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Hard Racing Or Dirty Riding?

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Don't be obtuse, Anthony.


Jonsson caused the crash by running into Gollob - Gollob is quite entitled to change his line.


If Jonsson had as much skill as Gollob, then the accident would not have occured. Unfortunately, while he is fast, Jonsson has limited ability.


All the best


Let me guess, I don't think you've ever raced a speedway machine? Otherwise you would see this ridiculous statement for what it is.

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Let me guess, I don't think you've ever raced a speedway machine? Otherwise you would see this ridiculous statement for what it is.


Lucifer Sam has failed to provide one reason to justify AJ's exclusion. It is a show of extreme desperation, and somewhat disparatory to resort to saying that AJ is not a good enough rider to avoid a crash!


There is no rider in the world that could do anything about another rider swerving across their path and taking out their front wheel.



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There is no rider in the world that could do anything about another rider swerving across their path and taking out their front wheel.


I think the point here is that there can be cases where the guy behind is being a bit of a donut and choosing a line which will end in probable tears ......... but that clearly wasnt the case here


It has been well covered in this thread that Gollob often attempts lines which are a bit different to the other riders..... however from a refs point of view he can only officiate the match or meeting as to what is normal in general and what has been the norm during the meeting....... otherwise it would make a refs job a complete nightmare


If gollob chose to do a cartwheel while pulling funny faces at the crowd down the straight and didnt cause an accident then there is no issue......... but if he caused one as a result of unorthadox behaviour then he has to go......... and I would suggest that the other rider concerned would be trying to give him a permanent funny face


and that is only in a situation where Tomasz is simply choosing an alternate way of riding ....ie the angelic halo version ........................... the fact that he was clearly seen clocking where Andreas was kind of takes away the angelic halo


One thing not raised in this thread is our favourite ref Tony Steele slipping under the radar... most likely because of previous good behaviour............... the decision was a rubbish one and he also never had control of the starts..... very odd to see such a mixed performance from him

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It was Jonsson who miscalculated. He continued to try to go through a hole which wasn't there.

But there was a huge gap on the inside, Gollob knew Jonsson was there and coming through, so a bad move by Gollob imo, I think he knew his bike would definitely touch Jonssons.

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One thing not raised in this thread is our favourite ref Tony Steele slipping under the radar...


Not true:


But, realistically, the default setting of referees like Steele is to take the easiest option, so it wasn't a surprise to see Gollob in the re-run.


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A fair bit of twaddle on this thread.

Tony got it wrong, Gollob was to blame, blatant foul riding, AJ not at fault

End of............. :blink:

Edited by colincooke
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Lucifer Sam has failed to provide one reason to justify AJ's exclusion. It is a show of extreme desperation, and somewhat disparatory to resort to saying that AJ is not a good enough rider to avoid a crash!


There is no rider in the world that could do anything about another rider swerving across their path and taking out their front wheel.




I see you continue to invent fairy stories - as long as you don't believe in them yourself. :rolleyes:


As I have pointed out several times before, Gollob did not "swerve". He started to turn - as he started his approach to the first turn. He did nothing wrong.


But it seems you'll believe anything you're told. Tell me - when was it you realised that Freddie Lindgren hadn't won the GP. Monday? :rolleyes: Personally I prefer to make my own mind up - and not to follow the flock like yourself. :wink:


All the best


Edited by lucifer sam
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I see you continue to invent fairy stories - as long as you don't believe in them yourself. :rolleyes:


As I have pointed out several times before, Gollob did not "swerve". He started to turn - as he started his approach to the first turn. He did nothing wrong.


But it seems you'll believe anything you're told. Tell me - when was it you realised that Freddie Lindgren hadn't won the GP. Monday? :rolleyes: Personally I prefer to make my own mind up - and not to follow the flock like yourself. :wink:


All the best



:) :)


Once more the best you can do is talk about things that have nothing to do with the debate. Try making a post without throwing churlish insults into it regarding commentators. Or is this now the basis of your argument? Pearson thought Lindgren won the GP so therefore Gollob did nothing wrong. oh dear...


