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Italian Gp, Lonigo - 27 September 2008

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Subedei is a good man.

I'm sure he is, Schumi; as has been mentioned here before he does bring a differing viewpoint but his style of debate, his gratuitous insults and name-calling and his rampant Aussie-phobia leave something to be desired.


BTW have you worked out how Criss Angel got the chicken inside the egg inside the lemon inside the orange yet? Got me stuffed!! :blink:

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Coming from someone who thinks he can defend the Labour party, I'll take that as a compliment. And I voted Labour. :)

I can't work out whether that's supposed to be an insult or not. You're obviously not as good at that sort of thing as Subedei. He leaves you in no doubt. :wink:

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Subedei is a good man.

Yes I agree, very good at thinking he's right 100% of the time and very good at calling others derogative names!! If he could persist in these two practices the forum would be a happier place, have a word in his ear would you Schumi please :) Thank you in advance!

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Yes I agree, very good at thinking he's right 100% of the time and very good at calling others derogative names!! If he could persist in these two practices the forum would be a happier place, have a word in his ear would you Schumi please :) Thank you in advance!

Do you mean desist rather than persist???


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Oh how very fitting from an Admin. Going to give yourself a warning for that, are you?

All in all a comment that really just proves my point and shows how ill-suited you are to being an administrator. No doubt you'll soon be exercising your power or crying to Phil looking to get me banned. All rather pathetic, which rather sums you up.

If you dish it out sube, be prepared to take it back.


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Subedei is a good man.


I have no doubts that he is, Schumi - he was most welcoming at the cruel, crazy town earlier in the year.


However, could you have a little word regarding his increasing tendency to throw childish insults instead of trying to put forward a reasoned argument. Personally, I don't care, he can call me all the names under the sun, but there are others with less-thick skin. There's a thin line between freedom of speech (which I agree with) and being unpleasant (which I don't).


All the best



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I have no doubts that he is, Schumi - he was most welcoming at the cruel, crazy town earlier in the year.


However, could you have a little word regarding his increasing tendency to throw childish insults instead of trying to put forward a reasoned argument. Personally, I don't care, he can call me all the names under the sun, but there are others with less-thick skin. There's a thin line between freedom of speech (which I agree with) and being unpleasant (which I don't).


All the best


As im quite new to this forum is Schumi subs other half,and is there any schumi/subs kids running about anywhere?

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is there any schumi/subs kids running about anywhere?


Heaven forbid. :D

Anyway peace seems to have descended over the forum so perhaps Sub has turned over a new leaf and won't be so unpleasant in future.....or he could have been banned for a while of course.

Wouldn't be surprised to be honest as he seems to have been on even more of a mission lately. :P

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Nice. I always know when you are weakening because out comes the abuse. Doesn't worry me in the least.


Lets list the assorted quarterwits, Australian lovers, and Belle Vue supporters from this topic


Rob B


From KC to PC




Brit Pete

Adam 74





Lucifer Sam

Seb The Snail


Humphrey Appleby

Ashie Smashy


Big Fat Dave

Star Lady



Silver Bee

home straight



Sir Jasper






Drop a cog







If this a list of people who think Subedei was mistaken, Crump did nothing wrong, and Gollob deserved to be excluded, count me in.


However if we are assembling a lynch mob to attack one poster, count me out.


I dont do bullying.


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If this a list of people who think Subedei was mistaken, Crump did nothing wrong, and Gollob deserved to be excluded, count me in.


However if we are assembling a lynch mob to attack one poster, count me out.


I dont do bullying.

As far as I`m aware,it`s only the top line of your reply that was intended.


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If this a list of people who think Subedei was mistaken, Crump did nothing wrong, and Gollob deserved to be excluded, count me in.


However if we are assembling a lynch mob to attack one poster, count me out.


I dont do bullying.

Yes it was the people ( including myself ) who had a different opinion to events on Saturday than Subedei . However Subedei is entitled to air his opinion on any matter the same as the rest of us , and if individuals decide they cannot handle this and resign - then that is their decision .

I will be saddened if Subedei is forced out because of this , although i disagree with the lengths he sometimes goes to , his views are more often than not accurate . Although not in the Gollob/Crump incident . :rolleyes:


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Yes it was the people ( including myself ) who had a different opinion to events on Saturday than Subedei . However Subedei is entitled to air his opinion on any matter the same as the rest of us , and if individuals decide they cannot handle this and resign - then that is their decision .

I will be saddened if Subedei is forced out because of this , although i disagree with the lengths he sometimes goes to , his views are more often than not accurate . Although not in the Gollob/Crump incident . :rolleyes:

However much it pains me to say it about a Rangers fan.There talks the voice of reason :blink::rolleyes::wink:

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As far as I`m aware,it`s only the top line of your reply that was intended.


It would be nice to think so, but there does seem to be a trend of queuing up to stick the boot in when the opportunity arises on here.

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