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Well done to Rune. The other three were all worried about each other and let Rune have the run on the outside.

As for Rune being way ahead of the others and people questioning his speed, nobody did that when Rickardsson was a quarter of a lap ahead every race !


Thats probably due to the fact Trick was ahead on so many occasions where as Holta has a habit of doing it less often, personally I dont think thereis anything suspect, Holta in the past has shown that if he gets out in front he flies as is the case for a lot of other riders, I just wonder why they dont show that same speed when behind others even Nicki P top an extent, he looked a bit lost when Tomicek would not let him up the inside...


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Harris is looking totally different to the rider that started the series last year, his gating has gotten worse from the tail end of the last year, and his bikes do not seem Jet Propelled like last year, perhaps this is down to his confidence levels but will struggle to get anywhere near the top eight.

Didn't see Brian Andersen in the pits last night is he still tuning for Harris?

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Contrary to what most of You wrote, I think it was a great GP. Very entertaining, with lots of incidents (and accidents, non too seriously). Ullevi is a wonderful stadium and Göteborg a beautiful and traditional place for a speedway GP. Forget those little racetrack out in the woods. This was a very entertaining GP, it did not feel like 4 hours.



Are you an undertaker ???????





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This was a very entertaining GP, it did not feel like 4 hours.

Tell that to my backside after 4 hours! I think that "entertaining", whilst it is undeniably a word, was NOT the word for what we witnessed last night. I won't quot all the comments,but I agree that if GP riders - arguably the best in the world - can be caught out by crappy track conditions, then it's a reallly bad track. Leigh Adams was over cautious all the way through and ended up out of the final. Hans and Gollob went for it and ended up being deposited on their backsides and various other parts of their anatomy. Sadly it wasn't a good advert for the sport we all profess to love. It was horrible to watch, but difficult to stop watching - a bit like a rabbit caught in the headlights.


I hope that all the riders are OK - in as much as they can be with dislocations, bad bruising etc.


If you get rid of all the "man made tracks", there won't be any tracks at all!

Don't you just love that quote? It's almost as good as "purpose built tracks" - they're all purpose built! The word, ladies and gentlemen, is temporary...or perhaps sh**e.

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I. too, found myself not wanting to watch anymore of the GP last night after so many accidents, it was not nice to see. However, trying to look at it from the view of a person who has never watched speedway, I would guess that they would probably find it all quite exciting and entertaining. Personally, I hate to see accidents and normally if I can see that one is possibly going to happen, I cover my eyes, all I want to see is good close racing.

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I know that a lot of people who go to speedway like the "thrills and spills" of it - the added element of danger. Hell - it's probaby what get's riders involved in the first place. But last night took it not just one step too far, but several in my opinion. I would have loved to see a delay caused by the riders protesting about the track, like they did at King's Lynn or Gothenburg a couple of yeras ago when it was rained off, rather than picking riders up off the floor all the time. But as it has been pointed out - Hans Andersen complained about tracks and got left out of the series for his trouble. I'm not usually outspoken about Olsen, but this time he mucked up well and truly (I'm trying to be polite here). The only problem is - who else have we got? Who could take over?

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Should practice sessions be stopped after all riders dont get to practice at league meetings and seem to do ok. And most interviewed yesterday said the track was ok in practice



I'm all in favour of abolishing practice. How many times do we hear riders say how good the track is at practice & then come the meeting it fails to produce good racing?


Domestic experience over Bank Holiday weekends (when it doesn't rain of course!) also seems to indicate that more than one meeting in a couple of days leads to a poor surface that is usually too slick for good racing in the second meeting.


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I am just waiting to see what sort of track he will prepare if Nicki gets 3 of the outside gates in a GP. Will Red & Blue suddenly become c**p



Fool, you obviously didn't watch the GP from Leszno then. :rolleyes:

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IMO, the track last night was far more dangerous than the track at the EL Pairs at King's Lynn this year, which the riders protested about (after rain) and the meeting was cancelled!

Exactly my point.


I get a bit fed up, TBH, with riders not riding on domestic tracks but going out in the GP on tracks like yesterdays. But then again, what would the FIM do to them (let alone the BSPA) if they did? Look at Andersen a couple of years ago. Spoke out and was then overlooked for a seeded place, with much worse riders being chosen over him.

