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The Cardiff Grand Prix Discussion Thread

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Oh behave, Nicki loves to play the pantomime villain. If anything the hostility towards him makes him try even harder.

Exactly.Did you see his face with the mock shock when he was booed onto the rostrum?Loving it,he was.Did the booing ever bother Mauger,Fundin or Olsen?All the way to the bank it did :lol:

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Absolutely disgusted with the 'fans', who cheered when Nicki P fell off in the final :mad:

He landed on his head and did a couple of somersaults across the track, but the anti- Nicki P fans found it hilarious :angry:

There are far too many serious injuries in speedway and fans cheering a rider when he falls, is just pure pathetic and disrespectful.


Also, the decisions between N.Pedersen/ B.Pedersen/ Adams, were all made by the referee not Nicki P. So I don't see how in this world you can blame Nicki, when it is obviously down to the referee's judgement of the incident :blink:


cos he chose to ride into them and fall. he's done it so many times now.


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However, if we are not careful a new tactic could start up, if you miss the start cut across the track and run into the back of the guy who made the gate. Get a rider excluded and get another chance to make the gate.


dont think its a new tactic brummie boy i seem to remember hans nielsen being very adept at this during world championship events :wink:



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takes a lot for a man made track to be good for speedway.. yep spectacular events for all the wrong reason but not true racing, falls, riders firing off turns in all sorts of directions, crazy manoveres of world class guys fighting the conditions to stay up right, think crumpie was dead right cardiff ids for the fans and the atmosphere for the riders its just one of night mares.

then to cap it all we have back the dodgy ref, how many times does that man take control of the gp events and turn it into a circus unless we have a new FIM directive " a rider who is hit from behind will be excluded for getting in the riders way"

I had been going to Cradiff but after Gothenborg and the farcical track didnt bother as if i wanted to see moto x id go there and Cardiff became a lottery by a track and a clown of a referree.

congats to Crumpie on the win commiserations to the rest especially Adams and Bjarne Pedersen.

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Excellent day as per usual at Cardiff, the crowd was fantastic and helped by decent performances from Scottie and Bomber. I still cant believe Scott in the final, it really highlights the imporatant role of the mental aspect in speedway. Crump was excellent and a deserved winner, the 3 Pedersen incidents were all wrong Still all in all a very good day!

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Good - and double good - if thats how he wants to win 'at all costs' then not having over here again is a bonus IMHO - as someone posted earlier hes a drama queen - lying around on the track til the decision goes his way then pop up he gets not even a limp or a rub of his hand.


The crowd let him know how we felt about his antics - what else could we have done - written to our MP ??


So the crowd were bullying a cheat - sounds about even then :wink::wink:


what antics? he touched the tapes and should have been excluded,he swooped across into adams and probably should have been excluded,he did the same in the semi,and again could have been excluded,but unless your a conspiricy theorist he had nothing to do with the poor refereeing decisions. he was also wiped out by holta and got up to win the re run,and got off the track quick enough for the final to continue,so i am a bit bemused by the drama queen comment.

also if as suggested the medics decided to ignore him when he was supposidly lying on the floor,they should be sacked for incompetance.

it is undoubtably true that riders such as nicki are far more ruthless,but all the other riders know the score,and deal with him accordingly,they dont need the assistance of thousands queuing up to stick the boot in

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Cant see a mention of what Nicki said after the meeting, something about standing up and not accepting these poorly prepared tracks. Cant see it happening, and as with many walks of life, it wont happen until it's too bloody late and a rider gets seriously injured or even worse. I appreciate that riders can get hurt on normal tracks, but thats usually down to rider error or bad luck, these bloody tracks are poor and dangerous.

Edited by spanner47
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Oh grow up! Nicki thought the whole thing was funny - you could see that from his reaction after the Bjarne incident! :angry: He's a big boy now and, as others have said, loves his 'villan' image and he really doesn't need people sticking up for him! :rolleyes:


Interesting points made about the *kerching* ref's decisions....I wonder what sort of credit he's got with the Polish version of William Hill's? :unsure:

Edited by lupus
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Interesting points made about the *kerching* ref's decisions....I wonder what sort of credit he's got with the Polish version of William Hill's? :unsure:


probably better today than it was yesterday... :wink::wink:

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Love him or Loathe him Nikky P = Controversy , Entertainment, and most importantly Bums on Seats.


I dunno - most people would have attended yesterday whether he was there or not - but if the referee continues to get away with making appalling decisions and NP continually gets away with his gamesmanship then I think people will begin to consider whether they want to financially contribute to the GP.


I can only hope that someone, somewhere in the upper echelons of the sport is reviewing yesterday with a view to doing something to avoid repeats of last nights farcical decisions

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What a load of rubbish, unless you're an international speedway rider past or present then you have no authority to make such a comment. He got pretty battered about tonight, you don't lay it down to get battered about.


