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Is it Poland's 'turn' to host the SWC again?


shouldnt it be going to sweden and then britain first? and even then there is a big argument that the ruskies should have it at their wonder stadium


At the time the contract was signed I imagine that BSI were desperate for somewhere to host the thing. The Poles were probably prepared to promote the event when everyone else was steering clear. After all, it doesn't seem as if there was a great rush of tracks wanting to host the race-off and final this season, was there? But now it looks like Coventry, where the existing promotion has a one-year lease, are wanting to stage the event next season. Well, I've no doubt that BSI will seek to extricate themselves from the contract with Unia Leszno, hopefully the Polish club will fight them tooth and nail.

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NO I AM NOT suggesting THEY promote a test match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wondering whether the BSPA could stage it over here, a********s to IMG, taking money away from speedway that it could do with!


How good it would be to be able to support world championship events knowing that any money made would go back to speedway's coffers not some poxy private company who have nothing to do with our sport!!


For christ's sake Andy, we do have decent riders!



What about the hundreds of thousands the BSPA takes out of speedway?




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I wouldn't go with Woffinden in the main 5. He'd line up at reserve if it was up to me. I'd go for Nicholls, Harris, Kennett, Richardson & Stead.


Ditto. :)


The top three there are capable of beating anybody. Nicholls, on his day, is awesome irrespective of what people may say.


Kennett has probably meritted his place this Season - I slated him not long ago, but he impressed me last night on Sky, and is probably a safer bet than most there. Steady I'd also stick in, on the warning that it's last chance saloon for him. He's got the talent, he now needs to show it on the biggest stage.

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NO I AM NOT suggesting THEY promote a test match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wondering whether the BSPA could stage it over here, a********s to IMG, taking money away from speedway that it could do with!


How good it would be to be able to support world championship events knowing that any money made would go back to speedway's coffers not some poxy private company who have nothing to do with our sport!!


For christ's sake Andy, we do have decent riders!

You have again made it clear about IMG if they are taking money away from speedway which i dont think they are its none of yours so why keep having a pop at something alot of people enjoy you must be in a minority look at the Cardiff attendence surely that speaks for itself anyway what about the BSPA you think they dont rob the supporter

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Team GB stand no chance of winning this year *cue howls of protest* so I reckon we should use 2008 to plan for the future.

At Coventry use Nicholls, Richardson and Harris plus two youngsters. I'd go with Kennett and either Woffinden, Wright or Bridger all 3 of whom have talent, guts and ambition, they now need experience. Have the rest of the squad there to soak up atmosphere/learn a few things/help out if needed.

That team should get thro, at least to the race off. There is then a choice, settle for that or go for the final, put the same team in or use one old hand (Nicholls or Richardson) and then 4 youngsters. I personally can't see the point of putting out a team with Allen/Stead/Howe in, they just don't cut it at EL level IMHO so will be lost at SWC level. I'd go for the 4 youngsters option.

We will win nothing this year doing it my way, but would we anyway :wink: The benefits will be felt in 2009 tho.


I thought Lynch talked a fair bit of sense last night, and it was a pleasant change to hear a national manager be realistic instead of talking pie in the sky.

The lady speaks sense. :approve:



I wouldn't go with Woffinden in the main 5. He'd line up at reserve if it was up to me. I'd go for Nicholls, Harris, Kennett, Richardson & Stead.
Stead? No way. His average at home this year with bonus points is 7.48 (bear in mind you score 5 by beating reserves riding at number 5). Olly Allen is far superior at Coventry for a start and he has some bottle, something you need in SWC's and GP's.


I'd go with Star Ladys suggestion of the obvious top 3. Then I'd go with Woffinden and Kennett. James Wright is not good enough at Coventry in the league and doesn't yet have the pedigree to step up (ok, Kennett did it last year some how and fair play to him) so I'd go with the guys who have shown they can do it at Coventry. Ed seems to have learnt the place now and Tai won heat 15 for Sheffield here earlier in the season.


Id' have Bridger ahead of Wright TBH, on the proviso he messes about again, gets in the papers for the wrong things again and he'll never ride in the SWC again (until another manager comes along and has other ideas).



For God sake make sure there are loads of young Brits in the pits! The Aussies do it, make sure every rider who was in the Under 21 final gets an invite.

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I just cannot believe some of the posters on here....... so you really think we have decent riders do you? How would we assess what is 'decent'? Surely we are talking Internationally here? OK so lets look at the teams



Tomasz Gollob

Jaroslaw Hampel

Wieslaw Jagus

Rune Holta

Krystof Kasprzak

Janusz Kolodziej


The Poles have 6 bonafide world class riders with a queue of guys behind them who can step in and do a good job



Nicki Pedersen

Hans Andersen

Bjarne Pedersen

Niels Kristian Iversen


The Danes have 4........ they dont have much depth behind them but they still have at least 3 guys who can do a good job......



