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Italian Gp, Lonigo - 27 September 2008

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  firestormdax said:
Better live stream HERE


As you don't have to download any daft applications to get it...


Showing rugby at mo' but will be doing the speedway from 7.15pm UK time





Sopcast is most definately not a "daft application" :wink:

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  hatcham said:
Betting sites have removed him and replaced him with Carpanese


Which betting sites?. The ones i just checked have Chris Harris stilll riding. Please let us know which ones.


  FreddieLindgrensGirls said:
hi guys,anyone know if hans ridin tonight cous his odds have bin suspended :unsure:


No he missed the Cov match Thursday.He deffo needs the points if wanna keep 5th.xxx


Not sure whether odds suspended might just mean they are being reassesssed???. Only i notice that on the site you refer to Holta's odds are also suspended, but both he and Harris have their race by race odds still available.


  manchesterpaul said:
A link to a news report and photograph of his crash in practice


Chris Harrris Crashes In Practice


However, by the wording it would seem as if it is an automatically translated report. I know from a previous link i have given on here for a webpage translation site that when an article refers to a 'pilot' (lol) instead of a rider, it tends to be translated from italian. This article states that he has had no effects and will ride. But, if betting sites have him no longer listed i would go for their version.


With just an hour or so to go one would think official sites such as the SGP Worldspeedway.tv, Sky Sports and the riders own site would have news about his articipation and indeed the incident of the crash itself, however nada on them all.


At the moment it would appear Andersen, Harris and Holta are as the above report all riding?. Until someone can post definite confirmation to the contrary, one presumes they are?.



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Yes Bomber went off on a stretcher into an ambulance at yesterdays practice..I had a text around 45 mins ago that his mechanics were packing his bikes away from the pits..so I think there was an intention for him to race today..maybe a late decision..

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  schumi said:


Ta, but was trying to do it with "Paddypower" as we have an account with them, and added money this morning, but have only managed to do AJ. Now it won't let me put my bet on Hans.... :mad: I will be fuming now if he wins.... :angry:

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  tigerblues said:
Broken ribs for Harris it seems. Would imagine he has very little chance of keeping his GP place now.

Just seen the very quick clip on Sky. I can only guess he just didnt realise Scott was there on his practice start. He just seemed to fly into the airfence.

Scott just seemed to look across at the pile on the floor. Shame they didnt stay with the clip as it would appear Scott was straight off his bike to check on him. Maybe a start to heal the rift.



Chris just been interviewed -

Ligaments on his knee and torn muscles around his ribs. Been told to rest for two weeks!! :(


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