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Punch Up's

Railway End

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Why is it we don’t seem to have the good old punch up’s like we did years ago?

I do remember seeing some real good punch up’s in the 60s.

Who was the best rider in your team for a punch up?

I’ll put forward Jon Erskine of the Newport Wasps now there was a rider that would have a go at anyone when in the mood. Visiting riders, teammates, Referees or promoters. Jon was a real entertainer and could get the fans right behind him.

Wright or wrong.


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not a rider but auld jimmy beaton used to be fun to watch in the early blantyre years especially the night when he went after nigel flatman with a rake after flatman fenced young jim after a race :lol: when youre a youngster on the terraces thats the kind of excitement you want to see :approve:

Edited by mervjankefanclub
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I have never actually seen a punch up at a meeting, but i remember my brother telling me a bout a Wilkie/Mavis incident at BV.. John Davis brought down Al an Wilkinson on the first bend. All 4 back.. Davis was sitting at the pit gate waiting for the rerun whilst Wilkinson was walking back to the pits. He walked straight up to davis and pulled on his monkey mask and let it twang in to his face...ouch.. :mad:

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Wilkie was usually good for the occasional punch-up. Ah, them were the days. :wink:

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stevie lawson tells a great tale on his testimonial video about one night at workington when big des wilson was coming round to the tapes for a heat when he spotted a guy talking to his (des') girlfriend so he parked up the bike went over the wall and skelped the guy who he assumed was chatting her up :lol:

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Jimmy Cox, "The Buckskin Kid", finishing a race in the early 60's at Old Meadowbank, Edinburgh, goes down the back straight, slows to a halt and in one movement punches a Monarch supporter full in the face. Presumably he must have been giving him stick. Wild character was Jimmy, in and out of the team at that time. :lol:



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A mate told me a story once about Mitch Shirra decking Dave Kennett (Eddie's dad) in the pits at Eastbourne. Kennett's false teeth apparently came flying out.


The best one I heard was Grieves and Fry up at Newcastle a couple of seasons ago, when Zetterstrom was chucked out of the meeting for smashing into Christian Henry.


It got a bit heated but had calmed down until Grieves (who apparently suffers from some sort of bad circulation) was shaking his hands and Fry thought it was an accusation that he was a self abuser, making it kick off again.

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1993 northern riders roman matousek sean wilson. I know its an old chestnut this 1. Sean of gate 4, roman gate 3. Roman comes out to let chris morton (team partner get away for the win), and flicks back whell out and dunks wilson at back. Wilson dives through bend 3/4 and knocks matousek in fence. Matousek gets up and all hell let loose, like a proper boxing match. Those were the great days. :approve::lol:

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GG was fun to watch too.... :rolleyes:



He could jump a pit gate like a Kangaroo, didn't matter to him if he wasn't in the race,

We might lose the match, but we won't lost the $%@&!^) fight, he'd say ...... :lol:


A mate told me a story once about Mitch Shirra


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A mate told me a story once about Mitch Shirra decking Dave Kennett (Eddie's dad) in the pits at Eastbourne. Kennett's false teeth apparently came flying out.


Not sure it was Dave Kennett, I know he knock Kai Neimi out cold at Eastbourne.

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Not sure it was Dave Kennett, I know he knock Kai Neimi out cold at Eastbourne.


You're absolutely right, it was Shirra and Niemi.


Don't forget that Kelvin Mullarkey decked the starting marshal at Plough Lane!



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A mate told me a story once about Mitch Shirra decking Dave Kennett (Eddie's dad) in the pits at Eastbourne. Kennett's false teeth apparently came flying out.


The best one I heard was Grieves and Fry up at Newcastle a couple of seasons ago, when Zetterstrom was chucked out of the meeting for smashing into Christian Henry.


It got a bit heated but had calmed down until Grieves (who apparently suffers from some sort of bad circulation) was shaking his hands and Fry thought it was an accusation that he was a self abuser, making it kick off again.


As a lot of riders do, James held his arm down to restore the circulation in his left hand. Fry's mechanic told Paul that James was making a "jerky" movement with his hand and Paul waded in when James returned to the pits. A few got kicked in the ensueing melee including Paul's mechanic and the Pits Marshall Brian McBean.

Happy days. :lol:



Edited by Tsunami
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Awwww we don't have punch ups like we used to do we :rolleyes:


I remember Andrew Silver and "Uncle Len" both getting thumped at Canterbury


Ashley Pullen he was another fiery little fella :lol: was good at winding it up as well :lol:

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