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Congratulations Middlo Bashers

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When i start paying the wages i can say who we have until then sorry cant do a thing about it, sure we speak about selections but at the end of the day he pays them and he pays me.


And wouldn't you say that the fans play a part in paying the wages? After all, I doubt that Ford would be in a position to do so for very long if no one was packing into the stands at Wimborne Road? As such, doesn't that give members of the paying public a right to give their opinions without having you condescendingly dismiss them just because they've never ridden a speedway bike, or managed a team, in spite of watching the sport for decades? And since Team GB is a BSPA-SCB entity, which essentially means supported by the paying public the length and breadth of the country, doesn't that give every single person who pays to watch speedway in this country the right to voice an opinion without having you pompously cast them aside on spurious grounds?

Edited by Subedei
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Dont you worry about me, i dont have a problem with people slagging me off what i have is a problem with is people who have never been on a bike or managed a team passing judgement on riders doing their best.Speedway is not easy believe me do you honestly think that team GB wanted to have a mare tonight? Hello!!! reality check i dont think so.So back off from the boys unless you can do better we all have off days and whatever happens on Thursday you can bet your house that they will all give 100% whether it is good enough we will see. But do not sit in judgement unless you have been there and can understand the emotion and pressure they are under.

On that note a very goodnight to you all.



See now that's where we play OUR part. You ride bikes and team manage (and presumably get paid to do both these jobs) whilst WE (ie the PAYING public - the clues in the name) shell out our hard earned cash to watch the meetings. Without US there would be nowhere for you and your lot to play with your boys toys! Let's be honest you need us far more than we need you! There are plenty of other sports for people to watch but without us paying your wages you'd have to get a proper job...I hear McDonalds are recuiting!


Oh please is that the best you got?why do you people bother going? its all negative, pick another sport, i am bored with the same old suspects slagging off our sport which the majority of people on this forum actually enjoy


See the post above. One of these days the idiots in positions of power will realise that alienating the people who pay to get in is NOT the way to run a business. Seriously, business acumen not one of your strong points huh?



Oh sorry I didnt realise I was not allowed an opinion!! Oh and the knockers on the forum dont try and tell riders,management what to do.Please!!!

Just because i stick up for the riders through thick and thin and always will I am sorry if that does not agree with some people.Its called patriotism...look it up.

Some people on this forum should hang their heads in shame the amount of cr*p they spout about riders,managers, promoters etc is truly laughable.



When the riders start behaving like they DESERVE our support then they will stop getting stick for their performance. Too many riders beleive their own hype (Naming no names *cough* Nicholls *cough*) and just 'assume' people will support them come hell or high water....sorry but if I'm parting with money I expect to be entertained....if I'm not then I reserve the right to say so. And if you don't like it maybe you ought to find something else to do!

Edited by lupus
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And wouldn't you say that the fans play a part in paying the wages? After all, I doubt that Ford would be in a position to do so for very long if no one was packing into the stands at Wimborne Road? As such, doesn't that give members of the paying public a right to give their opinions without having you condescendingly dismiss them just because they've never ridden a speedway bike, or managed a team, in spite of watching the sport for decades? And since Team GB is a BSPA-SCB entity, which essentially means supported by the paying public the length and breadth of the country, doesn't that give every single person who pays to watch speedway in this country the right to voice an opinion without having you pompously cast them aside on spurious grounds?



Game set and match Subedei. :approve:

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Sorry Steve, but think you'll find it actually is.


Thank goodness someone has put Stevebrum right. Middlo has been on here for longer than you Steve.

Rick Miller is not really THE Rick Miller though. :wink:


It would have been wise to keep Ole well away from the track and prepare it for a normal Coventry home meeting.


Afraid that is the normal track at Coventry these days, since Colin Meredith took over. :neutral:


It wont make any differance to the result on Thursday or(with a lot of luck) Saturday,but it would have entertained the thousands who turned up and paid good money to watch their home nation stand a better chance of winning.


True. Shame the fans didn't have more to get excited about and unfortunately I really can't see Team GB doing much better on Thursday. :sad:

Edited by Gemini
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middlo,i see absolutely no point in this generating into some sort of slanging match.for the record i enjoyed watching you at poole as a rider,and attributed no blame whatsover to you for the failure of team gb last season,i also have no reason whatsoever to doubt your patriotism,loyalty or integrity.but you do seem to be missing the point here. the forum seems to be split by those who are genuinely dismayed by our performance last night and those of us who expected very little else,i dont feel anyone here has taken any pleasure in our display,its just that some people want retribution,and someone to blame,and others accept that our best is currently nowhere near good enough.

surely however, you cannot believe the stance of not riding or team managing has any credibility,i have never cooked an indian meal,serviced a car,or wallpapered a room,but i know a substandarded job when i see it,as do we all.

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Well I saw that coming... on the back of last years performance in the final, which is why I stayed at home, this was always on the cards. Lynch made a terrible error for me by announcing before the competition had even started that Allen and Stead wouldn't be riding any further on in the competition.


Not only that but he also conceded that Team GB (is that Team Going Backwards?) had no chance of getting straight to the final. I can't imagine Middlo making that sort of announcement. Is it possible that it created a rift between him and the riders?

