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Stra At Rye House

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Deano4265 is on about spectating, not taking part. It doesn't hurt to start a thread on here about the meeting stating free admission.

Len Silver charges a fiver!!

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Yes, Len has been known to charge for entry but at all other tracks the entry is free. The STR Club is a great club for riders of all abilities, but it really is about riding and the club is not geared up to handle lots of spectators, however I am sure that they will welcome spectators, the same as Scunthorpe do. There isn't an announcer at every meeting but when there is, it certainly adds something to the meeting, but since the club is run by volunteers, these jobs can only be achieved if volunteers step forward.

The racing is of mixed standards, and this year the club introduced an U15/250cc class to try and give encouragement to the youngsters, but you can guarantee that at whatever standard, the races are fiercely fought but in a sporting manner, that being the culture in the club.

It has been going for 15 years now and long may it continue to do so.

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Yes, Len has been known to charge for entry but at all other tracks the entry is free. The STR Club is a great club for riders of all abilities, but it really is about riding and the club is not geared up to handle lots of spectators, however I am sure that they will welcome spectators, the same as Scunthorpe do. There isn't an announcer at every meeting but when there is, it certainly adds something to the meeting, but since the club is run by volunteers, these jobs can only be achieved if volunteers step forward.

The racing is of mixed standards, and this year the club introduced an U15/250cc class to try and give encouragement to the youngsters, but you can guarantee that at whatever standard, the races are fiercely fought but in a sporting manner, that being the culture in the club.

It has been going for 15 years now and long may it continue to do so.


Spot on Grand Central, as you say the STRA is really about riding primarilyl! :wink: A great club indeed! As it happens I would willingly have undertaken the announcing duties on Sunday except for one slight problem! You see at the moment there is no P.A. system operational at Rye House! Len Silver told us that work is continuing at pace on the new referee's / officials' box that is in line with the start / finish line and wil be fully operational for next season with most if not all of the necessary equipment having already been removed from the old box and the front of that demolished. Windows are due to be installed in the new box this week and those of us esconced within its boundaries throughout proceedings on Sunday were somewhat grateful that it wasn't too cold up there without them! :lol:

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You are of course one of those many volunteers who make it all possible so whilst we have a slot at the "top of the Forum", I shall take the opportunity before we get relegated to pass on my thanks to all the officials of the club, the volunteers who contribute in many guises, the helpers, supporters and riders who make the STR meetings an enjoyable experience.

The sportmanship is brilliant and the help provided to riders with encouragement, riding tips, machine preparation tips etc is invaluable.

I think that 16 meetings have been held this year plus 4 practice sessions so a tremendous effort from all who help and run the meetings. Finally, a big thank you to all the promoters who hire out thier tracks without whom the whole thing would not be possible. Only sorry that because of the weather and other committments, we never made it to Sittingbourne - great little track and always well run.

Martin Widman

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You are of course one of those many volunteers who make it all possible so whilst we have a slot at the "top of the Forum", I shall take the opportunity before we get relegated to pass on my thanks to all the officials of the club, the volunteers who contribute in many guises, the helpers, supporters and riders who make the STR meetings an enjoyable experience.

The sportmanship is brilliant and the help provided to riders with encouragement, riding tips, machine preparation tips etc is invaluable.

I think that 16 meetings have been held this year plus 4 practice sessions so a tremendous effort from all who help and run the meetings. Finally, a big thank you to all the promoters who hire out thier tracks without whom the whole thing would not be possible. Only sorry that because of the weather and other committments, we never made it to Sittingbourne - great little track and always well run.

Martin Widman


Yes Martin

I totally agree with you with out their support we would not be were we are today well done verybody.

Tom Naylor

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What absolute tripe "Blazeaway!" :rolleyes: Without fans speedway as we know and cherish it wouldn't exist! HOWEVER a specific point was made on this thread by someone concerning the STRA and I felt it necessary to respond to set the record straight.




Perhaps, just perhaps "Deano4265" if you bought the missus a really nice Xmas present she might, with a bit of persuasion, relent and let you have a go at speedway? :P

Even if i bought her a nice dress, shoes, jewelry, spa weekend, made her breakfast in bed every day for year would she relent, she knows how competitive i become, although i'm allowed the odd 3 Hr endurance race on the karts, and have yet too finish off the TOP step.


As a matter of interest Len charges £5 to get in, does that go straight to him or do the STRA get a % just think as 200 spectators would bring in £1000




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Even if i bought her a nice dress, shoes, jewelry, spa weekend, made her breakfast in bed every day for year would she relent, she knows how competitive i become, although i'm allowed the odd 3 Hr endurance race on the karts, and have yet too finish off the TOP step.


As a matter of interest Len charges £5 to get in, does that go straight to him or do the STRA get a % just think as 200 spectators would bring in £1000



Come on "Deano4265" just be like the rest of us blokes and admit that your life would be made uncomfortable to say the least (!) if you went against edicts from the missus! :D


And as a further matter of interest 3000 spectators being charged a fiver would produce £15,000 gross (I'm not too bad at maths!) but there weren't that many there on Sunday, besides which no charge was made so all that has nothing at all to do with the price of eggs as they say! Let's stress once again that the purpose of the exercise i.e. the Southern Track Riders Association is for those who do a wonderful job on the organisational side to 'do their thing' and provide the necessary platform for the riding members of the association to do just that i.e. RIDE, paying for the privilege to do so.

