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Dukes v Aces

oxford duke

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Im a Bradford fan, I never saw halifax and the best ever derby i saw was 1997 when the Dukes won 46-44 at Kirky lane in September :) to almost seal the EL title. we were leading 44-40 and in the last race Lyons and Hamill gated for Belle vue and it looked like a draw until screenie divebombed lyons on the first bend. As we were leaving, we walked past the pits, and John Perrin said "well at least the titles going up north!" :!: I think he was being a bit sarcastic. Anyway, what are other fans' favourite match between the two teams? My dad told me about a match at hyde road which i think we won 40-38 just before Kenny Carter died in 1986?

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OD is right - it could have been a League Cup/Northern Trophy type of match though. It wasn't really a classic though. Only notably for Kenny Carter and PC having a ding-dong on and off the track in the second-half.


Can't say I really think of many Belle Vue-Halifax matches as classics. But having said that, Kenny Carter against Chris Morton or Peter Collins was always worth paying to see.

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The Belle Vue v Halifax match at Hyde Road in the 80's was pretty memorable, unfortunately mostly for the crash between Mick McKeon and Mike Lohmann.

That's the first time I had seen a rider deliberately go after another with the obvious intent of causing him to crash.

Can't remember which one it was but he didn't like what the other rider had done on one bend so went hell for leather after him and took him out into the fence on the next. Trouble was he also badly injured himself too.

Anyone from Belle Vue remember this?

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I think I've read something about this Gemini. But, like you I'm not sure who chased who. I do know it was Mike Lohmann who ended up in a bad way though. By all accounts he was lucky to pull through alive, let alone ride again.


The only other time i've seen someone blatantly knock somebody else of was also at Hyde Road. Steve Gresham kicked Louis Carr off as he was going round him. :shock: It was absolute madness! Must admit, we all enjoyed the aggro it caused though. :oops:

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Dont forget kenny carter putting dennis sigalos in the fence at hyde road in the 82 BLRC. started some real banter off with the fans, and ended with ian thomas's roller geting a mud pac off all the non halifax fans.


As for steve the heave and luis carr, dont believe ya, stevie would never do that ;)

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Yes, now you mention it I do remember that one too Dekker. Kenny nearly put Sigalos back in the pits there. Bit of revenge on the yanks after LA me thinks.


As for Steve the heave, I'm sure the Louis Carr incident was one of many from that guy. He was a nutter. :twisted: Enjoyed watching/booing him though.

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yeah i remember it cos Carter let Sigalos get nearly all the way past then swerved across him stuffed him well and true. Typical carter.


As for gresh, he was my first speedway hero, so i know what he was like, he knew how to put bums on seats and would get well rewarded by away promoters for it. But he could take it out too, he didnt moan like lotsa riders do today about hard riding. Gresh dished it out and expected to get some back.

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