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Italian Gp, Lonigo - 27 September 2008

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Have you not heard about what goes on at Polish meetings on the terraces . :shock:


Yeah, been to Poland quite a few times. The atmosphere can be a bit intimidating at times, although they do treat the British very well. I was in Bydgoszcz two weeks ago and the atmosphere just died when they realized Tomasz was not going to win.

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I think the ref was spot on all night.


Gutted for Crump, it might have been possible with a 12 point gap, but 16 is certainly a bridge too far.


Well pleased for Bjarne, I just had a feeling when I read about him discounting himself from next years series that with the pressure off he'd have a good night.


NP is going to be a worthy world champion barring total meltdown in Germany, he's been the best rider all year, but I have to say this tactic of laying his bike down when someone gets by him is frustrating and unnecessary.


Dryml is a menace.


Nicholls was superb in heat 7, absolutely brilliant ride. You could argue that his conduct after the race was unnecessary, but when yoyu think he was doing 60+mph and nearly got put in the fence by that maniac twice I think he was rather restrained!


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As for the refereeing decisions. I thought the ref had them all spot on. For those that think Crump went down too easily, did you listen to the commentators? All night they were saying that the track was like marbles and there was no grip. So what exactly was there on that track to help Crump stay upright (I suppose at a push the same could be said for Nicki). There was contact from Gollob, so IMHO the ref had no option. The Nicki incident, I thought and still do after all the replays, that as Crump went past Nicki attempted to kick out at Crump, which is what caused Crump's ankle injury and Nicki to fall off. That's my unbiased opinion as I love watching all three of the riders involved.

100% agree, Star Lady.


I came on here this morning to see the comments on last night's GP and I can't believe what I'm reading from some contributors. Like you I have no bias towards any of the three riders involved, but the incidents were quite clear. How anyone can think that Crump should have been excluded in either of them I find totally baffling and completely inexplicable. The shot of Pedersen kicking out at Crump was actually a disgrace. Exclusion was the minimum penalty he should have received for that.

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Crump done a clean pass and Pedersen leaned into him thus causing the crash . Gollob and Crump had a ding-dong battle and were almost neck and neck going into the bend when Gollob's back wheel took Crump's leg away causing the crash . Both Gollob and Pedersen were correctly excluded in both mine ,and more importantly , the referee's opinion .

And that's why we post on here - to express our opinion whether others agree or not .


Absolutely spot on Paulco.

How anyone can fail to see the difference between those incidents is beyond me.

Perhaps their personal agendas cloud their views?????


Well dont know if you've missed it but Bjarne has said that he will not ride in the GP series next season no matter if he finishes top 8 or gets WC pick.



Good news for the series then, lets hope he sticks to that decison.

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An interesting gp once again. I thought riders were supposed to stay still at the tapes now? If so Nicholls touching the tapes was an unsatisfactory as Gollob did him again with a quick movement. Lindgren AJ and Nicki, tough one, people can say had Pedersen not tried to clamp down etc but Lindgren made the cut back to lenthen "the straightaway" was "charging hard" then ended up as "meat in the sandwich" like I say a tough one to call.


Dryml was downright stupid and the reactions after the race was imo good as it spiced proceedings up. Pedersen and Crump, to me its clear Crump had passed him and Nicki tried to lie all over him and I think did did get his foot caught on Crumps bike, however the decision made was the correct one, To be fair to Pedersen he may have stayed on had he not got his foot caught.


Golob got his comeuppance for his unposrting ways as he was rightly excluded against Crump, there is clear contact between the two and it happened just as crump was using his leg as bslance so it definetly caused him to fall. I am not a p[articular fan of Crump but he definetly deserved the overall victory on the night and was denied by a sick bike. Hans won it however a gp victory from a bees rider or former bee favourite has never been so flat as it was acheived on the back of a nasty bout of gp'itis, Well done to Bjarne who rode very well.

