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Gp Challenge

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  philfromcov said:
cardiff gets more supporters than all the tracks put together, what does that tell us?


  Subedei said:
Please supply evidence to support that statement.

Leszno had circa 20,000 and Bydgoszcz circa 17,000, which adds up to about 37,000. The stated attendance for Cardiff was circa 42,000. So, you're suggesting that Krsko, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Daugavpils, Malilla and Prague managed less that 6,000 between them?


I think you've just misunderstood what young Philip meant. Cardiff gets a bigger attendance than any of the other G.P's - not collectively. You have to be born in the Midlands to understand the lingo. :lol:

Edited by Gemini
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  Jenn said:
But in theory Lindgren was better in the round that Holta won :unsure:



Iversen should get a wildcard next year - I have a feeling that hes on the brink and with an injury free season he could turn some heads in the series. Forget about him being Danish - The Danes are by far the best country in World Speedway at the moment and they deserve the extra riders in the GP's.


Holder is a must - esp if talk of an Aussie GP turns out to be correct.


Other 2 places to the ones out of Holta, Lindgren and Nicholls that dont get 8th place.


Yeah right, and in theory Pedersen or Gollob won yesterday.......will you be the one to tell Hancock that he didn`t deserve to win in Bydgodszcz?


But I agree with you, the GP series needs new blood. Holder, Sajfutdinov and Pavlic are alle strong contenders. Unfortunately it is a year early for all of them, they will not be able to cope with the setup nor the pressure of performing max in every heat you are riding even though you f.i. have failed to score in your first 4 outings. I tell you that is HARD!


On top of that comes injuries. Both Holta and Iversen has been riding through the pain barrier for weeks now, both with similar injuries. But they are still out there winning the occational heat and fighting for their existens in the GP`s. Holta even have had a nightmare with engines this year, blowing up engines for 10 000`s of pounds worth and on top of it all he has been stabbed in the back by his club in Sweden which he loyally have served for 5 years missing ONE single meeting in the process. As soon as he had a few bad meetings he lost his place even though his club KNOWS that he always comes good in the end of the season if he gets enough meetings. The dedication from both these riders should be rewarded regardless of what nation you ride for!


GP riders have to cope with all of this and fortunately both Holder (interview), Pavlic (interview today) and Sajfutdinov (through experienced spanner Susi) knows the stake and I am sure they will wait another year for a crack at the GP series and NOT go in the Lindbäck/Lindgren trap (although Lindgren I am sure will be a world beater one day)


End of story.......put in the three qualifers from today instead of the bottom three in the GP series 2008 and keep the rest for another year.


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  Pirate Nick said:
Cardiff this year?

Don't get me wrong I am not a Nicholls fan I am just fed up with subs continual sniping at English riders.

Its not even constructive its just smart ar**ed sniping.

He even started on young Pavlic tonight the man (and I use the term loosely) is unbelievable! :mad:


It is always hard to face up to the truth mate ;-)


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  Maddas69 said:
It is always hard to face up to the truth mate ;-)

The truth is we dont have a world class English rider at the moment.

I grew up in the times when we could field Collins, Lee, Carter, Morton, Simmons, Jessup etc.

Those days (sadly) are long gone and will remain long gone until

we can find proper training facilities and sponsorship for the youngsters.


Just fed up with his continual sniping thats all.



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  xrepe said:
What happens if 2 riders which finished in the top 8 overall in the GP series, decide not to ride in 2009 GP series?


That means Olsen will decide who will get 6 invitations?


Probably, although I suspect his hands would be tied to some degree. For example, if Adams decides he's had enough (and he seems the most obvious to drop out) you'd have to think his replacement would be another Australian. That would probably ease the headache for Olsen and whoever helps him decide, since it would open the door for Holder without using one of the existing four nominations. Likewise, if Gollob (the other most likely to decide he's had enough) decides enough is enough I think the pressure would be on to replace him with another Pole.

As it goes, I don't think any of the top eight will bow out. Why would they? Things aren't likely to get any harder for them next season. The top six in the standings are miles ahead of the rest, with even a talent like Jonsson just on the fringes.

Edited by Subedei
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  Trees said:
Oh dear it seems like the GP organisers need these young riders more than the young riders need the GP series :)


The thing is, SGP isn't like other forms of Grands Prix. In the SGP a rider has to build a team, while in other Grands Prix a new talent is absorbed into an existing team, for example, Lewis Hamilton coming into the McLaren-Mercedes team.

Riders like Gollob, Nicki P, Adams, Hancock and Co have built their teams - the younger guys will always struggle to compete until they decide they've had enough.

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  Subedei said:
Please supply evidence to support that statement.

Leszno had circa 20,000 and Bydgoszcz circa 17,000, which adds up to about 37,000. The stated attendance for Cardiff was circa 42,000. So, you're suggesting that Krsko, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Daugavpils, Malilla and Prague managed less that 6,000 between them?


Sub even thought you are right im sure you could see what philfromcoventry meant and you have just proved his point.