Don't get me wrong, each occasion I think NP was to blame, but he was not conning anyone, he just got very, very lucky.



or maybe the poster is just good at reading body language?! :blink:

Also i noticed NP said in the interview that something like `i had to go down both times` - not that he was knocked off. Interesting choice me thinks :wink:

Ashie - EVERYONE has a right to a comment :rolleyes:


Wow Thank you for introducing me to a new experience :blink: ...a DarrenCook post that I agree with 100%!!!!


im thoroughly ashamed at you then!!!!!! lol ;-)



Problem - Find a proper track in the country that can attract approx 45,000 people . Do you seriously want to go back to Coventry and 8,000 !



no thanks!




nicki must have thought he was at poole for a second with all that booing!!



or wolves, or (insert track of choice!) :-))


As for the incidents - CRAZY.

The ref was WRONG on both NP incidents in my opinion.

NP always goes from gate 4 right across to stop anybody elses run.

If he does it (he usually does) he is entitled to do so.

However in both occasions he didnt get in front and was clipped by the rider in front.

I admire nicki`s determination to win - however he seems to read the game very well.

The close up on the 2nd incident looked like NP was aiming his wheel at BPedersens back wheel because by then Bjarne was in no mans land . he HAD to go out to stop NP run and as he was ahead he was entitled to do so.

Its almost like he is prepared to take a faller if his outside swoops dont work by parking it on the back wheel of the rider in front.

In some way it isnt a criticism of NP - its just the he seems to know exactly how to get the best out of positions and the race - whether he is leading or not.

To me the semi incident he most definetly went down to easily. And i think thats why the crowd booed him.

Some are wise to his tricks in the stadium and showed his the displeasure of not racing his own race but trying to outfox his opponents.

He didnt deserve a place in the semis - however as always he earned it .

One of the reasons why i wont pay Cardiff money - THE TRACK.


As for Eddie - did ok in his last 2 heats , however he scored the same points as Howie last year .

Bout on a par as you expect a British wild card to do.

Now, if only OUR Tai had of been in :approve:

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Does anyone know of any hotels in walking distance of the Millenham Stadium?


Blimey your keen!!. There are loads, but you will need to get in now, otherwise if you leave

it you will pay through the nose!. Im sure a few people on here could help you, but on the other

hand they may want first serving of the pie!!. Try looking on a street map of Cardiff, then look in

the Directory and go from there!!.

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Oh grow up! Nicki thought the whole thing was funny - you could see that from his reaction after the Bjarne incident! :angry: He's a big boy now and, as others have said, loves his 'villan' image and he really doesn't need people sticking up for him! :rolleyes:


Interesting points made about the *kerching* ref's decisions....I wonder what sort of credit he's got with the Polish version of William Hill's? :unsure:


Absolutely correct Lupus, Nicki is a ruthless character, and that is why he has been World Champ twice, he does not care who he upsets along the way, and the crows booing him will not have bothered him one iota.

Nicki is brilliant at playing the mind games, and he knows exactly what he is doing, and I hate to say this, that is why the nice man Leigh Adams has never and will never be crowned World Champion, he does not have the ruthless streak about.

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he was also wiped out by holta and got up to win the re run,and got off the track quick enough for the final to continue,so i am a bit bemused by the drama queen comment.


Now lets be honest he only got up because there was a GP point up for grabs. He got up looked round realized he would be lapped and went to the centre green.


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How on earth Bjarne was excluded in that semi as well is beyond me even now.

I've read pages and pages about how crap the track was, how crap the ref was etc. but from a first timer point of view I enjoyed it, the cheering, the booing, the faltering mexican waves and the atmosphere was electric. I've never been to a football match with that sort of intensity.

I was also impressed with the way Harris, Nicholls and Kennett went, I was worrying all week they were going to be awful but they upped their game well and Eddie looked better as time went on.


One thing I must know is...what Cardiff karaoke bar did they find that singer guy in? Sure he could sing but Born To Be Wild?! LOL.

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personally i thought the only thing worse than the refereeing last night was moronic members of the crowd booing nicki pedersen.

the man is world champion,was a great servant to british speedway for many years until the ludicrous points limit forced him out,and who in an attempt to entertain us last night ended up on the floor on four occasions.


he deserves respect,and the lynch mob should stick to cock fighting and dog baiting,true sports for the yob and bully


I agree i think his tratment by the crowd was a disgrace, if the positistions between him and adams in heat 17 had been reversed can you imagine the reaction? Full credit to him for getting his bike off the track in the final, i think crumpy should be grateful as well as i think if it had been rerun hancock would have got the drop. As for the track, terrible, lets all be glad no rider was seriously injured, in a season where theres been far too many injuries.

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