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AJ's ok :)


From www.ajracing.se:

Right after the crash in heat 19 Andreas was to taken to hospital. AJ was complaining about backache but the examinations indicate AJ suffered no serious injuries, thankfully. Andreas' spine and ribs were x-rayed but nothing's been broken. No internal injuries have been diagnosed either.


Probably the "only" result of this very nasty looking crash are seriously bruised back muscles... and a completely wrecked bike.


A lot has been said. Am really curious about AJ's comment on that accident... I didn't see any replays later on, only the ones on Polish Canal+ last night and basing on them I can't say it was Gollob's obvious fault. I'm sure he didn't do that on purpose anyway, even out of order Gollob's not that evil to intend to cause anyone's fall...


Maybe will get Andreas' comment for the website tonight.

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So the "not so clean" shop steward doesn't refuse to ride a track like that, but 2 months ago at kings lynn he refused to race because of a bit of rain. I'm sure he'd have got gollob on his side if he'd started his usual "lets get the meeting off" tantrums. How can the bloke be so two faced? It's either too dangerous to ride or it's not, last night was too dangerous, but the shop steward and the others bottled it.

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AJ's ok :)


From www.ajracing.se:



A lot has been said. Am really curious about AJ's comment on that accident... I didn't see any replays later on, only the ones on Polish Canal+ last night and basing on them I can't say it was Gollob's obvious fault. I'm sure he didn't do that on purpose anyway, even out of order Gollob's not that evil to intend to cause anyone's fall...


Maybe will get Andreas' comment for the website tonight.


Great News. No Mateusz, it was not done on purpose, I think we all know that. It was an awful crash though. I could not watch any more after that.



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a clip can be viewed here:



Andreas tried to overtake Gollob but Gollob had better speed and when he moved inwards AJ hit Gollobs back wheel. As far as i could see Gollob never looke back or anything. AJ was almost side by side by Gollob a short while but had lower speed and should have realized that he would not overtake Gollob there.

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Exactly my point.


I get a bit fed up, TBH, with riders not riding on domestic tracks but going out in the GP on tracks like yesterdays. But then again, what would the FIM do to them (let alone the BSPA) if they did? Look at Andersen a couple of years ago. Spoke out and was then overlooked for a seeded place, with much worse riders being chosen over him.

With the series so weak at the moment, and only 7 <truly> world class riders around. Now is the time for the top 7 to make a stand about these dreadful tracks. Surely they're holding the aces now, where would the competition be without the top 7.

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Have just watched a couple of times the vid Ghostwalker posted here and it only proved that I've thought from the beginning.


Gollob did not look back. It was a normal cut to the inside. Meanwhile, AJ was trying to get outside.. It didn't work and he rode into TG's rear wheel. A typical racing incident. Gollob is not Pedersen.



Edited by Mateusz
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I don't think Gollob was to blame for Jonssons crash, it was a typical Jonsson crash how many times has he had crashes like that in GP's clipping someone's back wheel, he did it at Belle Vue too at the start of the season when he injured his hand.

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a clip can be viewed here:



Andreas tried to overtake Gollob but Gollob had better speed and when he moved inwards AJ hit Gollobs back wheel. As far as i could see Gollob never looke back or anything. AJ was almost side by side by Gollob a short while but had lower speed and should have realized that he would not overtake Gollob there.

You can't see it from that angle, but Gollob looks left 18 seconds into the clip, as they enter the home straight. Someone in the Sky studio made a comment about Gollob looking back and they showed you the head-on angle a few seconds earlier than the clip.


This incident should put an end to the 'I was in front so you can't exclude me' nonsense you get from riders. Gollob should have been excluded for cutting across him. If you allow riders to pick and choose whatever line they want, it will cause a lot of crashes like this one.

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I am no Gollob fan but what was he supposed to do let AJ through & say "after you sir"


Yeah I see where you're coming from but it's a tad dangerous as shown with what it led to. Gollob knew exactly what he was doing and just wanted to slow AJ down anyway possible, I doubt he ment for the incident itself to occur but to be honest where was AJ supposed to go in that position.....it was inevitable coming up to the 1st bend.

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