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Old Heat Results Required !


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I am looking for the following heat results which were never published in the Speedway Star, due to the age of some of these matches they are proving very difficult to obtain, here's hoping.


Exeter V Bristol 26/9/60

Middlesbrough V Belle Vue "B" 22/6/61

Newcastle : All Star Trophy 17/7/61

Eastbourne : Easter Trophy 21/4/62

Weymouth : Best Pairs 27/7/62

Neath V Southern All Stars 25/8/62

Middlesbrough V Sheffield 4/10/62

Rye House : Training School Championship 21/10/62

Newcastle V The Visitors (Originally V Sheffield) 5/8/63

Middlesbrough : Battle of Britain Trophy 13/9/63

Stoke V Rayleigh 21/9/63

St Austell : Cornwall V Devon 1/10/63

Middlesbrough V Australia 22/8/64

Middlesbrough : Battle of Britain Trophy 3/9/64

Wroclaw: 1971 World Team Cup Final 26/9/71

Barrow V Northern Stars 19/9/72


If you can provide a scan of a racecard, I can be reached on my E-mail address


Thanks for any help.


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27 July 1962 - Best Pairs at Weymouth:


Line-up: Weymouth: Buster Brown & Lew Philp, Eastbourne: Frank Bettis & Bill Osborne, Exeter: Roy Bowers & Bob Innocent, St Austell: John Stallworthy (replacing George Major) & Roy Taylor, Weymouth: Ken Vale & Alby Smith, Plymouth: Lew Coffin & Ivor Toms (replacing Ray Wickett), Neath: Ray Harris (replacing Glyn Chandler) and Jon Erskine, Rye House: Pete Sampson & John McGill (replacing ????? Jones).


1. Brown, Bettis, Philp, Osborne, 76.2

2. Taylor, Innocent, Bowers, Stallworthy, 74.4

3. Coffin, Toms, Smith, Vale, 77.8

4. Erskine, Sampson, McGill, Harris, 76.8

5. Brown, Innocent, Philp, Bowers, 74.4

6. Taylor, Osborne, Bettis, Stallworthy, 74.0

7. Erskine, Smith, Harris, Vale, 74.0

8. Coffin, Sampson, Toms, McGill, 76.0

9. Taylor, Brown, Stallworthy, Philp, 74.6

10. Osborne, Bettis, Bowers, Innocent, 76.2

11. Sampson, Smith, McGill, Vale, 77.8

12. Erskine, Harris, Toms, Coffin, 72.4

13. Osborne, Bettis, Wilcox(res for Vale), Smith, 76.6

14. Erskine, Brown, Harris, Philp, 72.4

15. Taylor, Freeman (res for Coffin), Toms, Stallworthy, 76.0

16. Innocent, Sampson, Bowers, McGill, 75.4


Other Races:

John Hammond (Y), Stallworthy ®, Graham Locke (B), ??? Cumming (W), 79.0

Smith (Y), McGill (W), M Wilcox(B), Freeman ®, 78.6


Top Scorers Race:

Brown ®, Erskine (B), Osborne (W), Sampson (Y)

Won by Osborne (75.8) - other places not recorded.


These are not official results but were as recorded in a programme at the meeting.


Locke, Wilcox and Erskine rode in blue - seems that translates into a smiley, typed as a B in brackets!! I'm not technical enough to put it right!!!!


Hope this helps. :)

Edited by Wessex Wanderer
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My heat results are:

1-Brown, Bettis (ef), Edwards (ef) Cann (ns) 77.2

2-Flanagan, Hughes, Innocent, Billman 77.2

3-Sampson, Eadon, Keats, Wickett 77.6

4-Vale, Smith, Cousins, Harris 78.4

5-Brown, Billman, Bettis, Innocent 77.0

6-Flanagan, Wickett, Eadon, Hughes 76.8

7-Sampson, Keats, Edwards, Cann (ns) 76.0

8-Hughes, Eadon, Smith, Harris 77.0

9-Brown, Sampson, Wickett, Edwards 76.2

10-Flanagan, Bettis, Cousins, Edwards 76.6

11-Keats, Vale, Cousins, Billman (Time not known)

12-Brown, Wickett,Bettis, Eadon 77.0

13-Flanagan, Edwards, Hughes, Cann (ns) 77.0

14-Sampson, Keats, Billman, Edwards (Time not known)


According to Speedway Star - Eric Eadon scored 6, John Edwards scored 5, Ray Cousins 3, B. Billman 1, G.Hammond 0

Information also advises Lew Philp rode in place of Ray Wickett. do you know the forenames for Billman and Harris ?

