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  hyderd said:
IMO its six of one and half a dozen of the other,if you are winning and lose out due to the Joker,it stinks,but without it we would'nt of had the exciting finish we had tonight.Maybe change it to,only a programmed rider can be used.
In a world championship should we have to manipulate the scores to ensure we have an exciting finish :angry: The best team didnt go through the Aussies did , even allowing for jaros engine failure without that joker Australia would have finished 3points behind. Mickey mouse ideas like a joker in a World Championship event makes the sport a laughing stock. Cant wait until they introduce it in Formula 1. :D:D
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  goldeneagle said:
In a world championship should we have to manipulate the scores to ensure we have an exciting finish :angry: The best team didnt go through the Aussies did , even allowing for jaros engine failure without that joker Australia would have finished 3points behind. Mickey mouse ideas like a joker in a World Championship event makes the sport a laughing stock. Cant wait until they introduce it in Formula 1. :D:D


I take your point but if we do go down that road,then we also have to eliminate home advantage,last nights meeting should of been in a nuetral country,as does Monday's and that will have some impact on the gate reciepts.


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There's no need to hold any of these meetings in neutral countries as I would hazard a guess that every rider in that meeting last night ride in the leauges in Poland (if not all then certainly all of the Poles, Aussies and Russians at least!). This means that they all have equal experience on the track and therefore the need for a 'joker' is mute! Get rd of it and let the BEST team win! :angry:

Edited by lupus
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  Scott0311 said:
Did you know that Kasprzak is the track record holder at Leszno? :rolleyes::blink:



  Sotonian said:
And that Chris Holder is Australian champion.


Do you think that all the TV audiance are as knowledgable as yourself, :blink:


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  mikec said:
At least no mention of Mildura or sorting "the sheep from the goats" - phew!!



  Subedei said:
I thought the commentary was excellent tonight - no screaming, no shouting. I suppose we'll be cursed with screams of "Come on Scottie" and the like from the imbecile on Monday.



I am the only one that heard "Laguta the scooter" Priceless Millard. :approve:

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never ceases to amaze how some people got nothing to say apart from knock the skly team. without we wouldnt have any speedway on tv to watch. there must be an awlful lot of people on here who think they could do far better job . we dont all think we know everything aboput the sport so why not just enjoy the coverage we get . please be gentle with the slagging off im going to get now for posting this :lol::lol:

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  richard said:
never ceases to amaze how some people got nothing to say apart from knock the skly team. without we wouldnt have any speedway on tv to watch. there must be an awlful lot of people on here who think they could do far better job . we dont all think we know everything aboput the sport so why not just enjoy the coverage we get . please be gentle with the slagging off im going to get now for posting this :lol::lol:


Well said, if people don't like the commentary there's always the option of the 'mute' button


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  lupus said:
There's no need to hold any of these meetings in neutral countries as I would hazard a guess that every rider in that meeting last night ride in the leauges in Poland (if not all then certainly all of the Poles, Aussies and Russians at least!). This means that they all have equal experience on the track and therefore the need for a 'joker' is mute! Get rd of it and let the BEST team win! :angry:


Team GB could qualify on Monday,but do you honestly think we would if the meeting was in Sweden/Denmark,home soil allways gives an advantage,i'm not advocating the Joker rule i dont like and never will,but the only way to find out who are the best team, is for nuetral tracks/country's to be used,and as i said earlier that will not happen because of the gate reciepts


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The fact still remains that the majority of the riders in the SWC ride in all the different leagues. Yes the Swedes 'might' do better in Sweden and the Poles in Poland but if this was such a major reason why they do well, why do the Aussies do well every year? This does not excuse using artificial means to keep the scores close - get rid of the joke ( r ) and lets see the contest in it's truest form!

Edited by lupus
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  lupus said:
The fact still remains that the majority of the riders in the SWC ride in all the different leagues. Yes the Swedes 'might' do better in Sweden and the Poles in Poland but if this was such a major reason why they do well, why do the Aussies do well every year? This does not excuse using artificial means to keep the scores close - get rid of the joke ( r ) and lets see the contest in it's truest form!


Interesting points coming from both of us i feel, but alas i have to go to work now so will have to let this one go.

Have a nice day.


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Just finished watching and I'm glad I was able to fast forward! Only one or two "races", the rest from the start & was predictable - glad the russians were there to liven it up a bit.

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A few of my thoughts after yesterday.


1. If Jagus hadn't had ef it would be Poland in the final.


2. It was a hard decision for the Polish manager who should be picked to ride the extra heat but have seen too much speedway to choose anyone but Gollob for this. He was made for such heats, he knows how to cope with a massive pressure. Can't say he'd win it but I'm pretty sure that even if he missed it at the gate we'd have seen a fight throughout all 4 laps, inside - outside etc..


3. Heat 24 - the so called Gollob classic :)


4. Last 3 winners (or something about) of SWC rode in race-offs :wink:

Edited by Mateusz
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  richard said:
never ceases to amaze how some people got nothing to say apart from knock the skly team. without we wouldnt have any speedway on tv to watch. there must be an awlful lot of people on here who think they could do far better job . we dont all think we know everything aboput the sport so why not just enjoy the coverage we get . please be gentle with the slagging off im going to get now for posting this :lol::lol:


No slagging off from me, I totally agree with you.

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  lupus said:
The fact still remains that the majority of the riders in the SWC ride in all the different leagues. Yes the Swedes 'might' do better in Sweden and the Poles in Poland but if this was such a major reason why they do well, why do the Aussies do well every year? This does not excuse using artificial means to keep the scores close - get rid of the joke ( r ) and lets see the contest in it's truest form!

I once wrote to John P at the then known as BSI on this subject . I even suggested that if such a MIckey Mouse rule was to be retained then at least allow a team not having had the opportunity to double up to do so in the last heat. Australia lost their crown to Sweden because Sweden used their aptly named Joker to catch up and it was never possible for Australia to do likewise because they were never enough points behind. I got a very polite reply but he said that the Joker was a tactic to keep the racing interesting but surely it would still be interesting but fairer to allow all the teams the same opportunities whatever they are.

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Was the track the norm for Leszno last night? The lines didn't seem to work for the riders like they have in the past .................... making it not such an exciting meeting as it should have been imo?

The crowd looked pretty sparse too, were the prices too high for the poles to attend?

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  Trees said:
Was the track the norm for Leszno last night? The lines didn't seem to work for the riders like they have in the past .................... making it not such an exciting meeting as it should have been imo?

The crowd looked pretty sparse too, were the prices too high for the poles to attend?

Dunno about the prices , but there have been much better meetings televised from Leszno in the past .

At the start of the programme they did mention there had been some rain , whether that had an effect on the track - i don't know . The centre of the track ( on the bends ) did become very bare in the second half of the meeting .


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  Mateusz said:
4. Last 3 winners (or something about) of SWC rode in race-offs :wink:


exactly Mateusz!

imo holding the race off on the track of the final a couple of days before is absolute nonsense...... it provides a whole lot more than a second chance and the statistics prove it


however while these are the rules then it suits the Poles down to the ground to get properly setup for the final ..... as it will the Brits if they have the sense to make 100% sure that they dont win at Coventry (not that I dont think the Danes will beat them anyway at Cov)


With Ole famed for track manipulation the only thing he could do to provide an advantage for Denmark in the final is if the race off is given a grippy track and then he reverts it back to uber slick for the final....... it should be interesting to see what happens

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