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Italian Gp, Lonigo - 27 September 2008

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Good GP.


Nikki P - correctly excluded in his race with Crump & made himself look stupid with sour grape comments in his interview. Calling Crump lucky was cobblers. The pressure is getting to him but he'll still win the championship.


Dryml - shocking stuff during the race with Scott Nicholls, pure dangerous riding. Plonker


Nicholls - brilliant & fearless ride to beat Dryml, even better when he squared up. Maybe not such a good image for the sport but he could have been badly injured, so who can blame him.


Crump - bad luck for him as he ode superbly, suitably miserable afterwards.


Hans - great result for him


Gollop - Boo Hoo !! Good reffing to stand firm with his decison to exclude


Hope they put some dirt on the track in Germany as it could be a belter.

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No its you who are wrong. Grumpy lost his balance before there was any contact and would have fallen anyway.

Your clearly void of any vision or sense. :blink:


Gollob took Crump off,simple as that.Ref could have excluded Gollob for stupitity for putting himself in that position.

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A tougher attitude would do Scotty so good and not look like a push over. Make em av it.


As for Nicki, when it doesn't go his way he just wee's and wines ya know.


Tough luck mate you can't have it all your own way, you will still win it barring total disaster at Germany.


he don't like getting ruffed up when he's in the mix as shown last night, gate and be first ok otherwise.......


Great Racing though!

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A tougher attitude would do Scotty so good and not look like a push over. Make em av it.


As for Nicki, when it doesn't go his way he just wee's and wines ya know.


Tough luck mate you can't have it all your own way, you will still win it barring total disaster at Germany.


he don't like getting ruffed up when he's in the mix as shown last night, gate and be first ok otherwise.......


Great Racing though!



Great racing? :blink:


Thought the racing overall was pretty poor last night. Never seen a decent GP from the flat and slick Lonigo. As others have stated time to drop it from the series.

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Not a great GP on a lifeless flat track. How many riders seemed to be slow, not finding grip, and looking frustrated.


The 2 Crump incidents were right even though there was evidence to support the opposite decisions.

Dryml was just crazy and dangerous and I fully support the actions of Scott who must have been very frustrated at his riding.

Great meeting for Bjarne, nice to see a good guy come good but a bit disappointed he is giving GP's a miss next year. Maybe costs ?

When will Gollob use his brain and just settle for qualification.

Nicholls has definately raised his game, and attitude generally, now that he has changed his pit crew. Havvy out and Kelvin in has worked for him. I wonder why.

Good winner in Hans who was there all night and available to capitalise on Jason's misfortune. Pity about Jason's ignition probs in the final but it does happen to everyone at some time but it was unfortunately very costly for him last night. He was the best rider on the night, I understand his disappointment, and he is probably not now challenging for the World Championship, but must learn to curb his emotions and take it in his stride. Being a 'girlie' on the rostrum and with his pit crew didn't exactly enhance his reputation.

Agree about Millard comments. Thoroughly unprofessional and not required in a sport when there are all too many injuries.


Being 16 ahead instead of 12 now means that it is odds on the worthy 2008 WORLD CHAMPION being our Nicki.

Like last year, when he was gating so much better than this year, he is the best rider in the world love or hate him regardless of others petty jealousies. He puts more bums on seats and brings with him a certain excitement on and off the track that others just can't attempt. Well done Nicki, a bad night at the office last night, but here's to Germany in a couple of weeks.

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Having looked at the Gollob/Crump clash a number of times its a very dificult one to call as Gollob made a superb pass and think he took crump by suprice and crump with already a bad ankle went down when normally he would have stayed on.8 times out of 10 Gollob would have got away with that move and everyone would have been saying what a great pass,but he did touch crump so i suppose he had to go but not clear cut as others have made out on here.

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Talking nonsense again, I see. That was a classic Gollob move. Hells bells he does it at Bydgoszcz all the time, or didn't you see the Polish Grand Prix? It was a glorious move from Gollob, who was in complete control and hadn't just clouted the safety fence.

Look at last year's final from Bydgoszcz:



Nicki P stayed on. I guess perhaps he just has more skill and ability than Crump.


Subedei you are wasting your time, just leave it. They have obviously bought into the opinions of the sky ' experts' and quite how Tatum can be classed as such as he talks absolute crap all the time is beyond me. Ive never read such nonsense on here. But hey Subby we are in the minority that are correct. Comments like ' Gollob hit Crumps front wheel' are laughable !! Try watching the replay again if you tape it. Crump chops across Gollob so aggressively he wallops the fence, Gollob does his trademark inside cut back hes done a thousand times. Crump is GOING DOWN as Gollob is alongside him something i think Ermolenko alluded to and Crumps left arm and wrist [ the one he had an ice pack on after ] hits Gollobs tyre. Thats the back wheel by the way for those of you that dont know one end of a bike from another unless Sir Kelvin tells you. :lol:

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I believe the referee got all the major decisions right - a couple were 'percentage' ones and, for once, rider nationality didn't seem to influence him.