Glad to see that you are changing your version though as you continue to dig. First of all you claimed Gollob was 'changing' his line and was somehow entitled to do so. When pointed out that if by changing ones line you knock somebody off it is in fact dangerous your only response was that AJ was not a good enough rider to avoid it! Its a new in speedway to me, having to avoid being knocked off down the straight!


Now you claim Gollob was beginning his turn.. Again, as has been pointed out, you don't begin your turn before the start finish/line! Also interesting that he did not begin to turn that early in his other rides either. Also interestng to note that after his intial swerve/turn Gollob then straightened, before turning into the corner at the NORMAL place.



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Once more the best you can do is talk about things that have nothing to do with the debate. Try making a post without throwing churlish insults into it regarding commentators. Or is this now the basis of your argument? Pearson thought Lindgren won the GP so therefore Gollob did nothing wrong. oh dear...


Well, now you're putting words into my mouth. Where have I criticised Nigel Pearson? I haven't.


Tatum is a different kettle of fish, however - the bloke speaks pure nonsense. Your "well Gollob must be in the wrong because Kelvin said so" argument is pure junk - this is the bloke who thought fallen riders could be re-instated off 15m :rolleyes:


Now you claim Gollob was beginning his turn.. Again, as has been pointed out, you don't begin your turn before the start finish/line! Also interesting that he did not begin to turn that early in his other rides either. Also interestng to note that after his intial swerve/turn Gollob then straightened, before turning into the corner at the NORMAL place.


I see you continue to live in the realms of pure fantasy. :rolleyes:


Gollob continued to turn - if he did momentarily straighten up it was because Jonsson rammed him rather hard from behind :wink:


Gollob did nothing wrong.


All the best




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Tatum is a different kettle of fish, however - the bloke speaks pure nonsense. Your "well Gollob must be in the wrong because Kelvin said so" argument is pure junk - this is the bloke who thought fallen riders could be re-instated off 15m :rolleyes:




I see you continue to live in the realms of pure fantasy. :rolleyes:


Gollob continued to turn - if he did momentarily straighten up it was because Jonsson rammed him rather hard from behind :wink:


Gollob did nothing wrong.


All the best



Again and again and again. Tatums knowledge of the rules is irrelevant. What he does have very good knowledge of is, what is safe and not safe to do on a speedway bike. As do Ermolenko and Richardson.


Its time to draw the debate to a close. You are perfectly happy with riders wiping others out. That is fine, 95% of the rest of the world are not.

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Its time to draw the debate to a close. You are perfectly happy with riders wiping others out. That is fine, 95% of the rest of the world are not.




Again, you again try to twist my words, a surefire sign that you are losing the argument. :rolleyes:


I'm not happy with riders wiping other out. However, that clearly did not happen in this case.


The world's best referee, Tony Steele, who had an ideal view, decided that Gollob was not to blame. I concur. This is my opinion, and I'm right. And I don't give a stuff about what you think - I'm entitled to my opinion. :wink:


All the best


Edited by lucifer sam
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Not quite accurate. Gollob looked off the fourth bend not when he made the move.



as lovely as you are ML I have to disagree here....... Gollob clocked AJ, where he was, where he was going etc etc....... he knew entirely what he was doing and when he was doing it........ I dont think he would have wanted AJ off his bike in such a serious crash but the chances of it happening with a move like that are high


The irony here is that he only had to leave it for a few more metres and he would have had every right to turn left and Jonsson would have been expecting it..... and consequently it wouldnt even be discussed


As I said earlier it has been a while since there has been uncertainty over the tactics of someone in the GP field and it will only end in tears if it is suddenly all tactics necessary...even down the straights

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utterly pathetic for this topic to even begin let alone 7 pages.jonsson crashed by clipping his back wheel end of story nothing dirty what so ever.

i recall aj having a very similar accident in poland not so long ago ,cant remember wether is was a gp or world cup meeting

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