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Track Building Gelsenkirchen Gp (11 Oct.)

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From apparently yesterdays Ekstrabladet, Olsen's comments on yestarday.


Klap i Nicki

Ole Olsen er træt af verdensmesteren Nicki Pedersens brok over baneforholdene

Print Send Poul Ferdinand - 05:38 - 13. okt. 2008 Annonce


GELSENKIRCHEN (Ekstra Bladet): ’Amatøragtigt og pisseuprofessionelt’.


Så skarp var speedway-verdensmester Nicki Pedersens dom over forløbet, som førte til, at han sidste lørdag måtte udskyde den forventede guldfest, da det tyske Grand Prix på Veltins Arena i Gelsenkirchen blev aflyst på grund af en drivvåd og ubrugelig bane.


Ansvaret for at underlaget på det overdækkede stadion mere lignede Europas største badesvamp end en racerbane ligger hos Ole Olsen, men trods den pinagtige aflysning vil løbsdirektøren ikke finde sig i Nicki Pedersens angreb.


Skuffet og ked af det

- Nicki tjener mange penge, men han kunne tjene endnu flere, hvis han selv kunne bygge baner. Jeg er skuffet og ked af, at han kalder vores arbejde amatøragtigt. Han skal huske, at tingene også går galt for ham selv ind i mellem. Vi troede jo, at han skulle være verdensmester nede i Italien, men der lavede han jo kun seks point. Det er måske også lidt amatøragtigt, lyder det skarpt fra Olsen.


Efter lørdagens pressemøde mere end antydede Nicki Pedersen, at skandalen burde koste Olsen jobbet, og løbsdirektøren siger lige ud, at han er klar til at gå, hvis en egnet afløser melder sig.


- Der er ingen, som har sagt noget til mig, men hvis de kan finde en anden, så er det fint. Jeg gør jo ikke det her for pengenes skyld, siger Ole Olsen, der til gengæld afviser de massive forlydender om, at den rædselsfulde bane skyldes, at de tyske værter valgte at blande belægningen under åben himmel i regnvejr.


Tager det fulde ansvar

- Det er ikke korrekt. Problemet opstod, fordi det regnede mens vi læssede belægningen. Men man skal huske, at materialet, der er identisk med det, vi bruger i Parken, skal have en fugtighedsgrad på mindst syv-otte procent – ellers kan man ikke pakke banen. Desværre kunne det ikke tørre tilstrækkeligt bagefter på grund af vejret og temperaturen på stadion. Så vi har lært, at vi skal bygge banen anderledes til næste år, forklarer Ole Olsen, der blankt erkender, at han må tage skraldet for den største fiasko i GP-serien siden aflysningen i Gøteborg i 2003.


- Jeg tager selvfølgelig det fulde ansvar, for det var min idé, at vi skulle ind på de store stadions. Jeg kan godt forstå, at publikum ikke fatter, at det kan gå så galt, men man skal altså huske, at der kan ske uforudsete ting. Selvom NASA har verdens bedste forskere og ingeniører og kan sende folk til månen, så sprænger deres raketter altså også på rampen engang i mellem, siger han.


Anyone have the time to translate?

Edited by f-s-p
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  f-s-p said:
From apparently yesterdays Ekstrabladet, Olsen's comments on yestarday.


Klap i Nicki

Ole Olsen er træt af verdensmesteren Nicki Pedersens brok over baneforholdene

Print Send Poul Ferdinand - 05:38 - 13. okt. 2008 Annonce


GELSENKIRCHEN (Ekstra Bladet): ’Amatøragtigt og pisseuprofessionelt’.


Så skarp var speedway-verdensmester Nicki Pedersens dom over forløbet, som førte til, at han sidste lørdag måtte udskyde den forventede guldfest, da det tyske Grand Prix på Veltins Arena i Gelsenkirchen blev aflyst på grund af en drivvåd og ubrugelig bane.


Ansvaret for at underlaget på det overdækkede stadion mere lignede Europas største badesvamp end en racerbane ligger hos Ole Olsen, men trods den pinagtige aflysning vil løbsdirektøren ikke finde sig i Nicki Pedersens angreb.


Skuffet og ked af det

- Nicki tjener mange penge, men han kunne tjene endnu flere, hvis han selv kunne bygge baner. Jeg er skuffet og ked af, at han kalder vores arbejde amatøragtigt. Han skal huske, at tingene også går galt for ham selv ind i mellem. Vi troede jo, at han skulle være verdensmester nede i Italien, men der lavede han jo kun seks point. Det er måske også lidt amatøragtigt, lyder det skarpt fra Olsen.


Efter lørdagens pressemøde mere end antydede Nicki Pedersen, at skandalen burde koste Olsen jobbet, og løbsdirektøren siger lige ud, at han er klar til at gå, hvis en egnet afløser melder sig.


