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Towards A More Stable Future..........in Reply To Mark Cox


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Folks, this came about as we drifted off topic in the 'One Off World Final' thread under Speedway General Discussions. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forum/view...78&start=30


We have to bite the bullet at some point, say where we want to be in 3 to 5 years time and then plan a sensible course of action.
If speedway was more a stable sport financially, not run by a group of committed businessman, who change the rules every year, (sometimes every month!) and was attended by enough people to cover costs and to re-invest in grounds, training schemes to bring on new talent... then your dream of a more sensible club set-up, with one rider being paid enough to ride for one club, might happen. You can dream I suppose...


Thanks Mark.

Looks like you bit the bullet and said where we could be in a few years time. It wasn't that long ago when I dreamt of live speedway on telly every week. I ain't finished dreamin' yet!!


Look at the EL...........it's destroying itself trying to pay for the riders travelling, machinery and support costs. It'd be cheaper to pay them two to three times the points money.


Look at the injury list.............more matches, more injuries, more disappointed fans, more guest riders, more confusion for newcomers. One rider, one club would cut this by two thirds.


Look at the hours the riders put in.......................riding an average of 5(?) times a week in 3 countries. No wonder they're accused sometimes of not putting on their best performances.


Now look at the possibilities.............

One rider, one club across Europe

Fewer top riders per team reduces costs which encourages other teams to enter the EL.

More teams in the EL, more variety which encourages broadcasters to put on more matches and put more money into the sport and increase it's popularity. (Yes, we do need more openness from the authorities as to where the money goes but that's for a little later on)

A European Club Championship........even more variety, coverage, popularity, money, sponsorship, corporate awareness.


You can see from that that the riders will be kept busy enough to earn probably more than they do now. There may be some pain in the first season or two but just look at what we'd all gain. You've probably heard it before..........no pain, no gain!

Edited by Mylor
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All this is good stuff and I've read all the threads in 'Speedway-the future'.

I don't disagree at all with the principle of one rider-one club at all, and can see all the potential benefits to a league expansion to the Elite and Euro competition.

But this seems unlikely to happen unless this change is directed from the very top. Every close season we are told that BIG IMPORTANT THINGS are going to be discussed and actioned by the BSPA, and this time 'we really mean it!' In reality compromises are inevitably made and a positive spin is put on any new, so called changes.

What is needed is the FIM is to become more interested and pro-active in speedway(could happen with GP's higher profile) and think about where it wants the sport to be in 5 years time, rather than leaving individual countries to get on with it.

The FIM, a business analyst, promoters from the top countries and the Speedway Riders Assoc. (if its still going!) need to think about what they want the future to be, thrash it out... costs, pitfalls, benefits...etc, formulate a plan of action and then BLOODY GET ON WITH IT! Give us some structure.

Sounds far-fetched, can they be arsed?... I think we know the answer, but lets keep shouting, they might hear us one day...

Lets go racing!

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Well said Mark.


Now if someone in the BSPA were brave enough to propose they send a delegate to the Swedish and Polish promoters associations meetings with a view to suggesting all or at least some of the above we may start to resolve some of the problems and expand the sport's profile.


Hopefully they would then agree to meet with the bodies you mentioned plus, say marketing companies (BSI etc) with a view to setting up an independent body to promote and control the sport at a European level.


Fraid it gets a bit heavy now folks so mind your feet, we're getting into detail.................... :?


It’s primary functions should include the promotion of the sport at all levels, the organisation of European competitions including Internationals and Test Series, broadcasting rights (European competitions), refereeing quality, coaching quality, track and stadia licensing (for European events), track materials & techniques (for temporary tracks, as this isn’t controlled by anyone else), marketing, sponsorship, media relations, ticket distribution and legal issues.


These responsibilities seem to cover a lot of the issues raised by forum members over recent months.


As happens in other sports, licenced stadia, being granted an event, or club championship tracks, would be allowed access to funds raised from broadcasting rights etc. to improve facilities.


Ok...as the Independent Controlling Body this would be a prestige body with a prestige remit set up initially to tackle the problems being experienced at the top end of the sport, however, the whole sport would benefit from the extra exposure, sponsorship, media and coaching elements although these may take a while to filter down.


Ok...it got very heavy but if you got this far, have one on me!! ;-)


If you know of a brave promoter who'd be willing to take the first step, have two on me!! :) ;-)


Grief, I need a lie down after that.


Right, I've pressed Preview a dozen times....................dare I press Submit......................ah well, as I said, no risk, no gain here we go...........click..........over to you!!

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Well Mylor you have certainly thought about this and its great to read rather than kids flirting, people moaning about how the forums gone down hill, etc etc...

What we have to do now is to get as many forum members as possible to agree a set of principles for the future of speedway. I think you Mylor could do a fine job of coming up with these, which could then be discussed, and then finally agreed.... and then as many people as possible would e-mail/write letters... to every single promoter, (or maybe BSPA members to start with), until they are fed up with us that they have to respond... I don't think they'll pay attension otherwise.

Worth a try?...

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Sorry Mr Cox, sir.

The wheels came off me network on Monday (not my fault!!). By Wednesday me boss was on Radio Cornwall explaining why no-one could call in. Been sweeping up the mess since then. Still have much to do but I'll get on the case................drekley! ;-)

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Half way there Mark!!

I'm trying to cover all the topics raised but I've had to draw the line at the one's that tinker with the present way of working, points limits, the banning or handicapping of GP riders etc. I think we can consider them either as fine tuning or not required in the brave new world. It's taking a while 'cos I've come across over 50 relevant points that have been raised. I need to collate them and put 'em in a readable form without boring the pants off the members by the time they get to the 2nd paragraph.


Promotion and Relegation is a biggy of course. I've started another thread on that as the forum can't seem to make up it's mind whether to go that way or not.


Gettin there!!

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  • 1 year later...

Too true, we are still here!!


We started a new thread...................




All went quiet after that, probably because I'd got on everyones nerves by then.


End of Year 1. Not a lot of progress but that was expected. Exponential curves and all that.


Have fun.



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