Jason Crump

Leigh Adams

Chris Holder

Davey Watt (depending on what season he is deciding to have)


Australia have 4 as well..... but they also have depth behind them to step in and do a good job



Freddie Lindgren

Andreas Jonsson

Peter Karlsson


Sweden have 3 imo..... they are looking similar to us but the difference is that they have youngsters coming through who are likely to make it



Great Britain


So using the above for grading the quality of our team this is what I think we would have




Rico (depending on what season he is deciding to have)


we have 3 ..... they arent as good as the standard of the big guns in the other teams apart from Sweden and every year it requires a monumental effort to raise their game for the SWC.............. simply put we dont have depth behind them and we dont have many youngsters coming through who are looking like the real deal.............. add to that the most likely difference in backing that the guys will receive from their 'federation' compared to the Poles and the Danes and Star Lady is spot on


It is not a case that we are giving them no chance before they start........... realistically they have no chance already! ........ and while people live in denial nothing will be done about it for the future




and for those who are rushing to Jim Lynch's defence ........... I thought he concentrated on the right attitude last night..... positivity................... but for me he made the cardinal sin by attempting to respond to those of us who have issues with the state of our present and future international standard by saying we are 'negative' ....... I'm happy for a bulldog spirit to be shown once again but lets get things in perspective and do something about the future


we have to take a risk in the qualifier and blood those youngsters who are the most likely to make the grade in the future

Edited by spook
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I don't really see that he could have named any different a squad - the 12 he has named are probably the best we have which says much more about the state of British speedway than Mr Lynch


At least he hasn't got a squad full of old timers - he's trying to encourage the ones we are going to have to rely on for teh next few years to avoid a humping cos lets face it we aren't going to be anwhere near the top


Teamwise on the night, well I am slightly different.


Nicholls and Harris yes, depending on the track Stead, I would definitely bring in Woffinden - he is a great talent and unique in that imo you can afford to put the pressure on him and he will thrive from it. Fifth rider is perm any one from 3 or 4 imo. I don't like Kennet, I don't think Bridger should be an option. From a heart ruling the head point of view I'd love to see Will get in but being realistic thats not an option either. Looks like Lee Richardson then!


Thing is I can't see it improving for quite a few years - until grass roots speedway gets the attention it needs in this country we are always going to struggle. Even if they DO get a grip on it, it would take a good 5 years for it to bear fruit so we'd best get used to being also rans

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I would go for the following team at Coventry:


Scott Nicholls

Chris Harris

Lee Richardson

Simon Stead

Edward Kennett

Reserve: Oliver Allen


And then following team for Vojens:


Scott Nicholls

Chris Harris

Lee Richardson

Tai Woffinden

Edward Kennett

Reserve: James Wright


All the best


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Guest Schumi

Nicki Pedersen

Hans Andersen

Bjarne Pedersen

Niels Kristian Iversen


The Danes have 4........ they dont have much depth behind them but they still have at least 3 guys who can do a good job......

Don't forget Gjedde and Mads - certainly capable of beating our lads.

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I just cannot believe some of the posters on here....... so you really think we have decent riders do you? How would we assess what is 'decent'? Surely we are talking Internationally here? OK so lets look at the teams



Tomasz Gollob

Jaroslaw Hampel

Wieslaw Jagus

Rune Holta

Krystof Kasprzak

Janusz Kolodziej


The Poles have 6 bonafide world class riders with a queue of guys behind them who can step in and do a good job



Jason Crump

Leigh Adams

Chris Holder

Davey Watt (depending on what season he is deciding to have)


Australia have 4 as well..... but they also have depth behind them to step in and do a good job


Also likely to be in contention for Poland are the likes of Grzegorz Walasek, Rafal Dobrucki and Robert Kosciecha.

And in spite of not riding over here, Ryan Sullivan is still a more than useful performer and will be in the Australian team.


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Clear favourites for the WTC this year have to be Denmark








Mads K


All either awesome riders or riders having the season of their careers or both. Thats a big selection headache - a better one than Jim Lynch has tho (by the way - I'm choosing to ignore that 4 out of the above 7 are currently either injured or recently back from injury)



Jim Lynch has to go risky - Obv the top 3 pick themselves - 4 if Rico is fit. But I'd go Woffinden over every other man in the squad. Its the kind of move that could make Jim Lynch a managerial legend!

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I would go for the following team at Coventry:


Scott Nicholls

Chris Harris

Lee Richardson

Simon Stead

Edward Kennett

Reserve: Oliver Allen


And then following team for Vojens:


Scott Nicholls

Chris Harris

Lee Richardson

Tai Woffinden

Edward Kennett

Reserve: James Wright


All the best


With that first team Rob, I don't think you need worry about the 2nd team :rolleyes: .


I'm with Star Lady and Spook.


Blood those youngsters this year, we are not going to win anything this year, so get some mileage in those youngsters.








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Don't forget Gjedde and Mads - certainly capable of beating our lads.


I didnt


they dont have much depth behind them but they still have at least 3 guys who can do a good job......





Also likely to be in contention for Poland are the likes of Grzegorz Walasek, Rafal Dobrucki and Robert Kosciecha.

And in spite of not riding over here, Ryan Sullivan is still a more than useful performer and will be in the Australian team.



with a queue of guys behind them who can step in and do a good job

Australia have 4 as well..... but they also have depth behind them to step in and do a good job


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