- Der er ingen, som har sagt noget til mig, men hvis de kan finde en anden, så er det fint. Jeg gør jo ikke det her for pengenes skyld, siger Ole Olsen, der til gengæld afviser de massive forlydender om, at den rædselsfulde bane skyldes, at de tyske værter valgte at blande belægningen under åben himmel i regnvejr.


Tager det fulde ansvar

- Det er ikke korrekt. Problemet opstod, fordi det regnede mens vi læssede belægningen. Men man skal huske, at materialet, der er identisk med det, vi bruger i Parken, skal have en fugtighedsgrad på mindst syv-otte procent – ellers kan man ikke pakke banen. Desværre kunne det ikke tørre tilstrækkeligt bagefter på grund af vejret og temperaturen på stadion. Så vi har lært, at vi skal bygge banen anderledes til næste år, forklarer Ole Olsen, der blankt erkender, at han må tage skraldet for den største fiasko i GP-serien siden aflysningen i Gøteborg i 2003.


- Jeg tager selvfølgelig det fulde ansvar, for det var min idé, at vi skulle ind på de store stadions. Jeg kan godt forstå, at publikum ikke fatter, at det kan gå så galt, men man skal altså huske, at der kan ske uforudsete ting. Selvom NASA har verdens bedste forskere og ingeniører og kan sende folk til månen, så sprænger deres raketter altså også på rampen engang i mellem, siger han.


Anyone have the time to translate?



Hopefully it says, "I accept full responsibiity and I will resign after Saturdays GP" Ole Osen.


But I very much doubt it...

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  Blazeaway said:
Hopefully it says, "I accept full responsibiity and I will resign after Saturdays GP" Ole Osen.


But I very much doubt it...

- "Jeg tager selvfølgelig det fulde ansvar" one out of two ain't that bad... :lol:

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its says about that


Nicki really criticise Ole because of the poor track which according to nicki was more like the biggest swamp in europe then a speedway track and calls the organizeres (including Ole) for amateurs.


Despite the very upsetting canelled meeting Olsen wont accept Nickis attack/criticism

Olsen replies with that Nicki earns allot of money and he could earn even more if he could build tracks. Olsen continues with that he is very sad and upset with. Nickis claim that they are amateurs. Olsens ays that Nicki has to remeber that things goes wrong for him too from time to time, olsen points to the facts that Nicki only scored 6p in Lonigo and that that also was a bit amateurish


After the pressconference during the past saturday Nicki suggested that Olsen should be relived from his duties. Olsen says that he is ready to quit if an appropiate successor is found/available.


Ole: -Its nothing anybody have said to me, but if they find another, then its ok. I dont do this for the money who also slams the reports that the track became poor becasue of that the germans left the shale outside and uncovered in the rain.


ole: Thats not correct,The shale got wet when loaded it. -remeber its the same material that we use at Parken and it has to have an air humidity at atleast 7-8% otherwise you can pack it. Unfortunately in the end the shale was not dry enough because of the weather and the temperatures in the stadium.

So we have learned that we have to build it in another way next year. Ole realizes that he has to take the responsibillity for the biggest fiasko since gothenburg 2003.


I will of course take full responsibility because it was my idea to have the GP at this stadium. I understand that the fans dont understand how it can go so wrong but they have to ralize that sometimes unforeseen things can happen. Even NASA with the best scientists and engineers in the world can send peopel to the moon but somtimes even their rockets explode on the launchpad.


Olse Olse what a silly man building tracks isnt really the same as rocket science.



and NEXT YEAR??? do they actually think that anyone would go there next year??

*edit sorry for the typos

Edited by Ghostwalker
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  Humphrey Appleby said:
After that debacle, I think many fans indeed never returned.


Definitely. I used to go to Oxford regularly as a neutral quite often, but that stopped me and I never did again.

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  Ghostwalker said:
its says about that




Olse Olse what a silly man building tracks isnt really the same as rocket science.



and NEXT YEAR??? do they actually think that anyone would go there next year??

*edit sorry for the typos



Can Olsen get any further up his own ar$e?

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I am sure Ole didn`t want the meeting to be off, and fair play that he put his hands up and has taken the responsibility for it. It`s not like that happens over here when people make mistakes is it.


Who do you think will do a better job than Ole? He must be given credit for moving the sport fowards at individual level and maybe we would still be at Brandon every june instead on Cardiff. I am sure they have learned from this.

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  Coventry_Bee said:
I am sure Ole didn`t want the meeting to be off, and fair play that he put his hands up and has taken the responsibility for it. It`s not like that happens over here when people make mistakes is it.


Who do you think will do a better job than Ole? He must be given credit for moving the sport fowards at individual level and maybe we would still be at Brandon every june instead on Cardiff. I am sure they have learned from this.