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I was gutted Crumpy didn't come out on top, as to beat Nicki by 12, whilst it is a big ask, it could have been done. I think 16 is too much really. Hope Nicki is world champion as he has been the best rider by a mile this year and fully deserves it but had hoped it'd go right down to the end. Nicki would need to not turn up to lose it now, I think.


As for the exclusions, ref was spot on to me. There was definitely some contact between Gollob and Crump and with the track how it was I think it's highly unlikely Crump came off by laying it down. The Pedersen/Crump incident, to me it looked as though Nicki kicked his leg out which is how his foot got caught on Crump's bike and how Crump picked up an injury and Nicki looked to lean onto Crump. Nicki's fault IMO, spot on decisions. Also think Lindgren's exclusion was the right call although tbf to Lindgren he couldn't really avoid it.


Dryml was an absolute disgrace and is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the most dangerous men in speedway. Maybe Nicholls should have held back but had that been me I'd have gone and given him what for aswell. Makes you wonder what was going through Dryml's head when he was injured himself as surely he, from an outsider's point of view with his brother and having been hurt pretty badly himself, is in one of the best positions to know the impact of bad crashes, and he nearly caused a pretty bad one then. Idiot :angry:


Well done Hans who seemed to capitalise on Crump's bad luck in the final, as did Bjarne but that's speedway, Crump was unlucky but s*** happens. People are complaining because of Crump on the rostrum but I think I'd struggle to have any enthusiasm after having a comfortable 1st snatched from him but as I say, that's just how it is in speedway.

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Crumps luck ran out just in time tonight :lol:


Good to see a forcefull Nicholls in this meeting and nice to see Hans win it. Wonder if he is fit for the next Cov match now???


Nicki seems to have made it difficult for himself, mind you the ref didnt help with the wrong call in the Crump V Pedersen incident, should have it wrapped up anyway though.


Shocked by exclusion of Gollob.

Edited by richsimpson
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I would have excluded Crump as being the primary cause of the stoppage.

Then you would have been wrong,ref got it correct although why Gollob put himself in that position beggers belief as he was in a safe 2nd place and an easy place in the final.Ref also got it right when excluding Pedersen as he clearly turned left when there was plenty room on the outside going into turn 3.

Good to see Nicholls clumping Dryml after their race,what Dryml did was out of order.

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The reason for Gollob attempting the move is obvious. The cowpat of a track only realistically afforded riders any chance of winning from gates 1 and 4.


Therefore the two Semi winners would have had first pick to obtain one of the only two gates worth having. The Semi 2nd's may as well have started in Venice for all the chance they would have had.


Having said that, he got the move wrong and was justifiably dispatched.

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he said that he wanted to concentrate on league racing next season.

personally i think thats a shame but respect his decision and missing 2 gp`s and only being 7 points of the top 8 would of thought his chances of a wildcard at least would have been quite strong regardless of 3 other danes already qualified !

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The reason for Gollob attempting the move is obvious. The cowpat of a track only realistically afforded riders any chance of winning from gates 1 and 4.


Therefore the two Semi winners would have had first pick to obtain one of the only two gates worth having. The Semi 2nd's may as well have started in Venice for all the chance they would have had.


Still haven't seen it,but that is the obvious explanation.Let's hope Lonigo is one of the GPs to be dropped in the near future.It doesn't do the circus much good.And if Australia and that great stadium in Togliatti are in then this one can go

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Then you would have been wrong,ref got it correct although why Gollob put himself in that position beggers belief as he was in a safe 2nd place and an easy place in the final.Ref also got it right when excluding Pedersen as he clearly turned left when there was plenty room on the outside going into turn 3.

Good to see Nicholls clumping Dryml after their race,what Dryml did was out of order.


No its you who are wrong. Grumpy lost his balance before there was any contact and would have fallen anyway.

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No its you who are wrong. Grumpy lost his balance before there was any contact and would have fallen anyway.



Were the tele pictures a bit snowy in Sweden last night?? :rolleyes::shock:

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