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2009 Sgp- Who Will Win?

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1. Jason Crump

2. Nicki Pedersen

3. Hans Andersen

4. Tomasz Gollob

5. Andreas Jonsson

6. Greg Hancock

7. Leigh Adams

8. Scott Nicholls

9. Fredrik Lindgren

10. Rune Holta

11. Kenneth Bjerre

12. Chris Harris

13. Emil Saifutdinov

14. Grzegorz Walasek

15. Sebastian Ulamek



Edited by Wildcat
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Despite all the moans on other threads about who should & should not be given the wild-cards, we have actually got most of the world's best riders in the SGP for next year. I don't think there are any genuine top 6 contenders who are missing and although Bjarne P and Chris Holder appear to have been harshly treated, this is on the assumption that they actually wanted to be in the SGP for 2009. Scott Nicholls may not be a top six contender, but he is certainly in the world's top 16 and thus deserves his place. I'm not going to comment on Chris Harris, but surely 09 must be last-chance saloon.


I do think the SGP is pretty stale at the moment and I expect the top seven at the end of 2009 to contain the same names as 2008. It would be nice to see a real challenge to Nicki P and I think for 2009 Andersen is the most likely candidate, but my greatest hope is for Saifutdinov and Bjerre to make an impact. The SGP desperately needs new faces as genuine contenders rather than just making up the numbers and Lindgren apart, I don't see much potential for improvement in the rest of the 2009 field. Hancock, Gollob and Adams must be looking to retire soon and it would be nice to see other competitors moving up the standings on their own merit rather than because better riders have left. It's a pity Holder won't be there in 09, but there's a lot more to winning at this level than just riding the bike. If Chris himself doesn't believe he is ready then who are we to argue.


Can't see anyone taking the title off Nicki next year, roll on 2010 when we should see Holder and hopefully a couple of other new faces with real potential!

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1. Jason Crump

2. Nicki Pedersen

3. Hans Andersen

4. Tomasz Gollob

5. Andreas Jonsson

6. Greg Hancock

7. Leigh Adams

8. Scott Nicholls

9. Fredrik Lindgren

10. Rune Holta

11. Kenneth Bjerre

12. Chris Harris

13. Emil Saifutdinov

14. Grzegorz Walasek

15. Sebastian Ulamek




Hey Widcat , Surely JC should be in @ #2 or is that wishful thinking , I`ve taken it as Race Numbers for 09 Season , But maybe that is your end of 09 Results ???




PS - Ginge won`t win it :-(


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01. Nicki

02. jason

03. Hans

04. Greg

05. Gollob

06. Adams

07. Lindgren

08. AJ

09 Nicholls

10. Holta

11. Emil S

12. Walasek

13. Bjerre

14. Harris

15. Ulamek



Hey Widcat , Surely JC should be in @ #2 or is that wishful thinking , I`ve taken it as Race Numbers for 09 Season , But maybe that is your end of 09 Results ???




PS - Ginge won`t win it :-(


If you read the topic title its says 2009 Sgp Woo Will Win so i think it is his 2009 final results ;)

Edited by Ghostwalker
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I don't believe it will be between Nicki and Jason.I think hans will come on a bit and at least split those two up.Whether he can challenge Nicki i am not sure.I think he lacks that bit of aggression in the crunch that Nicki has.

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I don't believe it will be between Nicki and Jason.I think hans will come on a bit and at least split those two up.Whether he can challenge Nicki i am not sure.I think he lacks that bit of aggression in the crunch that Nicki has.

Dont believe crump has another title in him no matter how much he cuts back his racing. He will start to slip down the order now along with adams, hancock,gollob as there all getting a bit to old now. Lets face it they will not get any faster as each year goes by.

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we have actually got most of the world's best riders in the SGP for next year.


And I think shows how dull speedway is at the moment. Much the same riders year-after-year, but no-one can really point to anyone outside the SGP who'd do a better job.


The World Final did at least provide shock qualifications, and allow new riders to break through, even if the same few riders tended to win the title. I'm beginning to think qualification for the SGP should be based on rider averages in the main speedway leagues (Britain, Poland and Sweden), with perhaps a handful of places available through the GP Challenge for riders outside of these. That at least would provide some unpredictably, whilst ensuring the top riders should still qualify.


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Dont believe crump has another title in him no matter how much he cuts back his racing. He will start to slip down the order now along with adams, hancock,gollob as there all getting a bit to old now. Lets face it they will not get any faster as each year goes by.

I agree.That is why i think Hans will finish at least in second.Just think if Nicki can stay focused he should win it.But it is a big if.After being so dominant for two years it might be the case that he relaxes too much.

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Of course, if it was a one-off World Final, all 16 riders could win. Unfortunately, we've got an increasingly dull GP series, which will only be between two riders - the ones with 1 & 2 on their backs.


All the best



I do remember thinking either George Hack or Makael Starostin would win in LA in 1982. If not one of them then the ageing Peter Collins was a likely winner.

Maybe it would be Verner or Kai Niemi, Maybe even Edward Jancarz or Jiri Stancl.


Yes World Finals were certainly very competitive in them days.


Course that wasn't just a rogue year, lets go back to 1976, I thought PC would have his work cut out by the likes of the Gordeev brothers, or even Jerzy Rembas or Marek Cieslak, Jiri Stancl was another in with a big chance.


It was hard to rule anyone out in those days wasn't it.


Ales Dryml, Jiri Stancl, Egon Müller,Zenon Plech, Petr Ondrasik were all likely winners in 1980


The list just goes on and on.


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Ales Dryml, Jiri Stancl, Egon Müller,Zenon Plech, Petr Ondrasik were all likely winners in 1980


You constantly pick out the Continental qualifiers, ignoring the fact that the Intercontinental section was very strong indeed. The fact that a load of numpties were included in World Finals up until the early-1990s was not a fault of the World Final itself, but the politics of the FIM.


Similarly, the concept of the SGP itself might be fine if it were organised in a different fashion.

Edited by Humphrey Appleby
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You constantly pick out the Continental qualifiers, ignoring the fact that the Intercontinental section was very strong indeed. The fact that a load of numpties were included in World Finals up until the early-1990s was not a fault of the World Final itself, but the politics of the FIM.


Similarly, the concept of the SGP itself might be fine if it were organised in a different fashion.


It was in response to Rob Peasley's ridiculous statement about any one of 16 being capable of winning a world final when the truth is nothing like that


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