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I, and many others, had we known this meeting was taking place, would have liked the opportunity to go along, but it wasn't advertised well enough IMO, for most supporters to be aware of it. My point being, even as it is an event that would take place anyway, what would be the harm in some interested fans attending, and generating a bit of cash, that could be used as prizes for the competitiors? Definitely a missed opportunity.

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I, and many others, had we known this meeting was taking place, would have liked the opportunity to go along, but it wasn't advertised well enough IMO, for most supporters to be aware of it. My point being, even as it is an event that would take place anyway, what would be the harm in some interested fans attending, and generating a bit of cash, that could be used as prizes for the competitiors? Definitely a missed opportunity.


There are issues (ones which have caused difficulties at Sittingbourne for a long time...) about meetings being 'advertised' as if for the public to attend, out of season.. :neutral:

Essentially, by my understanding, such meetings weren't "allowed" as public (ie non-club members only) events.


This concept, though, did appear to be torn up with the extremely welcome stance of Scunthorpe last year - advertising very openly and widely their winter tournament meetings; and so taking those as a precedence, it has become 'safer' for clubs to advertise meetings..


The STRA never, as far as I can recall, advertise their meetings outside essentially of club membership and 'those n the know'.. I doubt that'll change; but a more 'liberal' approach via Forums like this is probably fair enough now that the Scunny amateur meetings are very much on the public agenda..


And so worth mentioning then that there is a Dragons meeting (club members only; I think day membership can be paid for spectators..?) at Sittingbourne (Iwade) on this coming Sunday.. 11am start time.. :approve:

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Certainly well worth mentioning Parsnips old fruit - just hope it's not snowing by then! :wink::D

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All we ask then is that in future Bryn lets us know before the next Rye meet then we can come along and it wont be seen as advertising as it's on this forum, winter is long enough without speedway


Just surf onto the STRA's own website at: http://www.southerntrackriders.co.uk/home.shtml from time to time Deano4265 to keep abreast of the Association's activities. NO further meetings this year (apart from practice day at King's Lynn) as I understand it. But you could always get up early this Sunday (assuming the weather's OK). and nip down to Iwade where there's a Dragons starting at 11a.m. I understand. :wink:


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Glad to see that despite Parsloes's protests to move the thread elsehwere (ironic the number of times he's complained when threads have been moved), that it's stayed where it is and a STRA thread has got a few more reads than usual.


All the best



Rob , I didn't ask for it to be moved!! :rolleyes:


I was merely pointing out that the Mods are keen enough to move Conference related threads away from where they would get "reads" and stimulate interest and debate..

Ironic that for this and indeed the Bonfire Burn-up threads they've not done so. :neutral:

Which is good and maybe means that next season the Conference section (or dare I say it, the PL2 section :wink: ) may be treated with similar respect and common sense..!!! :approve:


Though - and whisper it quietly... - TBH, surely there ain't much actual doubt that threads about amateur racing should REALLY be in the Training & Amateur racing section :rolleyes:

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There are issues (ones which have caused difficulties at Sittingbourne for a long time...) about meetings being 'advertised' as if for the public to attend, out of season.. :neutral:

Essentially, by my understanding, such meetings weren't "allowed" as public (ie non-club members only) events.

Yes,surely if they were advertised and also an entrance fee charged then they would be legit meetings.And as such only one a month would be able to be run.Plus if the general public was welcomed as such,then you would also need to comply with other safety standards?I know in Denmark they run lots of meetings that are not essentially for the general public(80cc meetings and 500cc meetings other than Superliga).They require less stringent medical facilities for these meetings!!!!

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Yes,surely if they were advertised and also an entrance fee charged then they would be legit meetings.And as such only one a month would be able to be run.Plus if the general public was welcomed as such,then you would also need to comply with other safety standards?I know in Denmark they run lots of meetings that are not essentially for the general public(80cc meetings and 500cc meetings other than Superliga).They require less stringent medical facilities for these meetings!!!!


Not sure what point you're making. :unsure:

I'm just telling you what the situation is here in the UK.


No meetings out of season have EVER been charged for spectators at Sittingbourne (Iwade). All training and amateur sessions have full medical cover.


The one a month 'rule' relates not to one track but nationally. :neutral:


Thus, to quote recent examples (now sadly not the case): December was Brighton; January, Newport; and, yes, Feb. was Telford..!! :shock: Outside of those no proper, paid-for-admission meetings could be held :cry:

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Not sure what point you're making. :unsure:

I'm just telling you what the situation is here in the UK.


No meetings out of season have EVER been charged for spectators at Sittingbourne (Iwade). All training and amateur sessions have full medical cover.


The one a month 'rule' relates not to one track but nationally. :neutral:


Thus, to quote recent examples (now sadly not the case): December was Brighton; January, Newport; and, yes, Feb. was Telford..!! :shock: Outside of those no proper, paid-for-admission meetings could be held :cry:



I'm sure I made a "donation" a few years back to watch a very very cold Nathan Gaymer memorial trophy. :unsure:

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I'm sure I made a "donation" a few years back to watch a very very cold Nathan Gaymer memorial trophy. :unsure:


They must've seen you coming m8..!!!! :wink:


Remember all, if you want to freeze your proverbials off THIS particular weekend: Dragons meeting at the Old Gun Site, 11am start time.

I'll be warm(er) in the box!!!!!! :lol:

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