I for one am not convinced that Ole does a particularly good job with track building/preparation anyway, some of this years SGP tracks have been dire.


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well this is as good a time as any


It seems that whenever something goes wrong we get comments that Ole doesnt get full hands on responsibility of the track and yet there he is every gp with his headset on directing all proceedings................ we have tracks like Bydgoszcz set up in a way that it is never set up...... tracks are slick for no apparent reason.......... and we get the occasional track staff post on here to say that they were told to do this that or the other.................. such as sending the graders around the other way before a certain set of heats and certain riders are off certain gates


There have been WAY too many dodgy incidents this season, whether through ineptitude, shadiness, or damnright favouritism. As ive said before I have no doubt that Ole's face fits and that he can do a professional job when he wants to but the question has to be asked ................


should someone from one of the major speedway nations have so much influence and be running the show?


Is it not time that we have an Italian, Finn, Hungarian, Slovenian etc in the position or a restructuring of the position?....... i'm tempted to say Brit but that would be a little too harsh :P............. Speedway is so often caught up in dodginess and self serving and the GP's as the flagship must be trying its hardest to remove itself from that


p.s. good try Nicki and Ole but you'll need to try harder..... the acting is getting as bad as wrestling now

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  spook said:
well this is as good a time as any


It seems that whenever something goes wrong we get comments that Ole doesnt get full hands on responsibility of the track and yet there he is every gp with his headset on directing all proceedings................ we have tracks like Bydgoszcz set up in a way that it is never set up...... tracks are slick for no apparent reason.......... and we get the occasional track staff post on here to say that they were told to do this that or the other.................. such as sending the graders around the other way before a certain set of heats and certain riders are off certain gates


There have been WAY too many dodgy incidents this season, whether through ineptitude, shadiness, or damnright favouritism. As ive said before I have no doubt that Ole's face fits and that he can do a professional job when he wants to but the question has to be asked ................


should someone from one of the major speedway nations have so much influence and be running the show?


Is it not time that we have an Italian, Finn, Hungarian, Slovenian etc in the position or a restructuring of the position?....... i'm tempted to say Brit but that would be a little too harsh :P............. Speedway is so often caught up in dodginess and self serving and the GP's as the flagship must be trying its hardest to remove itself from that


p.s. good try Nicki and Ole but you'll need to try harder..... the acting is getting as bad as wrestling now

Spook makes a good point... Get armando castagna to do the job... he's treated like a 'god' in italy... and speedway is unheard of there :unsure:

and i believe he owns his own speedway track???

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  spook said:
It seems that whenever something goes wrong we get comments that Ole doesnt get full hands on responsibility of the track and yet there he is every gp with his headset on directing all proceedings.


That's as may be, but it's down to BSI to negotiate enough time for proper track preparation, especially at the GPs they run themselves. No doubt time is constricted by what BSI are willing to pay to rent the venues, but again that's really only down to them.


  spook said:
we have tracks like Bydgoszcz set up in a way that it is never set up...... tracks are slick for no apparent reason..........


They are slick for a very good reason. Olsen believes hard slick tracks produce closer racing for television, as they are more consistent and easier to ride. The fact it's almost impossible to pass and leads to boring GPs doesn't seem to occur to him, but there you go. :rolleyes:


In fairness to him with temporary tracks though, I suspect it's close to impossible task to lay a good racing track in a short time.


  spook said:
Is it not time that we have an Italian, Finn, Hungarian, Slovenian etc in the position


I'm not sure it would help to bring in track curators from countries that only stage a handful of meetings per season. No disrespect, but they're unlikely to have the same experience, particularly with doing things in a limited timeframe.


There are decent track curators in the major speedway countries who know how to prepare proper race tracks, but they won't get a look in whilst Olsen is around.


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I'm not sure it would help to bring in track curators from countries that only stage a handful of meetings per season. No disrespect, but they're unlikely to have the same experience, particularly with doing things in a limited timeframe.


There are decent track curators in the major speedway countries who know how to prepare proper race tracks, but they won't get a look in whilst Olsen is around.


sorry Humphrey but I think you miss the point


Ole doesnt just deal with the tracks..... he also influences refs and rules the matchday organisation of the gp's with an iron rod.............. this is not just a track issue........ although someone with an ounce of sense and a ton less bias would be nice for influencing the setup of tracks


May I ask you how much experience you think Ole had with track preparation before he took on this role? Vojens is not exactly known as a hive of speedway activity is it?


I have never so much as picked up a grader but I already know that with the use of a few dvd's and the ear of all the respective trackmen for the circuits I could aim to serve up the ideal racing conditions for each circuit............. and if I can do that I am damn sure the likes of Armando Castagna can ........ who is incidentally fast becoming a big cheese within the FIM



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