As for Lukas Dryml , what can I add, probably the most disgusting attempt to 'fence' an opponent in a long time. Fortunately, he wasn't good enough to do it properly (scrubbed off all his speed in the process) and Scott's skill and momentum saw him get in front. I would not have been surprised if Scott had 'decked' him after that but he showed commendable restraint given the circumstances.

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Crump chops across Gollob so aggressively he wallops the fence,


If you paid attention you would see that Crump hits the fence with his back wheel at least 50% of the time before he turns in, nothing to do with cutting across.

Perhaps you could remind us of how many Speedway and Longtrack titles you have before you expect us to accept your 'expertise' rather than Tatum's. When you say the 'minority who are correct' I assume you mean like when your Mum told you that you were the only cub scout marching in step :lol:

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What a GP


The following more or less sums up my opinion (s).



Probably nothing to do with failing eyesight. I think it might have something to do with their country of origin, who their favourite rider is or what team they support. :wink:

I'm with you Bryn. I thought all the decisions the referee made were spot on.



Nope not biased just how I saw it. Ref got it spot on. Its a bout time as JC has had his fair share of dodge ref decisions.



Probably the most sensible comment made on this particular subject so far! I have never been the greatest fan of Jason Crump but on this particular occasion Tomasz was definitely at fault, how contributors can argue with the Polish referee, the close up replays and the pundits ,who have considerably more experience in such matters as anyone on this forum, goodness only knows. Perhaps on this occasion Gollob misjudged his run into the corner, or was he trying to move Crump out to let his team mate through who was in desperate need of points? Had anyone thought of either of these two points.



I think the ref was spot on all night.


Gutted for Crump, it might have been possible with a 12 point gap, but 16 is certainly a bridge too far.


Well pleased for Bjarne, I just had a feeling when I read about him discounting himself from next years series that with the pressure off he'd have a good night.


NP is going to be a worthy world champion barring total meltdown in Germany, he's been the best rider all year, but I have to say this tactic of laying his bike down when someone gets by him is frustrating and unnecessary.


Dryml is a menace.


Nicholls was superb in heat 7, absolutely brilliant ride. You could argue that his conduct after the race was unnecessary, but when yoyu think he was doing 60+mph and nearly got put in the fence by that maniac twice I think he was rather restrained!



I was gutted Crumpy didn't come out on top, as to beat Nicki by 12, whilst it is a big ask, it could have been done. I think 16 is too much really. Hope Nicki is world champion as he has been the best rider by a mile this year and fully deserves it but had hoped it'd go right down to the end. Nicki would need to not turn up to lose it now, I think.


As for the exclusions, ref was spot on to me. There was definitely some contact between Gollob and Crump and with the track how it was I think it's highly unlikely Crump came off by laying it down. The Pedersen/Crump incident, to me it looked as though Nicki kicked his leg out which is how his foot got caught on Crump's bike and how Crump picked up an injury and Nicki looked to lean onto Crump. Nicki's fault IMO, spot on decisions. Also think Lindgren's exclusion was the right call although tbf to Lindgren he couldn't really avoid it.


Dryml was an absolute disgrace and is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the most dangerous men in speedway. Maybe Nicholls should have held back but had that been me I'd have gone and given him what for aswell. Makes you wonder what was going through Dryml's head when he was injured himself as surely he, from an outsider's point of view with his brother and having been hurt pretty badly himself, is in one of the best positions to know the impact of bad crashes, and he nearly caused a pretty bad one then. Idiot :angry:


Well done Hans who seemed to capitalise on Crump's bad luck in the final, as did Bjarne but that's speedway, Crump was unlucky but s*** happens. People are complaining because of Crump on the rostrum but I think I'd struggle to have any enthusiasm after having a comfortable 1st snatched from him but as I say, that's just how it is in speedway.



Good GP.


Nikki P - correctly excluded in his race with Crump & made himself look stupid with sour grape comments in his interview. Calling Crump lucky was cobblers. The pressure is getting to him but he'll still win the championship.


Dryml - shocking stuff during the race with Scott Nicholls, pure dangerous riding. Plonker


Nicholls - brilliant & fearless ride to beat Dryml, even better when he squared up. Maybe not such a good image for the sport but he could have been badly injured, so who can blame him.


Crump - bad luck for him as he ode superbly, suitably miserable afterwards.