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  one of clubs said:
Walasek,Ulamek and Bjerre?.They will liven up the GP's no end.What a shambles.I despair,i really do. :angry:


HOW is it a shambles they qualified fair and square everybody else (ie the Holders of the world) had the same chance and these three were the ones who took that chance. I say well done lads and good luck next season.

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  philfromcov said:
im sure the cry will go up again


nicholls is no good and harris dont deserve a place.....



lets face facts here the british supporters and british TV bankroll the GP series, if that means the two brits get automatic places then so be it, even if they get 1 or 0 points each gp.


cardiff gets more supporters than all the tracks put together, what does that tell us?


that none speedway people go and want to see brits ride, they are not interested in joe a to z from polland, they want to see brits, sky too, if ther were no brits sky would soon get fed up as the audiences would die.


they worst thing anyone could do is listen to this forum, the majority who would pay to see four flys race on an oval circuit, we are not typical!


in summary:


there should always be at least two places for brits, not matter how bad they get!


its all about money at the end of the day



Don't forget that BSI ( or IMG) are paid for contracts with Poland and Sweden to also show all the GPs, in the same way that Sky does. Maybe Denmark shows them as well? So they are not totally dependent on the Sky money only.


However, the guys that are BSI are mostly British so naturally would opt for British riders.


The other point is, that Cardiff is not only attended by British supporters. Cardiff is full of Poles on the day, plus Swedes, Danes, etc.


I can see the day when they would not see Brits as a top priority. The Polish and Swedish Elite Leagues seem far and away superior to us now and Russia is maybe on the horizon. Add to that the number of good Aussies coming through over here as well.


Just my thoughts. :)

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  Subedei said:
The thing is, SGP isn't like other forms of Grands Prix. In the SGP a rider has to build a team, while in other Grands Prix a new talent is absorbed into an existing team, for example, Lewis Hamilton coming into the McLaren-Mercedes team.

Riders like Gollob, Nicki P, Adams, Hancock and Co have built their teams - the younger guys will always struggle to compete until they decide they've had enough.


So maybe Adams should think about a request to absorb Holder into his team as his replacement?


BTW: It is not THAT easy to get into a Formula One team. You have to build a massive sponsorship package to even get considered.

Edited by Maddas69
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  tanya said:
Because he rode well tonight with an obvious injury. And he did say that he would be having sugery in the winter and would carry on riding unless he had another big crash.


Puk had been riding well in the GPs up until he got his injury even making a final and looked a different rider this time around.


Iversen deserves a second chance. Clearly yesterday suffering from his injury in his gating, fighting on an ultra slick track and to get pass riders.


Fair play to the three guys who qualified - but I'd say it could do them more harm than good.


By my reckoning, we'll still have Iversen, Harris and Lindgren return as wild cards.

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this gp challenge nonsense needs to be stopped asap.


walasek and ulamek gp riders!!!!!!!!! what a joke. fair play they got threw on merit, but they will do absoloutely nowt in the gps next year, and bjerre will marginally be better.


the amount of tripe threw the years that have got threw and proved to be a laughing stock is bizarre.

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the gp challenge is the only thing keeping the GP's honest and more qualification spots should be opened up.......... how about 7? If they did that you would find up to 12 of the GP field taking part in it........ then guys like these wouldnt qualify


3 disappointing qualifiers for me though...... I have no doubts that Bjerre will do himself proud .....but what are we expecting here? I cant see him being anymore than on the cusp of the top 8... hardly a dent in the aspirations and stranglehold of Nicki..... or indeed any kind of influence over the retirements of Tomasz, Leigh and Greg ..... they must be pooing themselves and ready to retire now :unsure::rolleyes:


As for Walasek and Ulamek I think i'd prefer Lukas, Rico or Chrzanowski thankyou


The GP's badly need some new aspiring blood to come in............ it is not good when every single one of us can correctly predict 7 of the top 8 for next (this/last) season............... I guess that they will only come in when they do but imo it is time to drop the Holta's, Nicholls', Bjarne's and make sure that the wildcards are given to 4 of this gang...... Sajfutdinov, Holder, Lindgren, Bomber, Hampel



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  Subedei said:
Riders like Gollob, Nicki P, Adams, Hancock and Co have built their teams - the younger guys will always struggle to compete until they decide they've had enough.

Eh? :unsure:

It's not as if Gollob, Nicki, Adams, Crump and Hancock are on Ferraris, whilst the rest are on Toyotas. I think SGP is a pretty level playing field, unlike F1. The opportunity is there for the younger guys, it's just that none of them have taken it yet. 3/4 years ago most would have foreseen Jonsson, Lindback, Bjerre, Hampel taking over at the top...but none of them have taken their chance. That's not the system's fault, it's not BSI's fault, it's not the older rider's fault. Quite simply, the youngsters have failed to step up to the mark. I just hope that in the next 2/3 years Pavlic, Woffinden, Sajfutdinov, Holder can step up to the plate and deliver.

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Jonsson and Lindback were very well backed...but haven't done the biz. Simple as that. We are simply waiting for someone to come along and light up the international scene...similarly to say how a Carter, Lee or even Ermolenko did. It won't happen every year, but it's been a while since we've had a genuine new superstar emerge.

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