prison they dont put people in there for minor crimes.

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Well said Cortney!


There are some sad people on here who take pleasure in kicking a man while he's down. Please don't let what they say upset you. Fortunately they are in a small minority, most of us are ordinary decent people.


Like I said in my post your dad has not been tried on any charge. So unless he is found guilty by a jury in a court of law he is as innocent as you are.


This is a matter for the Galvin family and no-one else I feel. Sadly because your dad was once a well known rider he's easy meat for those small minded people.


You are obviously a loyal and loving daughter and I admire you for coming on here and so vigorously defending your dad.


I hope he is cleared of all charges and is soon back home with you and the rest of the family.


Kind regards Cortney,








Thank you! i just dont like people talking about him in that way. i appreciate your comments they mean alot to me.

i understand people are talking about this situation, so i hope from now on some of the people on here keep the horrible remarks to themselves or at least put it somewhere our family cant read them!!

Thanks again



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Thank you! i just dont like people talking about him in that way. i appreciate your comments they mean alot to me.

i understand people are talking about this situation, so i hope from now on some of the people on here keep the horrible remarks to themselves or at least put it somewhere our family cant read them!!

Thanks again



Good for you, for standing up for your Dad Cortney.


As for those that seem to want to have a pop at a lot of riders, promoters

and fans on this forum, Think on.

People DO read this forum from those mentioned above, including family

members, some of whom are youngsters.

I have just been onto the Elite League section, where once again, the usual

suspects are letting rip at people. YOU don't like it being done to you, which

is blatantly obvious by the responses, so don't do it to others.


This entire forum has gone to Hell In a Handcart in recent months and its

starting to become a big joke worldwide.

No-one minds a bit of banter between rival fans, but there are far too many

so called fans attacking posters etc on here just because they can. It's

like its become a sport for those that do it and some are of an age where

they should know a lot better, some are at an age, where we could make

the excuse that they don't know any better and might get better with age, but

my view is, if you have the ability to sign up for a forum, read and write and

submit posts, you have enough intelligence to NOT resort to the childishness

we keep witnessing.


Regarding Andy Galvin, or any other persons awaiting a trial etc, its a fact

that British law says you are INNOCENT until proven guilty.

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Good for you, for standing up for your Dad Cortney.


As for those that seem to want to have a pop at a lot of riders, promoters

and fans on this forum, Think on.

People DO read this forum from those mentioned above, including family

members, some of whom are youngsters.

I have just been onto the Elite League section, where once again, the usual

suspects are letting rip at people. YOU don't like it being done to you, which

is blatantly obvious by the responses, so don't do it to others.


This entire forum has gone to Hell In a Handcart in recent months and its

starting to become a big joke worldwide.

No-one minds a bit of banter between rival fans, but there are far too many

so called fans attacking posters etc on here just because they can. It's

like its become a sport for those that do it and some are of an age where

they should know a lot better, some are at an age, where we could make

the excuse that they don't know any better and might get better with age, but

my view is, if you have the ability to sign up for a forum, read and write and

submit posts, you have enough intelligence to NOT resort to the childishness

we keep witnessing.


Regarding Andy Galvin, or any other persons awaiting a trial etc, its a fact

that British law says you are INNOCENT until proven guilty.


I think the that the insensitive comments made on this forum regarding Andy are harmful to the status of this forum.

maybe the moderator has to exercise more control over what is posted other wise it will become a forum to avoid.


I knew Andy and his father many years go, [i left england in 1982,] they were both dedicated speedway folk, i do not think that anyones downfall should become a public issue to the extent this has become


what do they say


There for the grace of God go I


Cortney, good on you for supporting your dad.



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I know the trouble Andy Galvin has got himself into must be painful for his son and his family, but they also must realise that he was a very successful speedway rider so its enevitable that once his troubles became common knowledge, it would be talked about on this forum!

Edited by 25yearfan
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Think any story to do with a current or ex speedway rider is worthy of discussion.It is the speculation of what Galvin did and what sentence he should expect that is in bad taste ala VV :rolleyes:



I know the trouble Andy Galvin has got himself into must be painful for his son and his family, but they also must realise that he was a very successful speedway so its enevitable that once his troubles became common knowledge, it would be talked about on this forum!


As I said in my earlier contribution on this topic, this is entirely a matter for the Galvin family. I note the change in tone by some contributors. However, my feelings have not changed. Whatever, the FACTS of Andy's situation further discussion could hurt Cortney and the rest of her family.


I urge someone on the moderating team to immediately close this thread and any more that may be opened on the subject of Mr Galvin - other than on his activity as an active speedway rider.