Hans - great result for him


Gollop - Boo Hoo !! Good reffing to stand firm with his decison to exclude


Hope they put some dirt on the track in Germany as it could be a belter.



I believe the referee got all the major decisions right - a couple were 'percentage' ones and, for once, rider nationality didn't seem to influence him.


As for Lukas Dryml , what can I add, probably the most disgusting attempt to 'fence' an opponent in a long time. Fortunately, he wasn't good enough to do it properly (scrubbed off all his speed in the process) and Scott's skill and momentum saw him get in front. I would not have been surprised if Scott had 'decked' him after that but he showed commendable restraint given the circumstances.

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Totally shocked by this thread!! Cant believe all the Crump bashing!!!


Personally - Gutted for Crumpy - fighting through obvious pain only to have an EF on the last lap of he final. Both ref calls were right - Ped clearly panicked and leant onn Jason and Gollob took his leg away. Hope he's fit to ride tomorow!


As for his miserable mood afterwards - He'd just lost his tiny glimpse of the World Title as well as the GP. Add the clear ankle and hand injuy to that and I'm pretty impressed he bothered with rostrum at all!!

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Totally shocked by this thread!! Cant believe all the Crump bashing!!!


Personally - Gutted for Crumpy - fighting through obvious pain only to have an EF on the last lap of he final. Both ref calls were right - Ped clearly panicked and leant onn Jason and Gollob took his leg away. Hope he's fit to ride tomorow!


As for his miserable mood afterwards - He'd just lost his tiny glimpse of the World Title as well as the GP. Add the clear ankle and hand injuy to that and I'm pretty impressed he bothered with rostrum at all!!



Agree with Jen. Decisions were exactly as pointed out above. Obvious Jason wasn't going to be happy afterwards after losing win and also looked very uncomfortable with hand and leg injuries.


Nicki has been a bit of a prima donna lately. He has had a lot of ref decisions go his way this year ie cardiff (3) and leszno. Without these decision he would not have had such a commanding lead. Also his antics recently in the gps at bydgoszcz and latvia with his fued with Tomasz, his comments last night and during the edward jancarz memorial meeting do him no favours as a triple world champion at the end of the season.

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"Gollob is a hothead, and always has been". Oh My God, what a load of rubbish. Tomasz is one of the fairest, cleanest, most sporting riders there is. I believe you confuse brilliance on a speedway motor bike with your idea of being a hothead.


The only reason he didn't make the final is that he is a true racer who believed he had a clean run on Crump who, having bounced of the fence, had already lost his balance and took a dive when he found Tomasz inside him. The same as Nicki did against Crump. Gollob would have stayed on his bike, Crump decided not to.


It was so pleasing tonight to see TG beat Nicki fair and square in Heat 17.


Like when he did that left turn on AJ earlier in the season? One of the nastiest moves I've ever seen on a speedway track in 39 years.

Don't make him out to be what he isn't. I have to say though, I love to watch him race, and to watch him in Poland is just awesome, and he continues to be a force in the GP so fair play to him.

Jason was superb last night, and for me is still the most complete rider in the world. Any track or any surface, but nasty Nicki is just the most consistent starter the world has seen for a long while, and will be World Champ this year. Did you say Jason was lucky Nicki? Remember Cardiff?


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Typical Australian ignorance.

Subedei you are wasting your time, just leave it. :lol:

That'll do me. Can't wait to see the tape of this one.


Oh, for all of you writing off Lonigo, I certainly enjoyed the 2006 GP there, sounds like the track prep. went wrong this time round.

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I thought it was quite a good meeting, Nikki was very lucky not to do his collerbone in that 1st crash and he did struggle afterwards, you can understand Jasons mood after the meeting, he was yards away from winning the meeting and he does show his emotions and every point is so vital to him.


Scotty......He is doing better in the last few gp`s but as somebody elsesaid he is going into his last ride needing a win to get into the semi`s, He`s having a ride where he falls or doesnt beat the riders below him. He did really well in his second ride against Dryml, he was really lucky it wasnt a repeat of last season when he had that big fall in Lonigo. What makes it worse is that he was trying to stuff Scott in the fence on the last corner rather than trying to win that enabled scott to cut back and get the win. I think Scott had every right to have his say afterwards because maybe it showed that he won`t be pushed around anymore and the heart rate after hitting the fence must have been racing a bit.


It was nice to see him get off his bike and see how bomber was, a start in the right direction i hope. It`s strange that Greg & Billy rode together for many years and they used it to there advantage.


One last thought....


How many times do you see Greg or Leigh on the deck? going back Rickardson, Nielsen, Gundersen etc, they never felll much at all. This season alone i hate to think how many times Nikki has come down.

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