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Afraid that is the normal track at Coventry these days, since Colin Meredith took over. :neutral:


These days there is no such thing as a 'normal' Coventry track - its different every week!


So why on earth did ALL of team GB seem to turn up with machines set up for a particular 'version' of the Coventry track, which clearly bore no resemblance to that which was served up last night. For heaven's sake, it is different every week and then there's the 'Olsen factor' thrown in for good measure too. The other three countries clearly did not come with that same fixation and adapted superbly.


[This seems to be a Bees problem as well - hence having to play catch up in meetings when the riders have figured out what the track's actually like that week.]


Team GB are much better than the performance shown last night (despite what some people want to say about them). For every member of the team to seemingly be afflicted with the same problems, it suggests a more fundamental problem with set-ups, preparation, etc. I can imagine one of the team having a problem due to being off form, etc - but not the whole team.


So what is it that the other countries did much better than Team GB to get themselves ready for the meeting? There must be some lessons to learn.

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Not only that but he also conceded that Team GB (is that Team Going Backwards?) had no chance of getting straight to the final. I can't imagine Middlo making that sort of announcement. Is it possible that it created a rift between him and the riders?


to be honest that is the crux of the problem,there is no point asking any manager of any team of any sport for his views or opinions because all he will give you is the spin doctor version,and that merely creates a false climate of hope and expectation.


the gulf between nicki pedersen and simon stead is absolutely massive,i know it,you know it and so do middlo,lynch,pedersen,and stead but very few are prepared to admit it.


if under some sort of human rights law,all sportsman were allowed to represent what ever country they so wished,and team gb were the best funded who do you think the manager (lynch,middlo,rosco or anyone else)would choose to sign up ?


bet your life it wouldn't be anyone british.


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It's got very little to do with patriotism. Half the GB team didn't know if it was GB or England they were riding for. Even Jan Staechmann corrected himself on calling the team England. They are professional speedway riders who will ride anywhere and for anyone if the money is right. Sadly they are not as good as they think they are, nor as good as the commentators would like us to believe. It's nothing to do with support, either. The whole of Brandon could have been full of Union Jack waving, cheering fans throughout the whole meeting and it wouldn't have made the slightest difference.

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Bottom line is, it was an exceedingly poor performance by the riders and there is nothing Lynch, or Middleditch, could have done about it on the night.


As a Wolves fan my worry is about the pressure now being put on Woffinden's head due to the inadequacies of others. How many other 17 year old's have been expected to be the saviour of their country !

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Bottom line is, it was an exceedingly poor performance by the riders and there is nothing Lynch, or Middleditch, could have done about it on the night.


As a Wolves fan my worry is about the pressure now being put on Woffinden's head due to the inadequacies of others. How many other 17 year old's have been expected to be the saviour of their country !


to be honest, i'm looking forward to seeing him ride .. if he scores 0 then so be it, but i think that's pretty unlikely as he is on some good form at the moment and should have been in the team Monday.

Kennett and Woffinden should certainly be ok at Vojens

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Oh sorry I didnt realise I was not allowed an opinion!! Oh and the knockers on the forum dont try and tell riders,management what to do.Please!!!

Just because i stick up for the riders through thick and thin and always will I am sorry if that does not agree with some people.Its called patriotism...look it up.

Some people on this forum should hang their heads in shame the amount of cr*p they spout about riders,managers, promoters etc is truly laughable.


its called an opinion. Apparently we are entitled to one too :rolleyes:



No way!!! I thought you was on a wind up!



somebody is, thats for sure.


Better pack up the forum Phil. Apparently we're not allowed to voice an opinion if we're only paying our hard-earned to watch the sport.


Has it crossed your mind that the reason people are up in arms about that kind of performance is because they care?



like always. It seems OUR opinions count for nothing.

Will THEY never learn?????


Hmmmm would like to be a fly on the wall at a Chez Middlo board meeting though :lol::wink:


cant wait for cvs, pratty et al to come on now and start slating the fans off.




Thank goodness someone has put Stevebrum right. Middlo has been on here for longer than you Steve.


if you say :rolleyes:


Only 2 weeks longer as it happens! :approve:

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Just like to state I've never ridden a speedway bike and I've never managed a speedway team. I have however worked as part of a team (pretty bloody successfully too), and I'm pretty sure many posters on this thread have as well. That at the very least give us the right to comment on the team spirit or lack of it that was shown last night.


Whether we have the right to comment on anything else is a matter of opinion, and it's mine that I pay my Sky subs which entitles me to an opinion on what I saw :lol:

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That at the very least give us the right to comment on the team spirit or lack of it that was shown last night.


but if you don't agree with some people's opinions, you get things like

Piss off Steve! :mad:



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I haven't trawled through this whole thread, but I personally don't think Middlo or Rosco or anyone else could have done much better with what is available for selection, I was never a Middlo basher and if the British riders are mainly sh*te quality, what is a manager going to do.

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After taking a day to get over last nights meeting .........


Have to say was totally embarassed by team G.B's performance .


Jim Lynch having picked 5 Coventry track specialists managed to gain 1 heat winner in 25 heats in the U.k.... unbelievable .


Seemed a total lack of team spirit and motivation from Lynch and the captain, Scott Nicholls .




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