Mod Note: There is no reason for this thread to be closed, it is a public matter in the public domain

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I urge someone on the moderating team to immediately close this thread and any more that may be opened on the subject of Mr Galvin - other than on his activity as an active speedway rider.[/b]

So are you also saying that any threads covering current events, general discussions and other non current speedway issues should also be closed?


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As I said in my earlier contribution on this topic, this is entirely a matter for the Galvin family. I note the change in tone by some contributors. However, my feelings have not changed. Whatever, the FACTS of Andy's situation further discussion could hurt Cortney and the rest of her family.


I urge someone on the moderating team to immediately close this thread and any more that may be opened on the subject of Mr Galvin - other than on his activity as an active speedway rider.


Ron, this is a speedway discussion forum. Therefore we're free to discuss Andy Galvin's situation, which is a topic relating to a former rider. If members of his family are not comfortable with this, then they don't have to come onto this forum - nobody has forced them. It's called free speech. It's as simple as that.


All the best


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[ I urge someone on the moderating team to immediately close this thread and any more that may be opened on the subject of Mr Galvin - other than on his activity as an active speedway rider.[/b]


Quite right, and while we're at it lets shut down Backtrack who printed the story, and prosecute Malcolm Simmons who wrote it!


So much for free speech and democracy!!


Get real. The lives of sportsmen are discussed and debated throughout all aspects of the media, which is as it should be. Speedway is not a special case, nor is any particular rider or official.


Personally I hope that Andy has been found not guilty - or maybe he has already?

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Cortney I was one of your dads biggest fans brilliant speedway rider for Hackney and done a good job at Arena aswell. I was just commenting on what I had read previously on this thread. Most of us on here would love it if when the trial comes he gets found innocent. Just saying that having worked in Brixton prison they dont put people in there for minor crimes.


You've changed ya tune since Cortney arrived on here Vega :lol: It's about time someone told you to STFU!!!!!! :approve:

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What a surprise Shazz sticks the boot in. You know I was one of Galvinis biggest fans. All I said was having worked in Brixton prison the prisoners that are in that establishment on remand like Andy is are usually in there for serious offences e.g. what Simmo said in backtrack drugs courier. Brixton is one of the top nicks in the country so it stands to reason the gear must have been class A.


Not saying anymore on the incident ANDY GALVIN IS INNOCENT gonna chalk that up on the walkway by the pits at Lakeside.

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Ron, this is a speedway discussion forum. Therefore we're free to discuss Andy Galvin's situation, which is a topic relating to a former rider. If members of his family are not comfortable with this, then they don't have to come onto this forum - nobody has forced them. It's called free speech. It's as simple as that.


All the best




I disagree in this case Rob. I am a great advocate of 'Freedom of Speech' myself - BUT - thought and consideration should be part of the RIGHT to say what you wish as well. With 'Freedom of Speech' comes the RESPONSIBILITY to try to ensure that no-one is hurt by your remarks. In this case, as I understand it, Andy has not even been Tried yet - whatever happened to the old adage of INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty.


Just my thoughts on this issue..........................

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I disagree in this case Rob. I am a great advocate of 'Freedom of Speech' myself - BUT - thought and consideration should be part of the RIGHT to say what you wish as well. With 'Freedom of Speech' comes the RESPONSIBILITY to try to ensure that no-one is hurt by your remarks. In this case, as I understand it, Andy has not even been Tried yet - whatever happened to the old adage of INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty.


Just my thoughts on this issue..........................


Thoughts with which I agree, Ian. Sadly, there appear to be many people who interpret the concept of free speech as a licence to say whatever they wish regardless of the hurt or damage they may cause to others.


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What a surprise Shazz sticks the boot in. You know I was one of Galvinis biggest fans. All I said was having worked in Brixton prison the prisoners that are in that establishment on remand like Andy is are usually in there for serious offences e.g. what Simmo said in backtrack drugs courier. Brixton is one of the top nicks in the country so it stands to reason the gear must have been class A.


Not saying anymore on the incident ANDY GALVIN IS INNOCENT gonna chalk that up on the walkway by the pits at Lakeside.


Yeah and you know I'll stick the boot in on you for this one ...... Andy was never a favourite of mine ontrack (he rode for the opposition) but offtrack we had a few good nights out with the Canterbury crowd! ...... I see your original post saying you had a friend somewhere or other that could find out information with regard to Andy and whats happening with him has conveniently been removed, luckily for you there are only a handful of people that know what you look like else you'd be hiding all season with your comments!!!!


Never forget though Vega I KNOW what you look like .... so as they used to say on the tv., .............. KEEP 'EM PEELED!!!! :approve:

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