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Hi Steve,


I've emailed scans of the following programme racecards off this list to Jim Henry:


Middlesbrough v Belle Vue B, 22 June 1961

Eastbourne: Easter Trophy, 21 April 1962

Weymouth: Best Pairs, 27 July 1962

Middlesbrough v Sheffield, 4 October 1962

Middlesbrough: Battle of Britain Trophy, 13 September 1963

Middlesbrough v Australasia, 20 August 1964

Middlesbrough: Battle of Britain Trophy, 3 September 1964 (my programme is only completed up to heat 10)


I have a few of the other programmes too but I either haven't dug them out yet or their racecards are blank.


Best wishes





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In reply to post 7:


Ht 1. Hammond (fell) replaced Cann


5. For Billman read Edwards


7. Hammond replaced Cann


10. For Cousins read Eadon, for Edwards read Innocent


13. Wickett replaced Cann


All Stars scorers: Hammond 0, Edwards 5, Wickett 5, Eadon 6, Innocent 1, Billman 1, Harris 0, Cousins 2.


The Hammond brought into the All Stars team was John Hammond


Not sure about Lew Philp's involvement - he was programmed as All Stars number 3 but was replaced by Ray Wickett. Lew Philp was also replaced in his second half race so I think your information has possibly got reversed.


As Starghost says, the Billman was Bill Billman.


The Harris in this match was Geoff Harris.


As before this is from a programme completed at the meeting, not official results.

Sorry, no times recorded.


Hope this helps.





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Been busy this week !

Will post the details on Tuesday - at Belle Vue tomorrow.

Can you confirm if it the league match in September or the challenge match in October you require ?



Edited by steve19620
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Newcastle v Visitors 5.8.63


Heat 1 Mauger (V) Craven (N) Watkin (N) M Robinson (V) ef 3-3 79.0

Heat 2 Kitchen (V) Duckworth (N) Kelly (N) A Jay (V) 3-3 6-6 79.2

Heat 3 J Dews (V) Winstanley (N) R Day (N) I Thomas (yes!) 3-3 9-9 82.6

Heat 4 Watkin Dent(N) Robinson D Jenkins (V) 5-1 14-10 80.0

Heat 5 Kitchen Winstanley Day Jay 3-3 17-13 85.4

Heat 6 Mauger Duckworth Robinson ef Kelly ns 2-3 19-17 82.8

Heat 7 Watkin Craven Thomas ef Dews ns 5-0 24-16 81.6

Heat 8 Kelly Dent Jenkins Jay 5-1 29-17 84.2

Heat 9 Mauger Day Robinson Day 2-4 31-21 82.4

Heat 10 Kelly Duckworth Thomas Dews 5-1 36-22 84.2

Heat 11 Watkin Kitchen Craven 4-2 40-24 81.0

Heat 12 Mauger Duckworth Day Thomas f 3-3 43-27 79.8

Heat 13 Kitchen Dent Winstanley Dews ns 3-3 46-30 82.0


Jenkins reserve replacement in heat 11

Dent for Craven in heat 13.


Reserves race raced before meeting Dent Day Jenkins Robinson f 86.2

Second Half

Novices Scurry Milton Caizley Derek Greaves Bill Bird Tom Easton f 87.4


Diamond Scurry


Heat 1 Dent Robinson Jenkins Thomas ef 82.4

Heat 2 Mauger Watkin Kitchen Freddy Greenwell 78.4

Heat 3 Dent Duckworth Winstanley Caizley 81.2


A rain soaked track led to a Sheffield protest, although the ref pronounced it rideable.

Clive Featherby, Ron Bagley, Tommy Roper and Tony Robinson refused to ride leading to the hastily arranged meeting above. As can be seen the track was tricky leading to walking pace times!


Hope this helps.


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As requested. (23 Sept 1982)


Wimbledon (42) : Malcolm Simmmons 13, Anders Eriksson 9, Kai Niemi 9, Brad Oxley 7, Jamie Luckhurst 3, Alan Mogridge 1, Dave Jessup R/R

Poole (36) : Mitch Shirra (Guest) 15, Kevin Smith 8, Scott Autrey 7, Neil Middleditch 3, Peter Prinsloo 2, Vaclav Verner 1, Danny Kennedy 0.


1: Shirra, Eriksson, Niemi, Middleditch 59.8

2: Oxley, Prinsloo, Mogridge, Kennedy 60.5

3: Simmons, Autrey, Luckhurst, Verner 59.6

4: Niemi, Smith, Oxley, Prinsloo 60.1

5: Shirra, Simmons, Middleditch, Luckhurst 60.1

6: Simmons, Eriksson, Smith, Kennedy 61.3

7: Shirra, Niemi, Autrey, Oxley 60.4

8: Eriksson, Smith, Middleditch, Oxley 60.6

9: Simmons, Smith, Autrey, Luckhurst (f/x) 61.1

10: Oxley, Eriksson, Verner, Autrey 61.2

11: Shirra, Niemi, Middleditch, Mogridge 60.6

12: Autrey, Luckhurst, Smith, Eriksson 61.0

13: Shirra, Simmons, Niemi, Verner 60.6

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